40: Last Day

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"Last day of tour" Harry spoke. We were walking down the streets of Moscow on a bright sunny day.
"You'll be back on the road in summer baby" i kissed his hand gently, causing a smile to creep up onto his beautiful face.
"I know I just...I'm sad you won't be with me"
"I promise I'll fly out to see you when I can, okay?"
"I love you princess" he let go of me hand and put his arm round me. "So much"
"I love you too Harry. Where are we going?"
"The park"

We laid on the grass and let words escape our mouths. Harry opened up to me about his abusive management when he was in One Direction and I listened to every word. Tears had filled his eyes soon enough.
"Hey, hey baby you can cry" I assured him.
"I-i just" he sniffled. "I don't like talking about it but...sometimes I need to"
"I'm so sorry you went through all that. I love you so much. You didn't deserve that at all and I'm glad you escaped"

"Me too. I just...Fuck" he sat up and wiped his eyes before focusing on his breathing. He took a few minuets before laying back down. "I'm good" he said.
"Good. I love you handsome. And I'm here for you" I sat up and placed his head in my lap. "You're so fucking beautiful Harry"

"Woah" he shot up, his eyes wide. "You have never uttered a curse word in your life"
"There's a first AND last time for everything"
"Alright good girl" My jaw dropped at that statement. We both burst out laughing - I used to be terrified to make jokes like that but I'd become more comfortable around Harry.
"Please, in your dreams" i scoffed, swatting him round the head. "Can I hug you?"
He knew what I meant.

I wrapped my arms round my boyfriend, his head above my chest. His curly hair tickled my neck but I held him like there was no tomorrow. And from the corner of my eye I saw  the group of people I despised the most in this world.
"Paps" i mumbled after a while.
"Gross" Harry muttered. We both giggled before getting up, intertwining our hands together and running off.

I loved it when Eroda held me. I felt safe around her.

The last show was so much fun. I was sad tour was over for now but I'd be back soon. Without my girlfriend but travelling with your mates and meeting people is so much fun.

After the show, we all went back to the hotel. While we were waiting for our keys, Eroda was chattering away to Sarah about something before they both burst out laughing. She spotted me looking and sidled up to me.
"You okay?" She asked me.
"Yeah...I just...tours over and all. I miss it"
"You'll be back soon" she leaned up and kissed under my ear - which she knew I loved. "You're going to have so much fun, I promise"
"I just wish you were coming" I said quietly.
"Me too. But I'll come see you when I can, okay? I'm quitting my job soon so over summer, I'll be around a lot"

"What!? Why're you quitting?"
"Harry...it's not me. I'm teaching at a new school in September anyway"
"Really!?" I knew Eroda loved teaching. "Won't it be hard though? You're in the public eye a lot"
"Private school"

No fucking way was my girlfriend teaching at a private school.

"No fucking way. Oh my God, I'm so proud of you" This was a big fucking deal.
" I-it's so exciting Harry! Best part is, I don't need to move or anything as it's in London! A-and I get better holidays, better pay...Harry, I-i'm so excited!" She looked really happy.
"So...what's the plan then?"
"Well, I'm leaving in August so I can come and see you on tour for a while. Then September, I'm teaching again - surprise"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because tour was way too fun! I kept forgetting"

"Hey love birds!" Harry Lambert handed me two card keys. "Get some rest"
"Thanks mate, you too" I responded.
"Goodnight Harry" Eroda chirped.
"Goodnight" he replied.

"I can't sleep" Harry mumbled.
"Me neither" i sighed.
"Wanna go for a walk?" He suggested.
"Yeah sure...can I wear your coat?"
"Of course baby" he kissed the side of my head before we got out of bed and went to put on some shoes and coats.

"Wanna stay at mine for a few days?" Harry asked as we walked the long road, watching the sky fall.
"Sure. I have to go back to work soon though"
"You don't like your job"
"Harry, I have bills to pay and myself to feed"
"All very true. Just...stay with me and I'll cook for you"
"I'll stay a few days. I promise. I like seeing your pretty face everyday" i leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I love you, precious"
"I love you way fucking more. C'mon" he picked me up and spun me round, making me giggle.

"Don't drop me!" I pleaded.
"Never" he looked deep into my eyes. He lifted me higher and whirled me around, our laughter filling the air. He set me down finally, his hands pressed against my cheeks.
"My angel" he kissed my chapped lips passionately with his soft ones. So there we were, in the middle of Moscow kissing. But who the heck cares?

We were happy.

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