Coleman Records

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In the evening, as promised, Luc picks me up. I decided on a hoodie with jeans and sneakers. "Ready?" Luc looks at me. I nod and enter the building. "We need to get to the 18th floor" we go to the elevator and go up. At the reception desk, we're asked to wait a moment.

"Miss Walker, Mr. Coleman will see you now" the receptionist takes us to a conference room. There are two men and a woman sitting at the big table. "Luc, good to see you" one of the men stands up and shakes Luc's hand. "And you must be the talented girl from Instagram, nice to meet you, my name is Frank Coleman, but please call me Frank, I'm the CEO of Coleman Records" "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here, I'm Nike Walker" "Hello Nike, may I call you Nike?" I'm nodding. "Well, this is William Brown, he will be running the project, and Emma Miller, she will be your manager" I shake both hands.

"First of all, Nike, could you even imagine to release your music and go on tour?" I nod. "Even in a multi-talented group?" I'm nodding again. "Good, then show us what you've brought with you. Your video was very good, but we want to hear more from you" I look at Luc, who gives Frank the stick. "Thanks" he puts it in the computer.

First the three of them listen to "unloved". "The song is beautiful" Emma nods appreciatively. "Nike, can you please tell us something about this song?" William gives me a pleading look. "I wrote this song about many different aspects of my life. About my time in New York, when I changed completely for certain people, about my now still existing dissatisfaction with myself and my problem of building trust with other people and most of all about my search for love and affection after my mother's death" the three seem impressed. After listening to all the songs and asking me a little bit about them, they ask me about my life.

"And you're from New York?" Frank takes out a note. "No, I was born here in Los Angeles, but later I moved to New York with my brother and my father" "and what brought you back here?" "I go to college here" they all nod their heads in amazement "What brought you to music and especially to writing?" "My neighbor started teaching me piano when I was four and when I went through several tough times I started putting my feelings and thoughts into songs and by chance I joined Luc's band. That's when we started setting my lyrics to music" just a nod again.

"Nike, I think you have potential. Your past and the way you communicate your feelings through music can make you a good role model. But now we want to have a live audition. Can you sing us something?" William smiles at me. "Can Luc accompany me?" Frank nods and sends for a guitar. "Can you do Bad Liar?" Luc nods.

The three of them clap when I finish. "Nike, I don't want to be too hasty, but I think once you've signed the contracts, you're in! We will have the contracts drawn up as soon as possible" I nod. "Is it okay if I get my father to sign the contracts? He is a lawyer, just to be on the safe side" "It's good that you don't trust show business blindly, that says a lot about you" Emma grins at me. "We'll have the contracts no later than Saturday, but we'll be in touch, okay?" I nod and say goodbye to everyone.

"That worked out well, didn't it?" Luc smiles at me when we get back in the car. "Do you really think they'll take me?" Luc nods. "They were all over you." I smile. "When my dad comes, I'll put in some demands, but otherwise I'm ready"

Because Piper went out, I'm alone in the room. I'm sitting on my bed, trying to figure out how to get my father to Los Angeles as soon as possible. Without further ado I book a flight for tomorrow at noon and call Caroline to ask her if my father can stay with her. Of course she says yes and when I also tell her why he is coming, she is very happy. Finally, I call my dad.

"Nike, good to hear from you. What's up?" He sounds surprised when he answers the phone. "Hey Dad, I just booked you a flight to LA for noon tomorrow. I need you here for an important matter" "Honey, you can't just book a flight for me like that" "but, I need you really bad" "and where am I going to sleep?" "It's all explained, Dad! You just have to get on the plane tomorrow." My father sighs. "All right, I'll be there." "Thanks, I'll email you the ticket. See you tomorrow" I hang up and see that Ondreaz wrote me. "How was the meeting? Let me know when you get home"

Thxx for 12.5 k reads😍
Love youuu❤️

Different worlds   ~Ondreaz Lopez~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz