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After training I leave the locker room. "Nike, hey" Ondreaz is suddenly standing next to me. When I see him, a mixture of anger and disappointment suddenly spreads through my body. "don't you have training?" I don't put a face on it. "Coach gave me a day off.I wanted to talk to you." "It's nice of you to make time for me," I snap at him.  "Okay, we're back to bitching." I stare at him in disgust, but before I can say anything, he starts talking. "Nike, listen, I'm really sorry about how things went yesterday and I understand you're disappointed..." "Disappointed? Why should I be? You only left me alone for three hours," I interrupt him. "I know it was really crappy of me, but believe me, I couldn't help it"

"you know, what happened yesterday shows that I don't belong there?" "Nike, please, I know you've been disappointed in your life a lot, but please give me another chance" "another chance? And then when we're faced with the next problem, should I give you another one? I'm getting tired," I sigh. "You're tired?" Ondreaz look gets really angry at one time. "Ever notice how you put us before all the problems? If you hadn't been so bitchy or questioned all the time, this would have been different!" I look at him in shock. "Is that how you think?Wow, maybe it was wrong to give you the first chance" "oh yeah, I work my ass off to make this work and you just bitch all the time" "I just bitch all the time?  At least I don't leave you sitting somewhere" "Oh, and what about when you didn't call me?" "but I didn't abandon you because I was dancing in front of some cameras to get some Likes" "that's how you feel about TikTok? Nice to know, from what I hear you were dancing in front of the camera with my brother yesterday."

"What else was I supposed to do for three hours? Sit around and wait for you to come back, sorry I occupied myself " Ondreaz sighs, "I don't think it can go on like this" "No, it can't. I trusted you and you have disappointed me like everyone else, I can't do it" "Damn it, don't you realize that I'm trying to make it all work out?I tried to change your mind when you thought I only wanted to sleep with you. I forgave you when you just ignored me and now you're saying I just disappointed you?   No, Nike, you're always looking for mistakes and problems that shouldn't exist! And until you get that right, this can't work with us" he turns around. "Well, then it just doesn't work" "wow, so you give up that easily? how stupid was I to fight for you? I thought that you are a great girl and that you care about me, how much you can be wrong" "I was wrong about you, I thought you are different" "I am different, Nike.  You just don't understand or you don't want to understand" he gives me a sad look and disappears. I stand there speechless. Damn, why does it feel like he's right?

As if in a trance I go back to the dormitory, I close the door behind me and slide down it. Tears that I have held back shoot from my eyes and I sob. "Nike, are you back?" Piper rushes out of the bathroom. "Shit" she sits down and gives me a hug. When I calm down, I tell her everything. She just quietly takes me in her arms. "I gotta get out of here" I get up and pack my backpack. "Where are you going?" "I have to get out of here, I don't belong here. Will you come with me?" "I can't" Piper looks at me worried. "No problem, I'll be back" she nods and squeezes me tight.

I grab my bike and I ride off. When I get to the neighborhood where I grew up, I stop in front of my neighbor's house. She was a woman who lived alone and I had a tree house in her garden. I get off my bike and ring the bell. When she opens the door, I automatically start to smile. "Hi, Caroline, I don't know if you remember me..." "Nike, child, I'd know you anywhere! Come in" she pulls me into a hug and let me come in. "what are you doing here?" "I'm back in LA at college and I really wanted to come visit you" "that's nice! do you want some cake?" i shake my head. "no thanks" i smile at her.

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Love youuu❤️

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