we are going on tour

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The next day I take my father back to the airport. I hold him close. "Thanks for being here." "You're welcome." He smiles at me. "Nike, promise me you'll call me if there's any problems, no matter what" I nod. "And promise to come home for Thanksgiving." I'm laughing. "Promise, Dad." He hugs me. "I'll look forward to it."

Half an hour later, I park Piper's car in front of Lucs' house. "There you are at last!"   Piper opens the door for me. "You can't bring us all here and say you have great news and then make us wait so long" she sighs. "I'm only 10 minutes late" I laugh. "So what? You know how curious I am" Piper sits on the couch with the others.

"All right, well, as you all know, I signed the Coleman Records contracts yesterday. My dad was there to look over the contracts and to put claims into the contract that concern you" "did you get us free tickets for the concerts?" Marc laughs at his own joke. "No, I had you registered as my band We will all do this project together" "that means we are part of this project?" Joana looks at me in disbelief. "You will be mostly left out of press appointments and shootings, but you will go along to all the preparations and you will go on tour with me as my band" everyone looked at me frozen. "We are going on tour" Luc shakes his head in disbelief. "Guys! WE'RE GOING ON TOUR" Lisa jumps up and falls around the neck of the others who suddenly all talk in a confused way.

"But what about college?" Marc looks at me insecurely. "It's already arranged. The whole schedule will be based on us, only on weekends when we really have time" I smile at the band. "You're awesome" Piper comes up to me and hugs me. "We're going on tour" Lisa calls one last time before everyone joins Piper's hug.

I write to Ondreaz and tell him I could be there in 10 minutes. Piper will drive me to him. As I stand upstairs in front of the door and knock, she is wound up in seconds and Ondreaz beams at me. "Finally, I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't come at all today" he kisses me and pulls me into a hug. "Sorry, I had to tell the band something" I tell him that they will accompany me. We go to his room and sit on the bed. "And what about me? I get to sit at home all the time while they get to accompany you?" He sulks, but I laugh. "What are you going to do? My background dancer?" He nods. "I wish I could," I shake my head. "Sure, we'll keep our relationship a secret, but you'll jump in the background with me."

"That means we won't see each other the whole time you're on tour?" He looks at me disappointed. I shake my head. "I'm only gonna be gone for the weekends, I go on to college during the week" "at least a little, but won't that be too stressful for you?" I shake my head. "After all, you'll be wandering around between two houses all week, shooting videos and going to college All I have to do is play star on the weekends" "well, the moving around is almost over" Ondreaz sighs. "What do you mean? Will the hype house stop?" He shakes his head. "My parents are moving back to Las Vegas" I stare at him. "What about you and Tony? Are you moving away?" He shakes his head again. "We'll move completely into the hype house. My parents only wanted to stay here until Tony and I can get a foothold here ourselves, now that we can, they're going back to our home" I nod.

"I will miss them terribly" "I believe you"  I take him in my arms "But at least you still have Tony," he nods. "And you, of course. I wouldn't move away from here just for you" I smile at him. "That's good! I wouldn't let you move away either" I kiss him. "I hope so" he smiles at me. "When are your parents moving back?" "In four weeks" "If I can help with the move in any way, you let me know, ok? I'll be happy to help you pack" "I'll come back to that, thanks" he kisses me. We spend the rest of the evening cuddled up together in bed.

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Love youuu❤️

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