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I was put my hair and the bottom of the shower was turning all red. It looked like murder scene in here. It was late. I had to bleach my hair twice because it wasn't good enough and then... here I am at like 2:00 am finally getting my red result.

I turn the shower off getting out and grabbing my towel. I wrap it around me and and go into our bathroom closing the other door. I look in the mirror and my eyes widen because my hair was bright red and wet. It looked good. I liked it a lot.
  "Rach!" I walk out in my towel and turn to her and she was on her bed on her phone. She looks at me and her eyes widen.
  "Oh my god!" She says. "It's red! Really red!" She smiles. "It looks so good!!"
  "You should've seen the shower. It was like a serious murder scene," I laugh.
  "Dude. You look hot!" She says and yawns. "And I'm tired."
  "You go to bed. I'm gonna change and probably dry my hair and then go too," I tell her.
  "I'm glad at the result," she pulls her sheets over her.
  "Same," I smile. "Night," I said going back to the bathroom. I pull out the blow dry and close the door.

When I finished drying it looked even more vibrant and I loved it. I felt like a new person in the best way. I change into some shorts and a tank top. I brush through my hair so it wasn't frizzy. I couldn't stop looking at it. I wasn't Rihanna, but the colour so was. This was definitely more satisfying that I actually expected. I walk out of the bathroom turning the light off. I shut the other lights off and get into bed.
I grab my phone and snap Isaac a pick of me looking high as fuck. With the caption.

My heads on fire

And I thought that was way funnier than it really was. I send it laughing at myself. I go onto Instagram looking through the feed before I go to bed. Then I get a snap back from Isaac. Oh, he was up?
I go onto Snapchat and open it. And it was his face and his eyes were closed. He was shirtless... because his chest was exposed. Oof.
He wrote.

I swear... I stayed up to see that! It looks so good🤤

I smile and go into the chat.

ME: I swear you're obsessed with me

He pops in and writes back.

Isaac: I thought that was a given..?

ME: why are you up?

Isaac: I told you. To see your red ass hair.

ME: wow... loyal

Isaac: I know right
Isaac: the BESTEST friend

ME: yeah :/
ME: what should your Snapchat name be in my phone?

Isaac: hottie?
Isaac: yours is daddy hahaha
Isaac: the sad thing is it's true

ME: omg yours will be daddy too. So you feel loved

I mean... not like it was wrong. He was a fucking DADDY.

DADDY: people should be jealous of us!

ME: so jealous!

DADDY: should we get matching 'daddy' tattoos?

ME: do I even need to answer?
ME: obviously!

DADDY: I'm holding you to that!

ME: I'll hold it to you also

DADDY: your birthday?

ME: great idea

DADDY: awesome
DADDY: so... what's up?

ME: not much I'm chilling in bed. Rachael passed out right after I showed her my hair.
ME: hbu?

DADDY: pretty much same. I'm not tired.

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