press conference

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We get up the next morning together. I get us breakfast from the kitchen while Ondreaz gets ready. After dinner, I grab my bag and we head off to college. Before college I say goodbye to Ondreaz because we have to go in different directions.

During the break I sit at the table again. Luc comes to me. "Hey, I'm free today at midday if you want" he smiles at me. "No, thanks. Kyan helped me. I needed it until last night" I don't look at him. "Oh, okay, I didn't know that. You still want to come over today? We can compose a new song" "no, I have a press conference, which you would know if you read the news in our group" "I've been busy the last few days, I'm sorry" he sighs. "And I'm busy now. If you'll excuse me, I want to spend my lunch break with my boyfriend, as I won't see him again today" I look at him expressionless. "Okay, have fun" he sighs and disappears. 

"That wasn't very nice of you" Ondreaz looks at me. "Why? He dumped me and it was only because of that Megan" I sigh. "Babe, they're together, it's normal to spend time together. We both spend a lot of time together, too," "but I'm not with you because I'm trying to separate you from a friend." "You'll be fine. In three weeks at the latest, the two will be separated again and Luc will have time for you again. And until then, you just spend the time with me" he pulls me into his arms and kisses me on the forehead before whispering "just like last night" in my ear. I release myself from his embrace with a sigh. "But I need him. He's part of my band and no offense, but you can't replace him unless you happen to play guitar" I sigh again. "I don't want to argue with you right now, Nike. Just don't be so hard on him, okay?" I roll my eyes. "All right, but only because I don't want to fight either" I give Ondreaz a kiss.

At 3:00, I'm picked up at the Uber where Kyan and Sam are already sitting. Since we're not supposed to show up all dolled up, we all just wear jeans and a t-shirt. We are driven to the company and drive up to the 18th floor with Noel, Alyssa and Rafael who are waiting for us in front of the building.

Upstairs we meet Allan, Madeline and Kaylee. We welcome them and are led into the conference room where William and our managers are already waiting for us. First William gives a short speech before the managers turn to their protégés. Emma doesn't really have anything to say to me, she just tells me what will be published when and what kind of questions I can expect.

We take a last group photo before we walk into the press room with William at shortly after four. It's full of reporters and cameras. I also discover the cameraman from Miami who is filming for our YouTube channel. We sit down on the couch in the arranged row and smile all over the crowd, while William takes a seat in the armchair.

The first half hour William tells them about the project and how we got together. He introduces each of us by name while we just smile. After that there is a question and answer session. As we are available for individual interviews later, the reporters' questions all go to William.

After three quarters of an hour we are finally allowed to stop smiling and are put between partitions. One reporter after the other comes to each of us and asks us the same things over and over again.How long we have been making music, how we got to Coleman Records, what we think about the project, William and our comrades-in-arms...Emma stands behind me all the time and makes sure that everything is going well.  At the end we all have to go back on stage for pictures. Behind us on a screen our "THE DREAMERS" sign is shining on a big screen, which was designed especially for this.

At seven we are finally alone in the conference room. "I am proud of you!You have left good impressions today" William applauds and explains us now how it continues.  Today at noon an Instagram account was created for us, which is to be taken over by us.In addition, we should all link the account in our Bio in Instagram, so that it is clear that we belong to it.  "Tonight the video of Miami goes online, plus extra videos showing your performances. Spread the videos as widely as you can. Over the next few weeks, our hedgehog is going to do as much promotion as possible to get attention. Your songs will come online one after the other, how you market them has to be discussed with your managers. We will see you again in two or three weeks. I will write to you. Take care" William waves before he leaves the room.

Sam and Kyan are taking me back to the dorm in Uber. I say goodbye to them and go to my room quickly. After I take a shower, I tell Piper about everything and quickly link the Dreamers account in my bio. Meanwhile Alyssa has sent the password for the account to our group and we all log in. Madeline posts our first picture showing us today before the press conference and writes "let the adventure begin" underneath.

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