Extra~ Chapter 28

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(Y/N) POV~
The whole week has just been Bokuto ignoring me. The first day of this I decided to give him space, thinking maybe that's what he needs. Then I tried calling him, he didn't answer. He read my texts but never responded. He'd ignore me and walk away from me at school.

So after all of that I have decided to go to his house.

I knocked on the door to then be greeted by his mom.

"Oh, (Y/N) it's so nice to see you," She said.

"It's nice to see you too," I said smiling, "Is Kotaro here?"

"Yes he's in his room, did you two have a fight?" She asked.

"No," I say. Clearly she's noticed something, well he is her son.

"Oh, well if you want to talk to him he's in his room," She said letting me inside.

I walked to his room and knocked on the door, to get no answer but a quiet mumble. I knocked again, another quiet mumble.

I shook my head and opened the door. Bokuto was lying on his bed facing away from me looking all sad, and lonely, it hurt to see him like that. Even though he does act that way sometimes, like when he plays volleyball, but this is different.

"Go away, I just want to be alone," He mumbled.

I closed the door and walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Go away," He mumbled again.

I shook my head again and laid down on top of him. He rolled slightly so he was on his back, and I almost fell off. He looked surprised to see me here.

"Kotaro baby, why are you so upset?" I asked laying my head down on his chest. He didn't respond, instead he rolled back so the he was facing the wall and I fell off and hit the ground.

"Ow," I said rubbing my head, "That hurt"

I saw him look over at me quickly making sure that I was okay. I got back up and sat back on the bed.

"Kotaro, I want you to tell me what's wrong, I'm not leaving until you tell me," I said as I ran my fingers threw his hair.

"You," He mumbled but I couldn't hear the rest off what he said.

"Me?" I asked confused, "What did I do?"

"You where," He said but stopped.

"I was what?" I said, "Tell me please"

"You where with that guy," He said, "You looked happy, did you cheat on me? Did you replace me? Am I not good enough for you? Do I not make you happy? Am I to much? Am I annoying?"

He sat up and looked at me. I could see tears forming in his eyes. It broke me to see him like this, to hear what he just said to me

"No, no, no, Kotaro I would never cheat on you," I said, "You're perfect for me, you make me so happy, I would never ever try and replace you, no one could ever do that.

He seemed to smile slightly, but then it was gone again.

"Then who was he?" he asked, "Who was the guy hugging you in the gym? Sumi seems to like him more then me"

"Kotaro," I said, "He's my cousin, he's stay with us for a few weeks, and the reason Sumi seems to like him so much is because she wants to marry him, or did want to marry him"

He smiled and let out a small laugh.

"I'm sorry," He said looking down.

"There is no reason for you to be sorry Kotaro, you thought I was cheating on you and you were hurt," I said, "I would probably act the same way, and you would also have to face the wrath of Aimi and Asami, Mika would probably be the most reasonable, unless you were actually cheating on me"

He laughed and smiled and I knew that he was feeling better. He hugged me, tight, I almost couldn't breathe, but I don't mind, I'm glad to have my boyfriend back and happy.

But at a point, probably about an hour after he started hugging me, he was still hugging me and I actually couldn't breathe

"K-Kotaro, I.. can't... breathe," I said starting to slightly gasp for air.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just so happy"

I hope you guys liked it
Sorry if it's bad
Thanks for reading
Word Count- 747

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