27: Boyfriend

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The day went by and the interview went smoothly . After that we went back to my house to make some dinner together. It was nice to be seeing someone and to genuinely like being around them. Harry made me so insanely happy. He would give me sweet kisses from time to time while I stirred the pasta and squeeze my cheeks gently, calling me beautiful.
"Hey baby can you pass me the spices?" I asked him.

He watched me add powder and stir before his arms made their way round my waist, his face buried into my neck.
"Are you alright?" I asked him.
"Mhm" he planted soft kisses on my neck, his warm breath travelling down my body. "I just like being around you" he mumbled.
"Yeah because I'm loads of fun" i joked. He lifted his head up, his chin resting on my shoulder.
"I just...I'm so happy"
"Good. That's good" i said softly before i turned the heat down. "Can you get some bowls please?"

We sat at the table eating the pasta in silence.
"D'you wanna stay over again? If you're busy it's alright but...offers open twenty four seven" i said.
"Yeah, I've got stuff tomorrow. But I'll stay over tomorrow. And I'll bring my things"
"Okay" i kissed his cheek gently before taking our empty bowls and rinsing them out. I then places them in the dishwasher.
"You're so independent" he said.
"I guess being alone your whole life has perks" i responded.
"Well...you're not alone anymore" he replied.
"I know it's just...sometimes i still feel it"
"And it's completely normal. I literally wrote a song about my loneliness. Even when people love us or...care a lot...those feelings don't always go away"

"Being alone is nice sometimes. You discover yourself more and sometimes even grow confidence, y'know? Other times...it's...quite daunting" i washed my hands before looking at the clock. "Got to write up your article tomorrow"
"And I have another boring interview" he sighed.
"C'mon, ours was kinda nice! I got to see your face and I kept you company...I'm the coolest to be around"
"You really are. Hey, why'd your parents name you Eroda?" He asked.
"Well...their favourite song was Adore by Prince. They danced to it at their wedding. And they wanted one of their children to have a song reference name so...they chose the first born girl. They realised naming me Adore would probably be a bad idea so they spiced it up and..."
"Adore backwards is Eroda" Harry smiled softly.
"Yup" i returned the smile shyly.

Change of plans, he stayed the night.

"Harry, please text me when you're home" i called.
"I will baby" he responded as he got into his car. I watched him drive off, a soft smile on my face.

"Wow" I looked up to see Michelle across the road.
"Chelle! W-wha...don't you have school?"
"School trip. You owe me an explanation however!" She crossed the road and marched into my house.
"It only happened yesterday!" I exclaimed as i closed the door.
"And you didn't tell me!? I wanna know everything!" She pulled me onto the sofa
"We talked. And well, we both like each other. So yeah, we're seeing each other but we haven't really called it a relationship"

"My best friend is dating Harry Styles...wow"
"Well, yes. You see we act like a couple but...I'm a bit scared so he said we didn't need to make it official if that makes sense"
"Have you guys kissed yet?"
"Well...we sort of kissed in December"
"What!? Wh-when...how did I miss this!?"
"You'd gone home and we were exchanging Christmas presents them...he kissed me. Then we didn't talk for three weeks. And well, we kissed a lot yesterday and today...look Chelle I am sorry for not telling you, really I am. I just wanted to forget about it all and...sometimes I don't want to open"

"Love, you don't need to be sorry. I'm just nosy and I care about you a lot. And I'm really happy for you"
"Thanks. Um, I need to get ready for work but you're welcome to stay till I leave"
"Nah, I'm going out with David. But thanks. I wanted to catch you before you went"
She left soon enough so I got ready for work and headed there.

When I got to the office I said good morning before sitting down and typing up my notes from Harry and I's interview. I'd recorded it on my phone so I had to put my earphones in and type it up before going to print the notes off and typing away on my computer.
"Good morning Eroda" a french accent spoke. I looked up to see none the other than James.
"Morning. You alright?" I asked.
"Yeah I uh would like to apologise for the other day. I had no idea you had a boyfriend. You seemed to quite dislike him" he said.
"Oh yeah uh...it was such a misunderstanding. We talked it through and...yeah. But...how'd you know where I live?" I asked him.

"Oh uhhh you told me. Remember?"
I did not.
"No?" I responded.
"Ah, you must have forgotten"
"Um no James! I never told you where I live"
I said sternly before I stood up and walked past him to get a snack from the vending machine. I knew manipulation as soon as I heard the words come out of said manipulators mouth.

"You alright?" Kaitlyn who sat opposite me was at the vending machine and had seen me storm off.
"Men are so weird" I sighed.
"Oh, you mean James? Yeah he's a bit of a weird one. But you're exclusive so he'll probably leave you alone"

Exclusive. Oh for God sake, I'd called Harry my boyfriend. But...it felt...right. I liked it.
"I am exclusive. I have a boyfriend" i said, smiling softly.
"Exactly. So...he should leave you alone surely" she went back to her chair, holding a bag of peanuts. I whipped my phone out of my pocket and texted Harry.

Do you want to be my boyfriend?

I got a reply instantly. Fuck yes, he responded.

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now