72. Through the Mountiannn

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"Are you serious??" I backed up with a frown, eyes wide.
"Draco, what-"
"After we all saved your ass from Umbridge's bad side, you're pulling.. this??"
I crossed my arms with a grin. "It wasn't just me though, look around.."
almost every other girl wasn't wearing the correct robes, and sported close to casual wear, with skirts that barely reached past our-
"You're insane.." he shook his head. "Cmon." He grabbed my wrist.
"What?" I asked, pulling my arm back.
"It's my job, (Y-"
"Oh my god!" I started laughing. "You're really about to turn me in a day before the plan?" I asked in disbelief.
"You're the one being petty and uncontrollable!" He pulled me aside from the people in the halls.
"Uncontrollable?? Do you hear yourself?"
He shook his head.
"And you called me petty!" I continued.
"Cause you are!"
"You bully Potter because he wouldn't be friends with you at 11 years old!"
He opened his mouth but stopped.
"Exactly." I crossed my arms.
"What's your problem? At least now you're finally dressing how you've been acting."
Have you ever seen someone's face contort in pure regret?
I hadn't, until that moment.
"That's not-"
"I pray that you didn't just imply what I thought you implied, cause you know that I can break your knees like toothpicks.."
"I would never call you a slut, (Y/n)! You're just.. acting tacky."
I blinked. "Tacky??"
"Yes! You're acting like some muggle girl.."
"You realized you just stereotyped the majority of women in the world?"
"You need to stop taking your anger out on the world because you can't cope with hating someone!" He finally snapped, and I fully stopped.
Stupid. fucking. boy.
I repeated in my head as I practiced some offensive spells.
"Something wrong?" Harry asked as he finished helping a student.
"No. Why?" I deadpanned, my soul clearly burning inside.
"You seem aggressive."
I raised my eyebrows.
"More aggressive than normal."
"It's cause of that stupid blond asshat." I huffed. "I swear, I could go off about how much I wanna kill him right now.."
"He really is cruel."
"He comes across as cruel, but it's because he's the pettiest person I've met and otherwise he's always the life of the party." I rolled my eyes.
"He's also a complete coward."
I laughed. "Yeah, he's also a huge baby and hilariously dramatic."
"And he has great hair."
"Yeah, it's actually kind of wavy naturally but-" I stopped, and looked at Harry who was smirking.
"You bastard!" I cried out. "Getting me to be all sappy!"
He laughed. "As much as I'll never see anything you see in him, I can see how much you love him."
I scoffed and tried to cover my face. "Okayyeahbuthestillpissedmeoff." I said through my sleeve.
Harry laughed and an idea popped into my head.
"Why are we just walking towards the door?? (Y/n), what's the plan here?? Are you-" Jeremy panicked as we walked towards the Gryffindor tower.
"Oh, shush I have a plan." I dismissed.
"Get us caught to spite Umbridge?" Draco asked sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes.
Jeremy sighed, already tired of our bickering.
It was when I knocked on the painting that Jeremy almost fainted.
We waited a minute, and it cracked open.
"Hurry!" Harry whispered as he began to lead us through the dark common room. (Ours was better)
I could feel Draco glaring into the back of my head as we headed up the stairs and into Jay's old room.
"Thanks." I whispered and Harry nodded.
"Go save her." He said with a cheesy grin and Jeremy pulled back the poster that covered the tunnel like a cringey prison movie.
I was between Jeremy and Draco, holding the bag with all of our stuff as we crawled down.
"First thing in the morning, Charlie brings us to the wedding because I have prep to do and because Chris is the maid of honor, she'll have to be there and we just need to get her by the end and bring her home before her mom can stop us?" I recounted.
Jeremy agreed, and I kept thinking.
"Whats the problem with Chris's mom?" I asked.
Jeremy grunted. "She's always been short with Jay, but she hurts Chris a lot more. Never hit her though, mostly just mean words and guilt tripping. But that was usually because she was always working though, and now that she's off work, I don't want to imagine.."
"Especially after the ministry sent her off without checking for spells.." I shook my head.
"My dad will fix it, don't worry."
"I'm really hoping so, Jer-"
"Will you ever shut up??" Draco asked.
"Will you ever stop staring at my ass?!" I rebutted.

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