More than a band

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"Nike, glad you made it so quickly" Emma doesn't look happy at all. "Can we please go to the conference room?" I nod and walk with Alan towards the conference room. "Nike, on your own." Emma looks disgusted at Alan. "No problem, I'll wait here." Alan smiles at me and sits down on one of the chairs in the hallway. I nod and follow Emma into the room.

At the table is Alan's manager Clara. "Hello Nike" she smiles at me pitifully. "What's going on here? Why is Clara here but Alan has to stay outside?" Confused, I look at Emma. "Nike, we have to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to react" Emma sighs. "Emma, what's wrong?" "First tell us what's going on with you and Alan." "We're almost a couple." I'm totally confused. "Is that what you two agreed on? So you're serious about each other?" "Yeah, why? Who says we're not? Is there an article on that?" "Nike, Alan wrote me that you're only doing it for PR." Clara still looks at me with pity. "What?! It's probably just a misunderstanding, why would we do it for PR?" "I was wondering the same thing, after all, you're the most successful girl in the group so far. That's why I met with Emma and we realized Alan was lying to me" "but why would he do that?" I'm all messed up. "His songs have not been successful so far. But since the rumors have been circulating with you, his numbers have almost doubled" "I don't believe it" I shake my head and drop myself on one of the chairs. Clara hands me her mobile and I read the message.

"Hey Clara. How's Nike and my "relationship" going so far? Are people buying our love?" That was Alan's message. "He took advantage of me" my hands clenched in fists. Suddenly the anger grabs me and I jump up and run for the door. When I get to Alan's, everything comes bursting out of me. "You fucking asshole! You took advantage of me. You manipulated me when I was down. You did it all for you!" I yell at him. "Nike, what's wrong?" He looks at me startled. "I'm a great girl, my ass. You asshole did all this just for attention. Or why did you tell Clara we were just having a PR relationship?" "You've got it all wrong. I didn't do it for Fame. I did it all for you, Nike. I wanted to protect you from the heartache by distracting you from Ondreaz, and it worked." "Shut up, you lying bastard. You didn't do that for me." I laugh ironically. "FYI, our PR relationship is over and you are dead to me" I grab my bag and run out of the building. Two blocks away I stop and call Piper. "Nike, thank God. Emma just called, she told me everything, and she's worried. Where are you?" I'm describing the area to her. "Stay there. I'm coming to get you."

When we're in the dorm, Piper keeps looking at me worried. "Are you okay?" I nod. "I'm just pissed" "Nike, I know this whole new me thing is just another wall to protect you from pain, but you don't have to pretend to be the tough girl now and not care." "Piper, I'm fine. Honestly, you were right. I never had feelings for Alan. I just imagined them so that I could get away from Ondreaz." "I know, as a friend, you can tell. You didn't get that twinkle in your eye when you were with him." "I'm sorry. I should never have gotten involved with Alan so fast." "You were just trying to forget about Ondreaz." Piper takes me in her arms. "I'm done with boys for now. I'm done being bullied and hurt all the time." Piper laughs. "You and I are just getting married. Then you won't have a problem with boys anymore" I look at Piper with amusement."Good idea" I laugh.

Next morning, we get shocking news."Alan has left the Dreamers" William writes to our group. "I was aware" I close my cell phone with a sigh. Less than two hours later the news has reached the press and there is wild speculation."Dreamers couple split up? Alan Maddox leaves the project" Luc reads the headline of the article. Meanwhile, we arranged to meet the band in Luc's garage. I sigh. "The next few days my name will be in the press so much again" "but we will stand behind you. No matter how you feel" Piper hugs me. "I know, because we are a band. We stick together" "we will always be more than a band" Mark hugs us all. Suddenly so many words come into my head "I need to write something really fast." Luc hands me his phone and I start typing.

"I can't pretend
To know how you feel
But know that I'm here
Know that I'm real
Say what you want
Or don't talk at all
Not gonna let you fall
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out to you
My shoulders are small
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band
Yeah yeah yeah yeah"

Luc takes his phone and continues writing:
You used to brave the world
All on your own
Now we won't let you go
Go it alone
Be who you wanna be
Always stand tall
Not gonna let you fall
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band

I take the phone back and write the end:
I never knew you could take me so far
I've always wanted the hope that you are
The ones I need
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band

Luc and I immediately set to work to find a melody. The others are a great help and so three hours later we are standing there singing our new song. When we are finished, I see that Piper and Lisa have tears in their eyes as well as me. "I love you all so much. Thank you for being there" more and more tears run down my cheek as I join the group hug.

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