Chapter 29: The Piercing Storm

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Warning: mild blood and injury

The group looked up seeing arrows over their heads and they ran for it listening to Paralysis' words as they booked it across the valley that was lit with blue fire running in and through bones on dead creatures. The group continued to run before ending up slowing down much faster as the deep dark sands grabbed at their legs. The souls of the damned tried pulling the team down but continued to fail as the team kicked at the grabbing sand.

"Why did it have to be a soulsand valley, just why, what's our luck." Tapl yelled before shielding his head with arms as arrows flew over head.

"Just keep moving!" Dream barked getting the group to run even though it was a bit more difficult as the soulsand's tortured souls kept grabbing the team's legs holding them back.

A6d got out onto smoother ground that didn't contain the souls of the danm and he ran, the group followed soon followed after A6d hiding under a giant shoulder blade of a dead creature to take a moment to breathe. Tapl had an arrow in his arm and he pulled the arrow out dropping it to the ground, but he nauseated as if the arrow had been coated with something, his vision got blurry but he looked up to be meet with the smiling mask Paralysis wore.

"Paralysis, no, you had enough fun for the day, no more tormenting people." George said getting Paralysis to back off which surprised George since Paralysis barely listened to anybody except for Dream.

Paralysis walked over to Dream hiding his back from view but Dream caught a glimpse of it seeing there was several arrows embedded into it. As Paralysis stopped by Dream he lowered his head whispering something, "I sense the portal is near, we're getting closer to it~" Paralysis cooed as he tilted his head to the side.

"That's good to know." Dream said before crossing his arms glaring at Paralysis, "oh and are you becoming a porcupine by any chance?"

"What? No....why?" Paralysis questioned making no mentions of the arrows in his back as if there was none on him.

Dream huffed and shook his head a little disappointed in Paralysis, "arrows, I'm talking about the arrows in your back." Dream said as Paralysis looked away.

"It doesn't matter Clay~ as long as you're arrow free then I'm good~" Paralysis hissed out looking towards the ground before hearing someone talk.

"Let's get moving guys, the skeletons are drawing closer." Techno yelled at the group before taking off back out into the valley.

The group nodded and followed Techno through the valley as more arrows came flying by, the cries of a pale creature was soon heard before the ear piercing screech came as a fireball shot down from the sky. The group scattered as the fireball came crashing down but they weren't prepared for what came next.

"Jump!" George yelled as he leaped over a lava filled ravine that cut through the valley landing on the other side with a roll. Techno jumped over and he landed before stumbling forward catching himself before he fell. Sapnap leaped over nearly missing but his hands clasped the ledge and he pulled himself up.

The group leaped over most of them falling to ground but A6d jumped last not having enough momentum so he didn't make it as he fell down into the ravine, Sapnap and the other yelled in fear to see A6d miss the jump. A6d felt like time had slowed down around him as he fell towards the lava below, A6d closed his eyes not ready to face his fate until he felt something cold gripped onto his arm suspending him in the air meters above the bubbling lava. A6d looked up to be meet with Paralysis grabbing his arm before A6d could say anything he was yanked up onto the ledge where the others stood.

Paralysis let go and walked back over to Dream and stood by him on all fours like a hound of sorts. A6d looked at Paralysis and Dream, but mainly focused on Paralysis not liking his unpredictability. Like from being killed by Paralysis, then revived by him, then saved by him, A6d felt like he was being toyed with in this unpredictable game Paralysis called fun. Could he blame Paralysis though...maybe....maybe not. He wasn't to sure but he hoped Dream can get Paralysis under control.

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