39: Happiness

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"How the heck are you so good at that!?"

Let's just say...a few days after our conversation Harry and I had a heated moment. We didn't have sex! But...other things happened. We were taking things slow which I liked - and he was BIG on consent.

"Fuck if I know" he chukked.
"Well...thank you...for that" I blushed
"Het, you don't need to feel ashamed about anything we do. You have needs - every human being does. And it was an honour to provide yours. M'kay?" He kissed my lips softly. "I love you angel. And...I'm really happy that you trust me enough to do things with me"
"I love you too Harry. A lot" i smiled at him.
"What time is it?" I asked suddenly.
"Shit! We're late! Uhh...right, you should go piss. I'm gonna get our stuff" Harry gabbled.

We made it downstairs and mumbled apologies before we set off to the venue. Tour was nearly over - but it'd been fun. Travelling the UK and Europe with Harry had been such a bliss. We'd learnt more about each other, I now saw the crew as my own friends and it was just nice to be away from home.

Harry and the band were doing soundcheck whilst Gemma (who had flown out on her week off) and I explored the venue.
"So, how are things with you and Harry?" She asked.
"Really good Gem" i smiled.
"Good. I'm glad to hear that"
"Thanks. I'm glad we get on so well too - seeing you every morning is nice"
"We're the best" she grinned. "But really, I'm glad you and Harry are dating. He talks about you non stop and it's simply adorable - he and I are pretty close and his happiness is important to me. And...you're such a good friend"
"Aw Gem, I love him a lot. And you"
"I love you too" she smiled. Off topic but Gemma was so pretty - it really wasn't fair. I don't hate myself but...who gave her the right to be THIS pretty?

We went back to everyone else and sat on the stage talking.
"Hello to my favourite woman and Eroda" Harry spoke, sidling over to us.
"Shut up Harry" I scoffed playfully.
"Harry, have you called Mum this week?" Gemma asked him.
"Yeah, she told me she misses Eroda! Apparently they hung out before tour!"
"Oh...yeah I forgot to tell you about that" I said to my boyfriend.
"I was there too" Gemma grinned.
"What!? You two hung out with my Mum and didn't tell me?" He exclaimed.
"She's my Mum too!" Gemma reasoned.
"I forgot...and you were busy! Didn't you go see her before tour?"
"Okay, I did...but..."

Hours later the show began and Harry was on stage having the time of his life. He saw me and Gemma dancing together and grinned. I knew Harry would never date someone that didn't get on with his family - so I was glad I got on with his well. They were all so kind and made me feel happy.
"What's your favourite song on Fine Line?" Gem asked me during To Be So Lonely.
"Fine Line for sure. When I first heard it I cried. Golden and To Be So Lonely are gorgeous though - as is Sunflower Volume Six"
"Sunflower is my favourite"
"It's so cute and...it's just really sweet. Harry's so talented"
"He is, isn't he?" Gemma smiled at her little brother as he sang his heart out. He glanced over at us so we gave a little wave.
"I'd say, we're his biggest fans" she added.
"We are, aren't we?"

The show was finally over and I had tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Are you alright?" Harry raced over after the show. Gemma knew I was happy crying but she went off with the rest of the band to give us space.
"I'm so...proud of you" i sniffled.
A shy smile appeared on Harrys face.
"You're so good at what you do. Heck, you're phenomenal. And seeing you happy..."
"You need to go to sleep" he wiped my tears, noticing my dark circles.
"Um shut up and let me talk about how amazing you are" i replied.
"Make me"

For God sake.

Harry laughed at my reaction.
"C'mon baby, let's get out of here" he slipped his hand into mine and we headed to the dressing room.
"I love you Harry" i lifted our hands up and kissed his gently. "You make me so happy."
"Hey" we stopped short, the hallway quiet. "I love you way fucking more..." he looked at my outfit which was a black and red Harry Styles sweater, a black skater skirt, patterned tights and black doc martens. "Darth vader"

"Is that the best you fan do? You smurf" I joked.
"Hey! You said I looked nice in blue!" He pouted.
"You do baby, you do. But you look like Sonic the Hedgehog" i giggled.
"Well you look like Batman!"
"Good! I can fly away from your bull crap!"
"Hey!" He booped my nose gently before grabbing my cheeks and pulling me into a kiss.

"Are y'all coming!?" Mitch called.
"Coming!" Harry pulled away and replied to his friend. His hands were still pressed against my cheeks.
"My angel" he smiled, kissing my nose. "C'mon, I'm starving"
"I can fix that..."

What had come over me?

"Maybe later, m'kay?" He slipped his hands into mine and we ran down the hallway to the dressing room.

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