Date part 1

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At seven sharp, a car parks in front of the house and Ondreaz gets out of the car smiling. "Hey" I walk up to him and give him a little hug. "Hey, looking good" he looks down at me, smiling. "Thanks, you too" I check out his outfit. He's wearing a red Metallica shirt and black jeans that have holes in the knees like mine. He holds the door open for me so I can get in before he walks around the car and sits in the driver's seat.

"What are you in the mood for? Chinese, Thai or Greek" he gives me a smiling look. "Thai would be delicious" he nods "All right. I thought we'd get some takeaway and I'd show you one of my favourite places here" I nod. "Sounds good" automatically I start smiling.

When we ordered our food and took it with us, Ondreaz paid for me, although I didn't want to, we are sitting in the car again. After a short drive, Ondreaz stops. "We are here" he smiles at me as he gets out of the car. "Best leave your shoes here, otherwise they will get wet" confused, as we are on a cliff, I nod and slip out of my Nikes and socks.

Ondreaz gets our food and his backpack from the car. "Come on, there's a path going down here" I stop for a moment fascinated, as the view of the sea looks really good. But when I can separate from the view, I follow Ondreaz down the small steps. Only two meters separate us from the waves. "Not many people come down here" Ondreaz meanwhile walks next to me and we walk towards a pretty big rock.

Once there, Ondreaz pushes himself up onto one of the ledges and let me give him the stuff. He gives me his hand and helps me up. At the top the rock is flat and Ondreaz spreads the blanket. "Sit down" still fascinated I let myself fall on the blanket. "It's beautiful here" I look into the distance. Below us you can hear the waves crashing against the rock.

"I've never shown anyone this up here before. Whenever I want to be alone to think, I come here" Ondreaz looks away a little nervous. "I can understand that. It's soothing here. Thank you for bringing me here, although this place means so much to you" I beam at him and he returns my beam. "Special people like you must be taken to special places" I smile at him shyly but quickly avert my gaze.

Ondreaz hands me my food. I gratefully accept it and open my box hungrily. "Thanks again for paying for it. You really shouldn't have" he waves off. "I was raised to take it for granted." I got to smile. "If you're from Colorado, how come you live here now?" "I only lived in Colorado when I was very little. In high school I went to Nevada, Las Vegas and when I graduated we all moved to LA" he explains to me.

"And how did you get Tik-Tok?" He laughs. "Pretty curious today, huh?" He gives me an amused look. "I like to remind you of my first day, and how you interrogated me at Mocha" I laugh too. "All right, you're right" "So?" He smiles. "My brother and I started dancing together very early on, for example in dance schools, and we often danced at some events. At some point we started posting our dances on Instagram and then last July we published them on TikTok. To our surprise, we became popular within three months and now we both belong to the HypeHouse" "Wow, so hard work?" he laughs. "Sure, but you also need to be pretty"

"And you shoot with your older or younger brother?" "With my younger one, Tony is an excellent dancer.  But with me as a role model he can't become anything else" I laugh. "Sounds like you two are very close" Ondreaz nods."I would say that he is one of my best friends" I notice how he has to smile.  "It's nice when you get along so well with your siblings" I smile."Do you get along with your brother?"   I nod. "We don't see each other that much since he went to college, but we talk on the phone a lot." Ondreaz nods.

Love youu ❤️

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