2: Watermelon Sugar

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"Auntie Eroda!" the twin girls smiled with glee as I entered the house.
"Welcome to the zoo love" Michelle sighed as I hugged each of her daughters, Camilla and Jessica.
"Hiya girls. Hi Michelle" the two of us exchanged a hug before heading to the living room to play with the girls. Michelles husband, David, yelled a hello from the kitchen whilst making us cups of tea.

He went out to the football game whilst Michelle and I played with the twins before getting started on the marking. Of course, we turned the radio on and had a little jam!
"So...met anyone recently?" She asked me.
"Not really...haven't in a while" I replied.
"Eroda, why are you so gorgeous yet so single? It doesn't make sense for someone as beautiful as you to not be dating someone"
"I'm just not prioritising romance I guess"

"Mummy! Turn it up! It's Harry!" Jessica jumped around the room.
"Noooo! Not again!" Camilla whined.
Michelle chuckled before turning the music up. I read the title aloud "Watermelon Sugar".
"Why on earth would someone write a song about watermelons? God, pop culture these days" Michelle sighed in disbelief.
"Isn't it a book by Richard Brautigan? I swear David has it upstairs" I replied.
"Oh yeah, it's his favourite. Maybe he named it after that book. But...these lyrics. They make no sense" She ticked away at the essay in front of her.

"Michelle, you are an English teacher! Watermelon Sugar is NOT about watermelons!" I looked at the children who were dancing away before lowering my voice. "It's about oral sex" I whispered.
"Oh, wow" she burst out laughing and I joined her. "Wow that makes a lot of sense now. I hope Mr Styles is getting all the watermelon sugar he needs"
"He's definitely getting more than me" I joked.
"Oh come on! Who's to say he won't provide?"
"You've got to be joking! He's a famous musician! He's probably dating a model"
"Celebrities date normal people"
"Not this one. He's very well known"

We finished marking all the essays over the music before making some lunch.
"Mummy! Can we watch a film?" Jessica begged.
"Yeah of course! Me and Eroda are just going to prepare some lunch. What d'you want to watch?" Michelle asked her daughters.
"Dunkirk!" She replied with glee.
"No! I want to watch Frozen!" Camilla whined.
"Dunkirk! That came out a few years ago, right?" I asked Michelle.
"Yeah. Has the one and only Harry Styles in it"
"Actor and musician? Wow, he has it going for himself" I was astounded. I knew he was pretty young so that was really amazing for someone his age.

"We watched Frozen last week! C'mon, we'll watch Dunkirk then next week it's your turn Camilla. We can watch Moana next time" Michelle decided.
"Auntie, will you stay?" Camilla begged me.
"Yes of course! Me and your mum have lessons to plan" I replied.
We finished making the sandwiches and cutting some fruit before serving it all and sitting down at the table in the living room to work with our own lunch whilst the girls watched a movie.

"It's Harry!" Jessica squealed.

I looked up to see a handsome man on the screen. Wow, he was really good looking. I knew he was gorgeous but...I'd never actually paid attention to his looks properly before. Besides his long hair...God, did I have a thing for long hair. He had grease on his hands and dirt on his face but he was captivating.
"Like what you see?" Michelle teased me.
"Oh shut up!" I scoffed playfully before popping a grape in my mouth.

Soon enough, I headed out and drove home. There was so much traffic it was insane. Saturdays in London...what more could you expect really?

I finally arrived home to see the house beside mine had been sold. I saw a girl with long brown hair with a man, taking things inside with some other people. The brown haired girl spotted me and waved.
"Hi! You must be our neighbour! I'm Gemma, this is my partner" she nodded over to the man who was going inside.
"Welcome to the neighbourhood. I'm Eroda. You need a hand?" I asked her.
"Oh please, that would be wonderful! My brother was supposed to help but...he's stuck in traffic" she sighed.

"Yeah, the traffic was pretty bad today. But don't fret! I'm here to help"
"Thank you so much! Here, you can help with the kitchen boxes!" We shook hands before I headed over to the van to take some things out.
We chattered while we did so though so it wasn't too boring. I found out she had a brother who made music and a lovely mother. She was a journalist but also had a degree and had her own sunglasses range and podcast.
"When your brother is world famous...you become an accidental influencer" she sighed as a vintage car pulled in. "Oh, look what the cat dragged in"

"Is that your brother?" I asked her.
"Yup. And late as ever" she sighed. "You wanna stay? Unless you're busy - being a teacher seems stressful"
"It can be. But it's pretty fun. You should come over once you settle in. Or we can go for lunch"
"Yeah, that sounds great! It was nice meeting you" We shared a hug before I headed inside my house. She seemed lovely.

"Hey Gem, I'm stuck in traffic but I'll be there I promise" I spoke to my sister on the phone.
"Okay well we're are going to get started. See you soon Haz"

I tapped the steering wheel with my index finger and sighed. Gemma had just moved into a new house in South East London and I was supposed to be helping her.
I looked on my right to see a woman with glasses in her car playing Fleetwood Mac. She was beautiful. I sat up to see she had brown hair and gold circular framed glasses. My thoughts were interrupted by her driving off ever so quickly. I sighed impatiently.  One, she's the most gorgeous person I have ever lied eyes on. And two, I was late.

After what felt like ages, I pulled into Gemmas street to see her talking to someone. Oh shit, she's the woman from the traffic. They both looked my way before sharing a hug and the girl went inside the house NEXT DOOR!?
"Better late than never Haz" My older sister sighed as I got out of my car.
"I'm sorry" I sighed as we hugged each other.
"It's fine. Eroda helped a bit - she's my new neighbour. Right, c'mon, make yourself useful. Grab a box, brother"

This woman had a pretty face and a pretty name? Whats next?

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