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"It is my special honor to have her perform here today. Our future superstar Nike Walker" I step up to the DJ on the rise.The crowd applauds. "Unlike other people, I don't make music requests, I sing myself. This is my brand new song "Salt". Have fun" I smile and the music starts.

Oh, oh, I got breaking news
And it's not about you, oh, oh
Oh, oh, I've been breaking hearts too
And I learned it all from you, oh, oh
I got my thigh highs on feel like Wonder Woman
That's when you want all in, but I'm not your woman
When my lipstick pops and I feel like Monroe
That's when you want me most, oh, oh
I'm all out of salt
I'm not gonna cry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt
Tears are running dry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt
I'm all out of salt
Oh, oh, when I'm 'bout to celebrate
Push my head into the cake, no more
Oh, oh, you're the snake pulling my arm
Like my snakeskin Saint Laurent, oh, oh
I got my thigh highs on feel like Wonder Woman
That's when you want all in, but I'm not your woman
When my lipstick pops and I feel like Monroe
That's when you want me most, oh, oh
I'm all out of salt
I'm not gonna cry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt
Tears are running dry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt
I'm all out of salt
Not gonna cry, cry, cry
Not gonna cry, cry, cry
Not gonna cry, cry, cry
I'm all out of salt
I'm not gonna cry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt
Tears are running dry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt
I'm all out of salt

Everyone applauds and I see Alan whistling. Laughing, I bow as the crowd demands an encore. Expectantly I look at Kyan, who immediately knows what I am getting at. He comes up to me. "As a small encore we now perform "suplonely" a big applause for Kyan"

when we perform the song, we go downstairs. "You showed Megan" Piper's hugging me. "Ondreaz didn't think it was such a great move" Alan smiles at me. "I don't care" I smile. "Now let's not let ex-boyfriends and bitches ruin our evening." I raise my glass and everybody toasts with me.

I'm dancing with Alan again as I see Ondreaz looking in our direction. "He's not looking away," Alan whispers into my ear. "I know. It sucks," I roll my eyes. "Maybe this will help with that," unexpectedly Alan pulls me to him and presses his lips against mine. I don't know why, but I think it's a good idea and I kiss him back. And it works, Ondreaz doesn't look my way anymore. I spend the whole evening at Alan's side and kiss him a few more times.

When I get up the next morning, Piper looks at me kind of reproachfully. "What's wrong?" "I don't know, Nike, your make-out with Alan yesterday was just excessive. Sure, Ondreaz hurt your feelings, but making him look like that is not okay." "You wanted me to have a good time and I did. Alan made me laugh" I shrug my shoulders. "Nike, don't flatter yourself. You're just doing this for Ondreaz, not because you think Alan is great" "Oh, and you know that?" I look at her skeptically. "Nike, I don't want to argue with you. I just want to warn you. Don't develop feelings for Alan just because you want to get back at Ondreaz." I sigh. "I'm big enough to take care of myself." "But don't come running to me when you realize that this is not going to be serious with Alan." "Piper, we were just making out." I roll my eyes. "The thing is, you two are in the spotlight and the Internet already knows that." "What?" Startled, I look at Piper handing me her cell phone.

"First couple on "the Dreamers"?
For weeks there was speculation about whether newcomer Nike Walker (19) would have a relationship with TikTok star Ondreaz Lopez, but the latest photos now show that it's not this celebrity that Nike is interested in. At a private party last night she was caught snogging with project colleague Alan Maddox (21). Are the two secretly a couple? The two young singers, who met through their project "the Dreamers", a group of young talents, have never been seen together before. On the contrary, rumors about a relationship between Ondreaz and Nike seemed quite likely and now these photos. Did the 19-year-old Nike keep us in the dark the whole time and had she been with Alan behind the scenes for a long time? There were no comments to the rumors until now. We'll see if "the dreamers" will have their first couple"

"Shit, I gotta call Emma" I sigh and dial my manager's number. "Nike, glad you're in touch." She doesn't sound very happy. "Emma, listen..." "No, Nike, you listen to me now. I don't know what happened last night and I don't know what got into you, but it can't go on like this. I hereby forbid you to perform any songs you haven't realeased. Besides, what is it with you and Alan? My cell phone keeps ringing off the hook because everybody wants a statement. We finally got rid of the Ondreaz rumours, but now there are the next rumours" "that with Alan and me was just a smooching" "until now? Emma sounds surprised. "Yeah, we haven't talked about it yet." Emma moans. "Well, do it as soon as possible and then let me know" "I promise" "well, then, next item. You have to release a new song. Since"unloved" "Space between" and "Gotta find where I belong" will only be released on the album and we realeased "wondering" last week, there is no song left, but you surely have another one, right? "The one I sang yesterday at the party, otherwise no" "you're telling me you've only written one song in the last few weeks?" "I had a block" "then hurry up a little I want at least one song on my laptop by tomorrow night" I sigh. "Yeah, got it" "well then get to work" she hangs up

I let myself fall on the bed with a sigh and text Alan that we need to meet. At noon, I ring the doorbell of an apartment building where Alan lives. We hug to greet each other. "Alan, I have promised my manager that we will talk about what happened yesterday as the media already know" I sit down on the couch in his small apartment. "I know. I read the article. Do you regret it?" I shake my head. "You've been a good distraction, I've had some fun" "Good, because I enjoyed it, too." He smiles at me and leans over to me. "'re a great guy and I really like you, but I just got scammed a week ago. I still can't" "I understand that, Nike. We can take it slow if you like it...I mean, you are such a great girl, musically a star and characterwise just amazing" I have to smile. "Slow sounds good" "good...but I wanted to ask you something else. We are supposed to shoot a video for "the Dreamers" again and I wanted to ask you if you would like to record a duet with me. We could cover David's song "if you only knew". "I'd love to record a duet with you." "Well, you want to come over tomorrow and practice?" "I have one more song to write tomorrow, but I'll come by after."

Thxx for 57k reads
Love youuuu❤️
BTW should I write a second story when this one is over?

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