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Ondreaz will not have a big Part in the net few chapters, so I will release these all today and he will be back soon.

The next morning in college, I'm telling Luc about Alan and me. "We're not together, we let it come up." Luc doesn't seem too convinced. "If you think it's right, go for it, but I think it's weird that Alan has only been hanging out with us since you broke up with Ondre." "Why does everyone doubt him? He's a great guy." I roll my eyes and walk into my classroom annoyed.

At recess, Ondreaz catches me outside the lunchroom. "I need to talk to you and this time I won't accept rejection" he looks at me seriously. I sigh. "Alright, I'll give you five minutes" "so Nike, I know what I did was far from ok, but I was drunk, I love you, Nike, and I know you still love me, even though you made out with that guy the day before yesterday" "Ondreaz, listen to me, yes you hurt me, but I'm over it, really, Alan is helping me with it" "Nike, this is not you! You would never make out with another guy so fast, you're hurt and you're trying to hide it, that's why you do this. The girl I fell in love with was afraid of hurting or being hurt and so she rejected everyone." "Apparently you don't know me. Or you don't know the new me. Your five minutes are up" I pick up my bag and enter the cafeteria.

At noon, I'm sitting at my laptop in front of an empty notebook. I just can't come up with a clever text. My thoughts wander to Ondreaz's words. "That's not you" echoes through my mind again and again. He's right, I think the old me is gone. Here comes the new Nike and already I write the first song. I send the lyrics to Luc to compose something for it. "I want something rocking" I write.

In the evening I sit with Alan on the couch and tell him about Ondreaz and my conversation. "He should've realized what he had on you before he dropped you like that. You were the best thing he will ever have" he smiles at me. "Thank you, that's sweet" "although we would never have found each other without his mistake" he quickly presses a kiss on my lips "You are right" I smile at him. "Did you tell your manager?" He nods. "Well, shall we start rehearsing the song?" He nods again.

As I'm lying in bed at night, I'm thinking about Ondreaz. Alan's right, I was the best he ever had. It's his own fault for screwing up. Lost in thought I go through the chat history of Ondreaz and me and get stuck on the message I wrote him from Florida. I quickly copy it to my laptop and read it a few times.

I yawn as I walk Piper to college the next morning. "Haven't you slept again?" Piper sighs. I shake my head. "About Ondreaz again?" I'm shaking my head again. "I've been up all night writing a song, and I've been up all night composing it, too. I want to publish it on Thursday. I'm going to the studio this afternoon and record it" "remember you have another meeting with the dreamers tonight" I nod. "I know that"

So at noon I'm standing in the studio with Kyan and Luc and play them the demo version of my song. "Well, you sing it, we'll tinker with the instrumental a bit" Kyan shooed me into the recording room. I put on the headphones and stand in front of the microphone. Kyan gives me a sign and I start singing.

Boy I bet you think about me all the time,
In Florida not far from me I'm on your mind
You asked if I would drive down to see
You, as if I haven't done enough for you
You didn't wanna try, you took over my mind,
You kept me tossin' turnin' in the middle of the night
Your car broke down and you didn't get a ride,
Didn't even see me when I took that plane ride
Now I'm going through it but I won't give you a
Call, you let me walk away like it meant nothing at all
Now you're all alone in a brand new state
You can miss my voice you can miss my face cuz
I was the best you ever had, you'll never find better than me
You should've realized what you had, now I'm nothin' but a memory
You wanted me to stay and be a secret,
You'd hold me long as nobody could see it
You never asked if I would be your lady,
My family tried to tell me you were shady
So much drama tried to keep it all inside,
It kept me awake in the middle of the night
I tried so hard I just wanted to be right,
I tried too hard put up too much of a fight
I let you slide when I shoulda let you go,
Now I'm doin' good and you're the one who's all alone
I know you think about it and you know
I was the best you ever had, you'll never find better than me
You should've realized what you had, now I'm nothin' but a memory
You treated me wrong, I wrote so many songs,
I should've known in April you were already gone
I cried so many tears, I just needed you here,
You never came to see me over half of a year
I'm with somebody new,
He cares more than you, it's healing my anxiety to not be so blue
So say what you want,
Do what you gotta do, I know deep down you know the truth
I was the best you ever had, you'll never find better than me
You should've realized what you had, now I'm nothin' but a memory
Oh, you know I loved you boy, we really could've had it all
You could've been the one, but you just let me fall
And now I guess we'll never know, I guess we'll never know

"the song is about Ondreaz,right? Isn't that the message you wrote the one night?" Kyan looks at me a little pityfully. I nod. "Are you okay?" I'm nodding again. "There are two things I don't understand about this song, Nike," Luc turns on. I look at him questioningly."You sing about how you should have known in April, but you didn't know each other then" "September would have been too difficult to sing, so I took his month of birth" I shrug my shoulders. "And what do you mean, he hasn't wanted to see you for a half year?" "That's based on Florida, and I was going to write something in miles, but year rhymes" Luc laughs. "Don't laugh at me, I just got out of my blockage."

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