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I take out my phone and write a message to Ondreaz but don't send it. Suddenly the door opens and Kyan stands in the room, when he sees me, he looks surprised. "Oh hey, I thought there was nobody here. I wanted to be alone" he tries to smile at me. "I wanted to be too" I shrug my shoulders and give him a sign that he can sit with me. The bathtub is big enough for both of us, so he sits on the other end.

" Do you want some?" He holds a full bottle of champagne out to me. I accept it with a smile and take a big sip before I give it back to Kyan, who also takes a big sip.

"Anything you want to talk about?" I give him an encouraging look. He sighs and then starts telling me that his parents are splitting up because his dad had an affair. "I'm really sorry about that," I take another sip. "I feel like I can't talk to the boys about it because they won't understand" "sometimes you think that even though it's not true But it's nice that you trust me" I smile at him.

"Why do you want to be alone?" Kyan takes another sip, too. I tell him about Ondreaz and my problems. "Oh wow, that doesn't sound too good" Kyan hands me the bottle again. "but let's not think about our problems right now and let's have a drink" "I'll drink to that!" Laughing I take another big sip.  

Half an hour later we empty the bottle and I feel the alcohol totally. All the time Kyan and I have to laugh while we talk. At some point I take out my phone and read Kyan the message I wanted to send to Ondreaz: "Boy I bet you think about me all the time, in Florida not far from me I'm on your mind. You asked if I would drive down to see you, as if I haven't done enough for you! You didn't wanna try. You took over my mind. You kept me tossin' turnin' in the middle of the night. Your car broke down and you didn't get a ride, didn't even see me when I took that plane ride. Now I'm going through it but I won't give you a call, you let me walk away like it meant nothing at all Now you're all alone in a brand new state You can miss my voice you can miss my face"

"Send him this. Then he knows what's going on" Kyan starts to laugh again. I nod and laugh too. I quickly press send. We are chatting again, when my phone beeps. "He answered" I laugh. "What, what? I want to know" Kyan whimpers like a little child, which makes us both laugh again. I read Ondreaz's message. "Are you drunk?" Quickly I write back "maybe a little".

All of a sudden, my phone starts ringing. "He calls, he calls," terrified, I lift my phone up in the middle "Give it to me" Kyan takes my phone and answers it. "Yeah, heyyyyy" he puts his hand over his mouth so as not to laugh. "I am Kyan, Nike is sitting across from me in the bathtub" he winks at me. "Yes, in the bathtub" at the moment the door opens and Piper walks in with Sam in the company "Here you are, what are you doing in the bathtub?" "Talking" I laugh. "Nike, are you drunk?" Piper gives me a startled look. "Why does everybody keep asking me that?" I sigh. "Shh, I'm on the phone" Kyan twists his eyes. "Who is he talking to on the phone?" Sam looks at me in wonder. "With Ondreaz." I laugh. Piper opens her eyes. "With Ondreaz?"

She grabs my phone and she answers it. "Ondreaz? It's me, Piper" she leaves the room. Sam looks at Kyan and me one by one, shakes his head and leaves the room. I look at Kyan. "I think i fucked up" I start laughing. "You can write a song about this" Kyan laughs too. "Yeah," I jump out of the bathtub and get my laptop.

Half an hour later we've written lyrics. Laughing we go to the boys' room and get the laptop from Kyan. "I still have a homemade instrumentelle on the laptop" he shows me. "Oh yeah, that fits" I grin and we sneak into the basement to record the vocals. When we open the first door, the managers look at us. "Oh sorry" giggling we close the door and move on to the next one.

the recordings are catastrophic because I laugh all the time or make any sounds, But after many tries we also get Kyan's part in the can and go up the stairs again. "I can't take my eyes off you for two minutes" Piper comes towards us sighing and hands me my phone back. I look at Kyan and laugh. Kyan laughs with me. "What were you doing down there?" Piper looks at us seriously. "Only recorded one song," I smile at her.

"Oh dear, but ok Nike, we're going to sleep now" "no, I don't want to go to sleep yet" I sigh. "After I just had to explain to your boyfriend why you are sitting in a fucking bathtub with another boy, you can at least do me the favor" "ok, good night Kyan" I wave goodbye to Kyan and disappear into the room with Piper.

"Was Ondreaz pissed?"I smile at Piper as we get ready in the bathroom.  "What do you think? Of course he was," suddenly I feel guilty. "Piper, can I talk to him?" Piper sighs. "Call him, he's probably still up," I nod, leave the bathroom, sit on the bed, and dial Ondreaz's number.

"Piper, what is it?Is she in the shower with another boy now?"  Ondreaz sighs. "Hey baby, it's me," I say insecurely. "Oh, you answer your phone, too! All the time everybody's asking me how you are and you don't answer! And who's this Kyan?" Without wanting to, I suddenly burst into tears. "Nike, are you crying?" "I'm sorry, I didn't behave properly and I drank way too much and now you're mad at me too" I sob. Ondreaz sighs. "Listen, I'm not mad at you, but let's talk about this tomorrow, okay? Maybe then you'll be more sober. I'll pick you up at the airport" "Yes, please do. I love you" he sighs again "I love you too, Nike" with these words he hangs up

I plug my phone into the charger when Piper comes out of the bathroom. "Did you talk to him?" "Piper, I screwed up." "Yes, you did." "I'm so sorry about everything." "It's all good. We're all just worried about you" she strokes my back "Now go to sleep, okay?" I nod and lay down on the bed. A little while later, I notice Piper lying down next to me.

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Love youuu❤️

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