TikTok star

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The next morning I wake up late and feel miserable. I turn around once more and close my eyes. Piper and I arrived here in the room tonight and Piper put me to bed without saying much. "Are you awake?" Piper's voice still sounds a little worried. I'll just sit up and nod.  Piper looks at me and her eyes suddenly get big. "Uhh Nike ... Ondreaz clearly left you something"

Confused, I get up and look in the mirror. "Oh, no..." I brush my hair away and stare at the bruise on my neck. Ondreaz gave me a pretty big hickey. I sigh. "No big deal. We'll just cover it up" Piper stands behind me and squeezes my shoulders. I sigh again.

"May I know what happened between you and him yesterday?" I nod and fall on the bed. Sighing, I begin to tell how we danced and went for a walk, had a good conversation and finally sat in the sand. "Did you stop because he pushed too hard?" Piper, sitting next to me now, is looking at me with increasing concern. I shake my head. "My shirt slipped up so he didn't want to get under my shirt. he just put his hands on my hips like before" "Then why?" I sigh. "I don't know. Something inside me blocked it and then I had to stop."

"It'll be okay. Go take a shower, you'll feel better, and then we'll go to the mall, okay?" I nod and smile at Piper. "Thank you, for everything" "you dont have to thank me" she smiles at me and shooshes me in the shower.

Piper is right, after the shower I feel a bit better and when we are drinking milkshakes in the mall I almost forgot about last night. Later in the shops we look for each other's clothes and try them on. We almost can't get out of laughing. Finally we get something to eat at one of the Chinese restaurants.

Back in the room we turn on a movie and eat. "Ondreaz just wrote me, he asks how you are. What should I tell him?" "I'm fine" I answer and quickly stuff some noodles in my mouth. "Fine" Piper looks at me a little confused but she's letting it go. "What are you doing tomorrow?" "I'm calling my dad and my brother, do a little bit for college and clean up, why do you ask?" "I'm out with my family tomorrow, so you're here alone." Piper's looking at me on a trial basis. "All right"

When I wake up on Sunday, Piper is already gone. I have a snack in the kitchen downstairs, but I go back to my room. I still have two hours before I have to call my dad.In that time, I'm gonna do some work on my laptop and clean out my desk.

When it is time, I dial my dad's number. He answers after the second ring. "Hey Dad, it's me." "Nike! How are you, did you have a good week?" "I'm fine, and you? Yeah, the first week was great. "Wait, I'm gonna put you on speaker so your brother can hear you, too." "Hey Nike" I hear my brother's voice. "Petro! How's it feel to be back in college?" "Good good with you?" "Great! I'm on the cheerleading " Nice, sister! You got any good-looking football players?" "Petro," my father turns on the disgust.

I'm on the phone with them for almost two hours and when I'm done, I feel really good. The next item on my to-do list is to sort out my closet, things I still wear and things that are just in case.

I get into my first pair of pants and look at myself in the mirror. My thighs look double as wide and disappointed I take the trousers off. Next I try a skirt. But also here my legs are just a disturbing factor. They are much too small for the skirt to look good. I give up in depression and lie down on the bed. My fingers are tingling, which means I have to write.

I open notes on my laptop and start typing. My fingers glide over the keys as if automatically and when they stop I read what I just wrote. "My legs are too thick and then they're too small
I'm everything I hate and then I'm nothing at all
I want him to see me, I want him to stay
But if he says he wants me I will push him away"
He? Who's he? Did my unconscious write about Ondreaz without my knowledge? Ondreaz...the scenes from Friday night come back into my mind and quickly I close my notes.

Rashly I open Google and enter his name. What was his last name again? Lopez ... since I don't really expect to find much about him, I freeze when a page of famous Birthday is displayed. Curiously I click on it and pause. TikTok Star Ondreaz Lopez? Is this the reason why he asked me if I was familiar with TikTok? 8 million followers? He is famous? Why did he hide that? I keep looking...Member of the Hype House...Hype House? Suddenly it clicks...the house with his friends, only that they are all famous, he seems to have forgotten...Why didn't he mention it somehow? Maybe he is not that decent guy after all and really just wanted to sleep with me...was I so wrong about him?

Loveee youuu❤️

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