20: Not In The Same Way

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"Harry?" I looked at the breathtaking man in front of me.
"Hmm?" He responded.
"I like you" I told him. His gorgeous green eyes met mine.
"I like you"


I woke up to find myself in Harrys lap. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Sorry 'bout that" i yawned.
"'S all good" he responded.
"You alright? You seem a bit off"
"Uh yeah I'm okay. Hungry"
"Here, I'll make us something to eat" i said.
"Oh uh it's fine" he insisted.
"Even if you don't want any, I'm starving" i replied before standing up and heading to the kitchen.

I started making some instant noodles when Harry walked in.
"Hey um...you mind if I tell you something?"
"Sure" I responded, emptying the packet into the boiling water.
"So uh...while you were sleeping...you started talking" he began.

What the heck!? I sleep talk!? Since when? Oh God, what did I say? I remember my dream quite well but surely I didn't reveal anything.

"Oh really? What did i say?"
"You...said you liked me" For God sake.
"Excuse me?" I turned to look at him.
"You said you liked me" he repeated.
"I-i don't actually remember my dream"
"I never mentioned a dream. Just that you were talking"

I was actually about to scream.

"Oh" i turned down the heat, not knowing what to do.
"Look Eroda, it's fine. I'm not upset or anything"
"Can we not talk about it?" I asked as I emptied the noodles into a bowl.
"I-i really think we should"
"My god" i muttered as i put the pan in the sink to wash later.

"I'm sorry if i gave you the wrong idea o-or misled you in any way"
"Harry, I knew you didn't feel the same. It's fine"
"I mean...i-i think i do? Or not, I'm not sure"
"How...how is that in any way going to benefit me?"
"I-i don't know! I thought it would help? But hey, we can still be friends"
"No!" I snapped, turning around. Harry was shocked at my sudden outburst.

"I-i don't want to be your friend! I...i want to be your lover" i sighed. "I...was waiting three months to tell you"
"Wh...why three months?"
"Because that's when peoples true colours show. I was waiting to see if you were like all the other pricks i fell for"
"Eroda...you could have talked to me"
"How!? Everytime i look at you, i just want to kiss you! Even your mother noticed how i was looking at you. I-i...i really fucking like you Harry. And...i cant be friends with you. I-i want you so bad it hurt" tears welled up in my eyes.

"No. No, Eroda please. I can't lose you"
"Harry, I'm sorry" i sniffled. "This is why I didn't tell you. Because I knew it would end this way"
"You're going to throw away our entire friendship just because I don't like you back?"
He realised his poor choice of words because tears spilled down my cheeks as soon as i heard them.
"I think you should go"

I walked out of the house, closing the door behind me before getting into my car.
"Hi stranger. Good day with Eroda?" Gemma asked me as she arrived home
"I'm not even sure" i sighed.
"Oh dear, what's happened?" She asked.

Could I tell her? I knew she was close with Eroda but I wasn't sure she knew.
"Did you figure it out?" she pondered.
"I don't know. Uhh...did she ever mention me to you?"
"Yeah. Lots. Why?"
Ah. She knew.
"She accidentally confessed her feelings and well...it didn't go well. And...I made her cry"
"Harry! What did you say to her?"
"I told her it was fine and we could still be friends but...she said we couldn't be friends anymore. And...then I said 'You're going to throw away our entire friendship just because I don't like you back?'l"

"Oh Haz" Gemma sighed. "I don't blame her y'know? She really likes you. We all could tell"
"We?" I asked her.
"Me, Mum, Mitch, Sarah, Jeff, Harry...even some of the crew at The Forum could tell. Heck, even some of your fans knew. Harry, she's so into you. No doubt she needed to get away"
"I just...I don't want to lose her Gem. She means a lot to me"
"I know that's what you want but you need to think of her. She's heartbroken - so she needs time. And space. She's quitting her job tomorrow and she's probably feeling lonely as ever."

Gemma was right.
"I miss her already Gem" i sighed.
"You say that but you also say you don't feel the same way" she responded before heading into her house.

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now