Freshman and Quaterback

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When Piper comes home that evening, she tells me how great the day with her family was. I'm only partially listening because my mind keeps drifting back to Ondreaz. "Everything okay, Nike? You seem absent" Piper gives me worried looks again. "Just tired" she nods understandingly and wishes me good night.

The next day at college is so long. The hours feel like they go on forever and every half hour I go to the bathroom to check if you can see the hickey under my concealer. In the cafeteria I see Ondreaz but pretend I don't, because I have mixed feelings somehow. I am angry with him for not telling me but at the same time I am sorry that it ended so suddenly on Friday.

I'm gonna run into Piper again later on in training. "Well, did you talk to Ondreaz?" I shake my head. "Not in the mood for it" I return and turn away because I don't wanna talk about it anymore. The one-on-one training with Clay is very exhausting today, because I just can't stay focused, especially since Ondreaz is training with his colleagues only about twenty meters away from us.

I'm glad when I finally stand in the locker room under the shower. Since all the others are of course long gone, I enjoy it for a long time. Out of the shower I slip into my sweatpants and a t-shirt and tie my wet hair up high in a bun. I put on my backpack and leave the locker room.

Football training is still going on and as I step out of the bunker, Ondreaz waves to me and points to his neck. Then he smiles and winks at me. Confused, I grab my neck and need a few seconds to understand what he means. I haven't covered the hickey and it shines in a beautiful purple from my neck exposed by the bun. Without missing a refill I put my hand on it and stomp away.

Arriving in the room I throw my backpack into the corner and let myself fall on the bed with a sigh. I pull my blanket over me and just close my eyes. Why is everything so complicated?

I can hear the door opening.  "Nike there are bad..." I notice Piper pruning as she probably sees me under the blanket. "Have you heard?" I take the blanket off and look at her. "Hear what?" Unsteadily, she hands me her phone. She opens up the college gossip app and it says to me, "Freshman and Quaterback?" "Is this what I think it is?" Piper nods. I'm reading the article.

"Once again, our freshman Nike Walker makes headlines. After giving Megan Smith the rebuff of her life on her first day here, she now also caught star quarterback Ondreaz Lopez at the opening party last Friday. Students could see the two dancing tightly together before they left the party together. According to sources, although both claim nothing happened between them, Nike was spotted with a large hickey on her neck after the Devils' training. Our favorite quarterback and TikTok star Ondreaz waves to her and draws her attention to her neck mark. So what happened between them? We'll keep you posted"

"Great, I look like a bitch in this article" I pull the blanket over me again. "Oh come on, Nike! I stood in the first week with suspicion of a one-night stand with one of the lecturers inside, your guy at least has some standing here on campus" Piper pulls the blanket over me. "Maybe I really should have stayed in New York, where none of this would have happened" "and never met me? No way! The Devils and I are always behind you, okay? No matter what they write in this app" I have to smile a little bit. "Thanks"

"Have you talked to Ondreaz yet?" I shake my head. "Not in the mood right now, like I said," "ashamed you dropped out?" I shake my head again. "I just don't want to talk to him right now because of a couple of things, and please, just let it go. That's my problem, I don't want to get you involved" She nods and gives me a quick hug. "We can work it all out! I don't know how it was in New York, but here we're here for each other, understand?" I nod and press her against me again.

The next day I feel better and the lectures are more relaxed. But in the canteen at noon I notice how everyone is looking at me, but the devils try to distract me from it. It still spoils my appetite. When I take my tray away later, I see in the corner of my eye that Ondreaz gets up and comes towards me. Before I can think about how to avoid this encounter, he is already behind me. "Can we talk? You left so quickly on Friday and yesterday you were suddenly in a hurry too" I lower my gaze and can't look him in the eyes. "Sorry, no time, I have to go to class" mumbling, I pass him and quickly leave the canteen.

Love youuu❤️

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