♡ Happy birthday, Lev! ♡

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Lev happily skipped to school, full of energy and ready to celebrate his birthday with his lovely boyfriend.

"Yaku-san, Yaku-san! You know what day it is today?"


Lev pouted, deeply hurt. "But-"

"I'm joking, Lev. Happy birthday." Yaku said with a smile, bringing his tall Russian into a hug. "Want to go get sushi after school?"

"Yay, Yaku-san! Yes, yes, sushi after school with Yaku-san!"

"Lev! Don't-"

"What's this I hear about sushi? And with Yaku?" Kuroo poked his head in, grinning lazily at his friend.

"Not for you, stupid rooster. For Lev's birthday."

"Ohoho, but you don't do sushi on any of our birthdays."

"Kuroo, stupidhead! Lev is my boyfriend, of course I'm going to celebrate his birthday. You're just the annoying captain."

"You wound me. Anyways, happy birthday Haiba. Enjoy soft Yaku while you can."

Lev smiled, but before he could reply his boyfriend swiftly grabbed his hand and led him to the gym, kicking Kuroo on their way out of the clubroom. Yaku muttered something under his breath that sounded kinda like 'Stupid Kuroo.'.

Lev laughed and hugged Yaku."You're cute, Yaku-san."

Yaku went to kick Lev's shins, but held himself back. "You're lucky it's your birthday, Lev. Otherwise I would have kicked you."

Practice went surprisingly well and everyone was very surprised when Yaku didn't make Lev do any outrageous amount of receives.

By the time afternoon practice rolled around, Lev had been filled with gifts from pretty much everything, even a small keychain from Kenma who also had a letter from Karasuno's number 10. He somehow, somehow, managed to squeeze everything into his backpack, thankfully.

Yaku and Lev didn't stay for extra practice like they normally do, although this time around nobody was quite so surprised. Right after practice, they changed quickly and packed their bags, rushing out of the gym.

"Where are they headed so fast?"

"You didn't hear it from me, kitten, but Yaku is bringing Lev to get sushi."

"How unlike him."

"That's what I thought too. But now that I think about it, Lev would've been much more excited if it was a rare thing. He didn't seem overly hyped."


"I bet they get coffee sometimes after practice. I see them at cafes every now and then. It always gets me how sweet Yaku is to Lev."

Kenma only nodded, already too lost in his game to pay attention to the conversation. Kenma was closer to Yaku, they talked more often. He knew that anyone who talked about Lev the way Yaku did, it was pretty obvious they were in deep.


As soon as they were out of viewing range from Nekoma, Lev looked at Yaku. "Yaku-san, can I give you a piggyback ride?"




"Pretty, pretty please? With a cherry on top?"

Yaku scoffed. "Fine."

'I'm weak', Yaku thought, although he didn't really mind. Who wouldn't be weak for someone like Lev? He was adorable.

He hesitantly climbed onto Lev's back. "One word about this and you're dead meat, got it?"

"Yes, Yaku-san! I won't tell anyone!"


They made their way to the shop, finding a seat by a window and setting their bags down before heading to the order counter.

"What do you want, Lev? I'll pay."

"Really? Thanks, Yaku-san! But why ask, you already know what I want."

"Right. We'll do two plates of inari sushi, and uh, Lev, what do you want to drink?"

"Whatever you get."

"And two peach teas. Lev, go sit down, I'll be there in a moment."

"Okay, Yaku-san."

Lev skipped over to their table, pulling out his phone and checked on his cats. (Kuroo had gotten all of the Nekoma team addicted to Neko Atsume, and now it was a regular thing for all of them to check on their cats from time to time.)

"He's cute. Does he have a number?"

Yaku turned his attention back to the cashier, who was staring at his boyfriend. "He has a number and a boyfriend. Add a chocolate cake to my order, and here's some cash, keep the change."

The girl nodded, counting the money and setting it in the box, writing their order down and handing it back.

"Hey Yaku-san, why do you look so angry?"

Yaku clenched his teeth. This guy was way too ignorant to how good he looked. "It's nothing, babe, let's just wait for our food."

"Yaku-san! You called me a pet name, how cute!"

"Shut it, or I'll never do it again!"

"Okay! I will, babe."

Yaku was going to object but he had to admit, it was cute.

The food came and Yaku smiled at the waiter. "Thank you."

"Of course, enjoy your meal."

Yaku moved a plate and cup over to his boyfriend, and hid the cake behind the napkin stand.

"Here, Lev. Let's eat."

"Okay! Thank you, Yaku-san."

"Of course."

They enjoyed the sushi but before they left, Yaku motioned for Lev to stay seated and pulled out the cake.

"Yaku-san! Cake!"

"Yep, cake. Go ahead, it's for you."

"All of it?"

"Well it's not that big."

"But you should have some!"

"Stupid, I don't even like chocolate. It's all for you."

Lev happily dug in, and Yaku smiled, quietly taking pictures here and there. If Lev asked, he would just say it was to send to his sister. (Although he still wouldn't, if Alissa wanted cute pictures of Lev she could get them herself.)

When Lev was finished, Yaku brought him now to a nearby park.

"Wow, Yaku-san! You have more planned, you're so cute!"

"Stop saying that, I'm not cute!"

"Sure, sure. Can we go to the swings?"

"Will you even fit?"

"Probably not. But we can try! It's my birthday, I can make whatever bad decisions I want."

"That is not a good idea whatsoever - hey!"

Lev was stuck in the swings before Yaku could say anything else. 'Stupid, cute idiot. Stupid!'


"Yaku-san, I have to go. Alisa says she wants me home for dinner today."

"Okay, Lev. See you tomorrow, and happy birthday again."

Lev smiled fondly, squeezing Yaku tightly. "Thank you, Morisuke. Really, this birthday wouldn't have been so great without you."

"Of course."

Lev reluctantly let go, running towards his house while Yaku watched him run off.

"He's cute."


"Hey Lyovochka! How was your date with Morisuke?"

"How did you know I was with him?"

Alisa smiled. "Big sister magic. I guess he took you to sushi?"

"Woah! You're so cool, Alisa!"

"Of course," Alsia started, "I know I'm cool. But actually, I really just guessed. He seems like a good boyfriend, and you two are so close I figured he knew how much you like sushi."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Lev unpacked his backpack, spilling out all the gifts he had received throughout the day. "Wow, you're pretty popular. Have you opened any yet?"

"Nope. I was gonna do that now!"

Lev opened all of the gifts, setting everything in an organized pile next to him.

"Lev, who gave you these shiny pink heels? They're like, 4 inches!"

"Kuroo-san. Yaku-san says he's weird."

"I can see why. You're a 6'4" tall male and he gives you shiny pink heels?"

"I like pink. It's a mix of Nekoma colors!"

"Okay, but You'd be 6'8" in these!"

"Wow, that's so cool! Do you think Yaku-san will like me if I'm 6'8"?"

"He certainly wouldn't be able to reach you, that's for sure."

Lev frowned and set the heels aside. He wasn't planning on wearing them any time soon.

"Hey, this one's from Yaku-san. I don't remember him giving me anything."

"He might've slipped it into your bag."

"That would be smart! Yaku-san is so smart!"

Alisa smiled. "Open it, Lyovochka."

Lev tore off the silver wrapping and pulled out the card and opened it.

Hey, Lev.

Happy birthday, and I mean it. I'm so lucky to have someone like you as a boyfriend. You mean the world to me, Haiba.

p.s. - i also snuck in an extra sushi for your sister

"Lev, I like this kid. You should marry him."

"Okay, in a few years though."

"Oh boy, Lev, you better. I approve."

"I'm glad."

Lev pulled off the rest of the wrapping to find a glass heart with a silver picture of them on it. A little note at the bottom gave the date the picture was taken, and there was a wooden stand holding up the picture.

Underneath that in the bag was a takeaway box with a note saying it was for Alisa, who happily took it and set it on the counter, then returned to look at the gift.

"I swear, Lyovochka. Marry him."

"I plan on it. In a few years. He's pretty perfect, isn't he?"  


do you guys like the birthday chapters? or should i do just normal ship chapters on birthdays? 

also how is this the 43rd oneshot?? i thought i was at like 23 or something oops 

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