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Half an hour later, I arrive at Luc's house. Of course I'm there too early, so Luc opens the door in surprise. "Nike, here already?" I nod and enter. "Everything OK?" I nod. "Weren't you just with Ondreaz?" I'm sighing. "Well, I was supposed to be there with him, but he was busy for over two hours, where I was just being looked after by somebody" "oh, I'm sorry" "that's okay"

When the others arrive at 4, Piper looks at me questioningly. I shake my head. We practice for over an hour and when we're done, Piper takes me straight home. In the car I tell her how Ondreaz kept me waiting all this time. "I'm sure he's sorry," Piper tries to make me feel better. "Piper, you don't understand, this is exactly why I blocked Ondreaz in the first place. He has his career, his house and I don't want to interfere with that, but I don't want a relationship where we only see each other in college." "Nike, I get it. I just think you were so happy yesterday before the date, Ondreaz is good for you" I sigh. "I know, I really like him, but I can't do this"

When we're in the room, I take a long shower. "Has he contacted you yet?" Piper asks as I get out of the shower. "My phone is off," I plug it into the charger. "4 missed calls and 2 messages" "what does he write?" "Hey, I'm sorry. Tony said you looked disappointed when you left. We'll talk tomorrow" "were you disappointed?" "Of course, I was looking forward to a day with him in his world and what happened?I chatted up a strange girl with my problems and danced with his brother before I just sat on a couch for an hour" I sigh.

"Nike, can I ask you something?" Piper looks at me worried. I nod. "This suspicion and fear doesn't just come out of nowhere.What did you go through in New York?" I take a deep breath.  "You're the second person this weekend to ask me that" "I'm listening to you, maybe we can figure out how I can help you" I nod and tell her the things about my life in New York that I told Ondreaz last night

"Nike, you have been betrayed and exploited, you have been oppressed and you have been exposed to peer pressure, besides that you needed and were looking for someone who was there for you, who loved you, because your father couldn't play that role. But you were disappointed and hurt all the time, your habit of questioning everything and pushing everyone away from you is normal" Piper sits down at my bed.  "Have you ever thought about becoming a psychologist?" Piper laughs. "Well, I'd probably be good at it," I nod. "But back to you, you have to regain trust in others and you have to understand that we really love you! I didn't know what was going on with you until just now, Nike. You didn't confide in me" "because I'm afraid of burdening others with my problems or dragging them down with me or disappointing them"

"Nike, can I tell you something my mother used to say to me when she had to leave?" I'm nodding. "She always said, there is a space between, a space where two people unite their worlds to be there for each other wherever they are. People have to love each other very much for that to work. So my mother was always there when I needed her. I was never alone, no matter where I was, I always met my mother there. So she was always a part of me" I smile at her. "That's beautiful" "and from now on, you're not alone anymore, Nike, because you'll meet me in our space between, ok?" Tears are in my eyes. "Thank you, I love you so much" I hold Piper very tight. "I love you, too" she holds me tight.

Piper sleeps in my bed all night. When we get up the next morning and get ready, Piper keeps checking me out. "Will you talk to Ondreaz later?" I nod. "What are you gonna say to him?" "That what is happening right now is exactly what I was afraid of and that I might need a little time to find myself" Piper nods.

When it's time to go to the cafeteria, I realize I'm not ready to meet Ondreaz. I skip dinner and retire to the library. Later in training, Piper comes up to me worried. "Hey, where have you been? Everyone missed you in the cafeteria" "sorry, I needed some time alone" "that's ok, but next time write me before I send out a search party" I smile. "promised" "good and now we change and swing our legs a bit" she laughs and runs into the dressing room with me.

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Love youuu❤️❤️

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