Wrong locker room

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"This was all your stuff" My dad put the last box from the car in my room. "I still can't believe it! My little girl is going to college" he hugs me and sighs. "Dad! It would be embarrassing when my roommate would see this" "okay. get it" my dad let me go. "Your mom would be proud of you" I smile at him. "Thanks" I hug him one last time before he says goodbye and leaves.

I am putting my mom's picture on my nightstand when the door open. "You're here!" A voice whoops and when I turn around, there's a brown-haired girl standing in the doorway. "I'm Piper, I'm your roommate and I'm also the captain of the cheerleaders" she hugs me. "I'm Nike." "Nike? Like the sports brand?" I'm nodding. "Wow beautiful name! Let me show you the grounds" she takes my hand and pulls me behind her.

When Piper's done showing me around, we go back to our room. All my stuff is already put away, so I'm on my bed.  "Did you come here alone or did you bring a girlfriend or maybe even a boyfriend?" Piper looks at me curiously. "I'm only asking because I don't know many people who would move from New York to LA to go to college here" "well, I'm originally from here and I lived here for a long time, but when my mom died, my dad wanted to get us out of the memories and got a transfer to New York. I think being back in L.A. is a piece of home for me. And to your original question... no, I don't have any friends or anyone else with me, so yes, I'm here alone" "wow, sounds tough! Is that your mom?" She's pointing at the picture. I nod.

"She's beautiful" "She was. My dad always said she was as pretty as a Greek goddess" "Was she Greek?" I'm nodding. "Well, I mean, you definitely inherited that Greek goddess look" I smile at Piper "Thank you" I think my roommate is actually pretty cool

"Do you like cheerleading?" Piper suddenly asks out of the blue. "I was on the team in high school, but I don't know if that's enough for a college team." "Oh, come on, it's not that different here. Wanna come to practice tomorrow?" I'm nodding. "I'd love to." "Great, what time do you have classes tomorrow?" I give her my schedule. "Wow, that looks relaxed! I'll help you find the rooms tomorrow" I nod gratefully.

After the first few lectures, Piper takes me to a cafeteria. "You see that group of three over there?" I nod. "That's Megan Smith and her henchmen, the bitches of this college," I'm nodding. Since Piper has to leave early, I'm gonna take my dishes alone. "Hey Freshman" a voice calls out to me. I turn around and see Megan with her entourage coming at me. "You're a Freshman, right?" I nod. "What's your name?" "Nike," I answer. "Like the Greek goddess, I like that, listen you're pretty and all, don't you wanna hang out with us a little bit? High esteem, Fame and quite a few admirers." I shake my head. "No, thanks."  Megan looks at me confused. "Excuse me?" "No, I already have the cheerleaders and that's enough for me, I don't need all this." Insulted, Megan looks at me. "Then stay with the loser Piper" she snorts, throws her hair back and turns around. Only now do I notice that the whole canteen is quiet and staring at me. I quickly disappear.

When all lectures are over, Piper really picked me up from each one and took me to the next, we walk together to our room. "I don't have any clothes here for cheerleading," I scratch my head embarrassed. "Oh, I'll lend you a shirt from me!" "Los Angeles Devils" is written big on the shirt that Piper lent me along with shorts that say "Cheer!" on my ass in pink.

Arriving at the training, a young woman welcomes me. "Hey I'm Clay. You must be Nike. Piper already announced that you are coming today" she smiles at me. "Hey, yes I am Nike" "Well, Nike. Let's see what you got and welcome to the Los Angeles Devils!" She laughs before she calls all the girls together. She introduces me briefly and then warms us up afterwards. I notice that I have done almost no sports all summer and that my condition is pretty much fucked up. "Well, Devils, do a few jumps and practice, Piper and I watch Nike" she claps and the others disappear a bit.

"Just do what Piper's doing," I nod. First a splits, then a wheel, then a back flip and a couple of flips. I do most of it pretty well. "Wow, Nike! I am impressed" Clay seems to be satisfied and we are allowed to go back to the others. After some practice the training is over, luckily for me, because I'm pretty exhausted. "See you tomorrow, girls" Piper and I are going to put the stuff in the cupboards. "I heard you dumped Megan in the cafeteria" Piper laughs. "Oh no...has word gotten around?""Well, apparently half the college has seen it and rumors are spreading fast around here" I sigh. "Anyway, it's not a big deal  Megan gets the right."

"Let's go to the locker room" Piper runs across the field where the football team is warming up, towards the locker room. "I want to ask Clay something, be right there," she nods. Clay is sitting on the bench. "Clay?" She turns to me. "Hey Nike, what's up?" "I wanted to ask if you can give me a tip on how to get in shape again, ,mine is pretty bad" she smiles. "I like committed girls, if you want I can help you out after cheer practice as a little help" I beam. "That would be great" she nods. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

I enter the hall with the dressing rooms and despair. Which one was the cheerleader's again? I pick the third one and enter. A guy stares at me. "Oh... sorry, wrong locker room." I'm about to close the door. "I guess so. Cheerleader, right?" I open the door again and nod. "Two doors down." "Thanks," I mumble, and I want to close the door again. "Hang on" I go into the locker room "Aren't you the freshman that dumped Megan?" I sigh. "Yes, I am" he laughs. "I am Ondreaz Lopez." "Nike..." "Like the sports brand?" I'm nodding. "I like it", he looks at me smiling. "Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" Suddenly his eyes get big. "Fuck" he sprints past me.

Hey everyone!
I am Anna, a german girl, so please don't be too strict with me. English isn't my mother tongue so not everything will be without mistakes but I try my best!

I would love to have somebody who check my chapters so when you warnt to help me, please text me 🙏

Thank you for reading my story, I will post everyday (hopefully)

Love you

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