13: The Real Him

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Harry and I hung out one last time before he was off to LA. He was going to be back soon but I already missed him. We just spent the day at my place in my room. It was a pretty chill day - we were just laying on my bed...cuddling? God, I was falling for him so hard, it almost hurt.

"Harry" i mumbled.
"Hmm?" He responded.
"Why were you such a prick before? If you don't mind me asking?"
"Is that your way of asking?" He sniggered.
"Maybe" I giggled.
"Well...I think I'm ready to talk about it"

"In 2013, I wasn't doing well mentally. I was so fake with who I was...I was just trying to be the average straight boy. When in reality I wasn't. I wrote Medicine, Two Ghosts and Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart around that time - just proves how bad I was doing. A lot of people took advantage of me, mistreated me, belittled me and well...when the band ended I kind of just gave up. I loved every minuet of One Direction and I would never trade my time there for anything. But...I was so sick of being hurt all the time y'know so...I just put on this dickhead hat and started acting like a complete twat. And well...then I met you. And it's safe to say you bring out the best in me"
"Really?" I turned to face him.
"Yeah. Around you I can just...be myself. And I haven't been able to in a while. I've gone round apologising to everyone I've hurt - something I never imagined myself doing"

"I'm really proud of you Harry"
"Thanks Eroda. You mind if I get a snack?"
"Of course not, go help yourself" and with that, Harry got up and left the room. I watched him, admiring every little thing about him. I hated having crushes so much. They never worked out in the end. I picked my phone up and texted Michelle.

I know you're teaching so reply when you can but I REALLY LIKE HARRY AND I HATE IT.

To my surprise she replied instantly.
Michelle: Omg just try with him! You can do this! Also lesson got cancelled...mental health assembly.

Me: Is it about Elisa?

Michelle: Yup. Also the students are talking about you and Harry again. And Elisa :/ Someone found out she had a crush on you but the head teachers going to deal with it.

Me: I'm heckin' worried :/

Michelle: It'll all be fine, don't worry. I gotta go but I'll text you later. Thanks for the tickets also - Jessica is so happy!

Me: No problem :)

"Heyy" Harry had returned and was eating an apple.
"What's good?" I replied, tossing my phone aside.
"This apple" he replied as he sat beside me. "How you been?" He added.
"Pretty good...I'm nervous to go back to work though. Stuffs going down"
"What's going on?" He asked.
"All this talk of Elisa...the girl who died. And...you and i" I said the last part quietly.
"What about us?"
"Paps saw us the day we met and I had to make it clear nothing was going on but...then we were seen holding hands"

"Oh shit. Sorry about that"
"It's okay. I'm just worried that's all"
"It'll all be okay" he assured me. But i wasn't so sure.
"I hope so" i rubbed my bare eyes. "God I'm so tired"
"You been sleeping enough?"
"Not really. Keep getting nightmares and stuff"
"Oh shit...well, if you ever wanna talk about it just let me know"
"Will do" i yawned and looked at the marked work on my desk.
"You work really hard" Harry said, noticing me looking.
"I'm happy with what I'm doing. I love teaching and my colleagues are wonderful. And my students...they have such bright futures ahead of them" i let out a small smile.

"If you're happy doing what you're doing, no one can say you're unsuccessful"
"Well, I guess I'm successful...or not. It gets boring y'know? Waking up, teaching four to five hours a day then coming home. It's the same cycle. I wish I did more with my life"
"Well whenever I'm home and available, we can do things together"
"Don't you have other friends?"
"Yeah but I can spend time with them AND you"

Harry had figured out that despite me having a good career, I was lonely. But he was too. No. Stop thinking like that. He would never date me. God dammit, why did I fall so easily and so hard?

"You need a hug" he grinned fondly.
"You do too" i replied before he threw his muscular arms round me and squeezed me tight.
"Slow down Satan" i exclaimed before we both laughed.
"I'm really going to miss you" i admitted.
"It's only a few days. I'll be back before you know it. You're gonna love the show. In fact...I have another this weekend before I'm off"
"The Jingle Bell Ball right?"
"Yup. You should come. The people at Capital are lovely. It's a short set but trust me, it's going to be so fun. Plus, there'll be other performers"
"Well...I'm not busy. Why not?"

"Awesome!" I noticed he was smiling a lot.
"Someones happy" i teased him.
"Of course I am. I wanna spend a lot of time with you before I go. I'll miss you"
"Oh, am I fun to be around?"
"As much as I hate to admit it...yes. You are"
"Why thank you Harry"

We both laughed before I went downstairs to get myself a drink.

I really was falling for him. Hard.

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