90. Change (Part 1)

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"I'm so sorry! I didn't have a choice and I know that it's stupid but-"
"Draco." I deadpanned.
"Hm?" He said with a stressed and nervous expression.
"I know." I said softly as I gave him a hug. "I'll see you when we get off the-" I began as I turned to the train, and his hand clasped my wrist abruptly.
"(Y/n).." his voice broke. "Please stay with me."
The look in his eyes shattered my heart, and I looked back to Chris, walking through the train with Donna.
Yeah, maybe change can be good..
I grasped his hand tightly. "I'll stay with you."
"I swear! You need to stop choosing Jay because it's the easiest one!" I cackled.
"He is not! You always confuse him with Potter!"
"Because both of those impressions are just you pretending to boast about Gryffindor!" I accused.
"Okay! How about..." he looked around before flapping his arms in excitement and getting into character.
"Hi~ I broke up with my hot doctor older boyfriend like a week ago and now I'm probably making out with Donna!"
Less adorable.
"That's mean!" I gasped and threw a chocolate at him.
"You know who it is though!" He picked up the piece and threw it back with more energy.
"Shut up!" I yelled back, watching him laugh wildly like I hadn't seen in so long.
It's been too long.
It was honestly like nothing had changed, and it made me feel secure.
Knowing that the only thing pushing us apart was the lingering doom that followed us in the school hallways.
And knowing that no matter the state of things, we'll find a way to make fun of or friends by playing charades.
"Do you think that they'll ever clean these disgusting compartments?" He said in disgust as he looked out the fingerprint stained window.
"Oh, I know! A ferret!"
"We are not playing charades anymore!"
"This is the cabin..?" I blinked.
"Don't be stingy, it'll do." He said "maturely."
I eyed him with an expression of pure disbelief.
"That's a small castle not a cabin, you fuck-nut!"
He blinked, mouthing the insult to himself in confusion. "That's a new one.." he shrugged as he wordlessly carried my bag in for me.
I smiled at the gesture, a certain memory of cleaning a bathroom a long time ago came up.
"Are you coming or will you just stand there like an absolute moron?" He asked from the doorway.
I rolled my eyes and followed him in.
"Dusty.." I mentioned as I scanned the room.
"Who cares, there's a wine stash."
"So they're priests..?" He asked as he swirled his glass of red wine.
"No! No.." I slurred. "They're vegetables! Like, ones a cucumber and a tomato too and they teach about Jesus and god."
"Like.. a documentary.. about veggies?" He asked again as his head wobbled.
"They're recreating the stories from the bible! That's why like, it's got 'tales' at the end.. like stories! Like the ones from the Bible! The stories! From the-!" I tried to continue my very strategically worded argument.
He blinked for a second. "Where's your necklaces?" He asked with a pout.
"Upstairs because I wanna be comfy.." I scratched my head and leaned back on the couch.
"You can be comfy if you believe in yourself.." he spewed out as he too sank back into the couch.
"This is horrible.." Theodore shook his head. "Why aren't we literally anywhere else??" He whispered as he whacked Blaise.
"I told her I owned a winter home! I dunno, man!" Blaise panicked back.
"Sisters! You get us on a double date with sisters and you ruin it now?!" Theodore scolded as they watched Draco and I through the window.
"Be quiet! Let me think.."
"You're both horrible!" I paced. "Horrible little idiots!"
"It was just a spell.." Theodore pouted.
"You stole my drunk!" I yelled back. "And now some girls are gonna come over here because B's an idiot!"
"Hey! How do you know it's my fault??" He asked.
Theodore and I deadpanned, before promptly ignoring him.
I swung my arms in the air. "At least fix him!" I pointed at Draco, passed out on the couch.
Theodore nervously looked away.
"It only works if he's awake huh?" I asked and he quietly nodded.
I sighed and walked up to him, gently tapping his shoulder.
Didn't budge.
Pushed him slightly.
Snored a bit.
Plucked his head.
I hoisted his arm over my shoulder and prepared to drop him, when the doorbell rang.
"It's them!" Blaise silently screamed and started herding me up the stairs as I couldn't get any protests out, carrying my boyfriend's dead weight.
"Heyyyy Olivia!" Theodore greeted. "You must be Gabriella!" I heard as I dropped Draco on the bed of the first vacant room.
Still didn't move.

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