Chapter 53: Echoing Whispers

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Warning: The Madness has just begun....

Voices snapped and barked at one another as hands slammed down onto a table as blue nails tapped ferociously on the table as roped people stood around it, "I had him in my reach, I swear to you, I swear!" a woman snapped as she glared at the other skull wearing person seeing them stare down at the table.

"And then you lost him." the voice hissed not looking towards the withering woman in blue.

"I didn't! I had him swear, I could have latched onto him like that mistake! I could of gathered all the fucking info in the world." Blue snapped at the tall withering figure before tensing as withering boney hands gripped her face.

The cult leader glared at Blue as his eyes glowed pure white, "why not watch them closely, they're already doing what we want, they've already begun the journey to the Nether." the cult leader said, "i can already feel the power seething within my withering veins."

"But i can't watch them, 1.6.4 was the weakest out of the bunch and easy to latch onto like that mistake had done to C-12125......" Blue said, moved her head away from the cult leader.

"I brought you back to life since you had info, you had connections to these people, I didn't bring you back to life just so you can bitch to me. I've already sent a withering angel after the group as you couldn't complete your task" the cult leader said, taking his hand away placing it back onto the table.

"I tried damn it! but something stole 1.6.4 from me! I couldn't latch onto him in time, something else was lurking in his fucking mind I tell you, i couldn't see it, all I saw was its bond latch onto the man" Blue snapped as she glared at the cult leader, "I sent my bond at the man but he kept running around like a feral animal before yelling at me, that's when something stole him from me holding back my chains letting it get to 1.6.4 before I could." Blue explained.

"Was it the 'mistake' you keep repeating yourself about." the cult leader spoke lacking all emotion as his eyes were soulless and pure white.

"No....the mistake has chains like me, but it's chains are pitch black while mine are blue as my name explains." Blue hissed, "this lurker had wires, like cables or veins of sorts, but I never saw whatever it was as a blinding light snapped me out of 1.6.4's mindscape."

"What have you created, Blue...." the cult leader spoke before walking away from everybody with his arms crossed behind his back.

"I didn't create this lurker! I swear!" Blue snapped in a panic, she didn't know of any projects except for the 'Mistakes' project which became a failure, then when that project failed they worked on C-12125 but he eventually escaped containment due to the mistake latching onto him. Blue looked at the other cult members and she lowered her head in shame, she hated to disappoint her fellow colleagues even though these people were new to her.

What latched onto A6d?


"Hey, you doing alright, you went quiet on us." Sapnap said as he looked at A6d who was towards the middle of the group.

A6d snapped out of his daze and he looked away, "I'm not two sure anymore, I keep hearing whispers in my head." A6d said, "I don't understand them, they speak strangely...."

"It's just getting worse, isn't it. We can't leave you behind, who knows what would happen next." George said as he looked at A6d.

"The hermits could possibly watch over him, but i'm unsure about that." Spifey said before hearing a gun go off behind them.

The group turned around seeing a lanky creature with a now broken jaw that hung from lines of muscles as its wings moved and fell apart, a deep grey smoke flowed from the creatures mouth as it eventually attacked the group. Paralysis got in the way tanking the hit as his hoodie was cut open. Paralysis snarled at the withering creature as he shoved it back before whipping at its neck with his tails. The withering creature moved back fast with a smooth yet elegantly gliding motion as its wings opened up creating shadows over the group.

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