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I wake up, with Isaac close and his arms wrapped around me. I felt his chest rising and falling. I look up and see he's still asleep. You could see the bags under his eyes from last night. His hair has called over his face. I move it. He looked so peaceful and yet I knew he was gonna have a killer headache when he woke up.
Last night was funny, the rest of it. He kept saying random compliments and cute things. And he tried to flirt with me like he was trying to date even though we are dating now. It was cute. He's an idiot, but a cute one. As cheesy as it sounds.
He shuffles and I see his eyes flutter open. He blinks and then shuts his eyes hard.

"Oh god," he groans.
"I have Advil in the side drawer," I tell him. "And water."
He turns over grabbing it.
  "I hate drinking," he mutters.
  "Yeah, you were quite drunk last night," I grin and he turns to me.
  "How annoying was I?" He asks.
  "You don't remember?" I ask back.
  "I remember flirting with you like you were a girl I wanted to ask out," he laughs.
  "Yeah," I nod. "That's exactly what. And you kept calling me hot, and staring at me," I roll my eyes.
  "Oh... so I was just being extremely charming?" He asks and I shake my head.
  "You're being more annoying now than last night," I sigh and he chuckles.
  "Sorry," he closes his eyes. "I need to sleep for like 3 years," he adds and I laugh.
  "Go back to bed," I tell him and he grabs my hand pulling my arm around him.
  "Help... me..." he says dramatically and I grin at him. He opens his eyes. "I haven't had to deal with a bad hangover in a bit," he admits and I nod.
  "I can tell," I said.
  "I hate it," he mutters. He grabs the blanket pulling it over both of us. "Much better."
  "Hello darkness my old friend," I sing and he laughs. He pulls me closer pecking my lips.
  "Thanks for actually dealing with me last night," he tells me and I smile.
  "You don't need to thank me, because you've dealt with drunk me many times," I laugh. "And I'm sure I'm worse."
  "I'm sure you're worse too," he says and I push him making him laugh. "Kidding," he says grabbing my hand interlocking our fingers. "I'm sure you're worse in a good way."
"Oh my god, I hate you," I laugh and I see him smile. It was dark under the blanket but there was some light coming in.
"This is s nice duvet where did you get it from?" He asks poking at the blanket.
"You sounded like a mom," I state and he laughs. "And like my mom when she got it," I add. "It's from Ikea."
"I love that place," he says.
"Same," I nod. "If you don't love it, are you even living?" He chuckles and nods.
"Yeah, and the best part is testing the beds," he states.
"Exactly," I nod. "I almost fell asleep on PHE. True story," I say. "Then my mom pretty much woke me up and angry," I roll my eyes.
"My mom would've done the same. But probably kick me out of the bed physically," he laughs. "So... does this mean we have to go on an Ikea date?" He asks.
"Obviously," I nod and he grins.
"Cool, when do you not work?" He asks. " I can't today. I might die, as dramatic as that sounds."
"Tuesday is the next day I have off," I tell him.
"Tuesday it is. And we're skipping class, it's Ikea," he says and I smile.
"Okay," I agree.
He leans in kissing me, I felt myself just melt into the kiss immediately. He puts his hand down to my thigh and pulls me on top of him.
Then there was a loud knock on the door making us pull away from kissing.
"Who's that?" He asks.
"My mom," I say sarcastically. "I don't know."
He laughs.
"Hold on," I get off of the bed and go over to the door.
I open it and Alex was standing there. He looks over to me, then his eyes take over my whole body. He looked noticeably annoyed, or something.

"Can I help you?" I ask and he sighs.
"Is... is Isaac here?" He asks.
"I need to talk to him," he replies. "If he's here..." he drifts.
"Hold on," I mutter and walk back over keeping the door open. "Isaac, Alex is here for you," I tell him and he looks over.
"Alex?" He asks and I nod. He gets out of bed, just in his briefs. He grabs his pants and shirt.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, so see you later," I tell him.
"Yeah, I'll go get us coffee," he nods pecking my lips and I head to the washroom. "What's up, dude?"
"Hey..." I hear Alex's voice drift. I turn the shower on and gather a towel on the rack. I undress and get into the shower.
Wonder what Alex wanted. And why he seemed so annoyed when he saw me. Does he think he's the only one to move on and be with someone else? It's none of his business. I hate it.

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