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I was sitting in my dorm doing "homework" but instead, my mind was just wandering... wandering to Isaac.
He was in class right now, today I didn't have any. I was just thinking about him. Everything when wasn't I thinking about him really? I did love the guy.
But I was thinking about other things. Like if he was okay. Whenever I ask if he's doing good, he brushes me off, and he's been out with his friends a lot. But all I can do is be there for him.

I hear the door open.
  "Honey I'm home!" Isaac says and then laughs at himself. He steps into the room and smiles when he sees me, making me smile.
  "Hey," I say. "I was just thinking of you."
  "Ooh... thinking of me naked?" He asks.
  "No... well now yes," I say and he walks over. His eyes were red-rimmed. He was probably high.
He grabs me by my legs and pulls me to the edge of the bed. He leans in kissing me and all my thoughts and worries disappear. It was just me and Isaac.
He moves his hands to the side of my thighs, closer to my hips. He pulls back, kissing my jaw and slowly down my neck. I could take a break from homework... even though I was barely doing it. His hands find the spot on my skin that was exposed because my shirt has ridden up. He takes that and pulls it off of me and I fall back in the bed as he hovers over me. He kisses my lips and I cup his cheeks.


I get out of the shower and I heard Isaac talking to someone. I change into some shorts and a t-shirt. I walk back into the room and Isaac had his phone to his ear and he laughs.

"Sure," he says. I move back over to the bed and climb up and over him to sit down. "Yeah, maybe like 10-15," he says. "I'm down," he nods and he reaches his arm out and grabs my hand. He laughs to whoever he's talking to. "Yeah sure man," he says. "Okay, see you," he mumbles. "Bye."
He hangs up and looks over to me. "Hey, I'm gonna go to Dylan's place soon..." he sits up more.
"Okay," I shrug.
That's all Isaac has been doing lately. Hanging out with Dylan, smoking weed and drinking with him.
"Where's Rachael?" He asks. Grabbing his shirt from the end of the bed and putting it on.
"I don't know," I shrug. "Probably our with Noah or Ryan," I say and he nods.
"Well, I'll come by later!?" He asks getting out of the bed.
"Sure, if you want," I reply and he looks at me.
"You good?" He asks.
"Why wouldn't I be!?" I nod. "I'm good, I'll probably just finish some school shit and whatnot," I say and he nods.
"I'll text you," he steps over to the bed. "Love you," he grins and leans in pecking my lips.
"Love you," I say. "Have fun," I grin.
"See you later," he says and goes over to the door and leaves.
I sigh falling onto my back looking at the ceiling. It's come to a point where... I didn't even know.
The last week, every time I've seen him, he's either high or drunk. It was like that's all that he cared about. He missed his classes to go out with friends, he comes in the middle of the night drunk. And I just knew it was because of his mom and because he doesn't know how to deal with emotions like a normal person.
It was sad and bad for his health. But it was coming to the point of me getting sick and tired of his behaviour, of him, always being drunk. Hanging out with me only when he's intoxicated with something. And it happens to be that... most of the time he just wants to have sex.
The thoughts swirled in my mind and made me slightly sick to my stomach.
Did he even love me? How come he won't listen to me when I tell him he should stop?
I've tried... I've tried for the last month so hard to be there, to help him get through it. But it's like he didn't give a damn about that. He just wanted to deal with it in his own sick way. Like he didn't care that I was there for him.
I understand it's horrible and sad that he lost his mom, but I'm here and I love him. He's just been neglecting it.

I've tried to push it back, give him excuses. But he was out again today, probably smoking and getting drunk. He didn't hang out with me much, just to sleep with me. So I've finally come to a realization that I need to talk to him, while he's totally sober.
And if he doesn't listen... I'm done.
I can't have someone who cares just about being high or drunk and cares about just having sex with me, then leaving right after to hang out with a friend.

I felt tears prickle my eyes. It was gonna be okay. If he loves me the way he says he does and the way I think he does. He'll listen, and stop this. Because he deserves better for himself and I deserve better than to have a boyfriend that's... being weird. I take a breather sitting up and shaking the thoughts away.
I needed to talk to Ella.
I grab my phone and call her number.

"Wassssupppp!?" She sings out.
"Hey," I say.
"How's it hanging!? How's life!? I miss you!" She asks.
"Miss you too," I sigh. "A lot," I add. "Life's.... annoying," I admit.
"What!? Why!?" She asks. "My life is... boring right now," she mumbles. "What's going on?"
"Isaac," I mumble.
"What's wrong with him?" She asks. "Something happen!?"
"No, not really," I say. "He's just..." I drift off. "Things are weird El," I admit.
"Why!? Tell me everything," she says. "Did you want to FaceTime instead?" She asks.
"No," I shake my head even though she couldn't see. I put my phone on speaker. "I'll just tell you over the phone," I say.
"Okay, I'm all ears," she says.
"Well, you know... his mom died," I start... and go on to tell her everything about what's going on.

After a long time of me explaining to her, Ella sighs.
"Well..." she mumbles. "What the hell!?"
"Yeah," I say. "I don't know."
"You need to rip him a new one Liv," she tells me. "I'm serious. Don't stand for this bs, he's being a bad boyfriend."
"I just feel bad," I admit.
"Well Don't. It's unfair for you to be sitting there while he's being an absent boyfriend and barley acknowledging you," she says and I nod. I knew she was right.
"Yeah, I wanted to talk to him later," I say. "What if..." I drift not wanting to really say it. "What if... he doesn't want to change."
She stays silent for a minute.
"That's up to you," she says in a more quiet voice and I nod.
"Yeah," I say.
"I'm sorry babes, that sucks," she remarks and I shrug.
"It's fine," I say. "I'm sure it'll be fine."
I wasn't sure it'll be fine, I was just hoping it will be fine.
"Yeah, the guy loves you, it'll be good!" She says. "Maybe he just needs that talk.. you know."
"Yeah," I nod. "Thanks, for letting me rant."
"Don't thank me!" She says. "It's what I'm here for! Duh. We're best friends," she laughs.
"Yeah," I grin. "Love ya!"
"Love ya more!" She replies. "Now, I gotta tell you!" She chirps. "Travis."
"Right... Travis," I nod. "What's going on there?"
"A lot," she sighs and then giggles. "There's so much you need to know!" She exclaims and I laugh.
"Just tell me already!" I say excited to know about what's going on with Ella lately.
I can deal with Isaac later tonight, I wanted to get my mind off of him, and Ella was the perfect person to help with that.



Sorry for the late update guys! I've been super busy and you know life's crazy lately. But I hope you guys like this chapter. It's not the best, kind of short. But I just wanted to update something for you! I'll make the next one better. Sorry! Love ya guys❤️


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