24: James

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My new job was actually pretty neat. My collègues were so lovely and I got to write pretty cool things. I was only a week into it but: good pay, not going in extremely early, no annoying kids...I liked it.

It was the next day and I was rewriting my scruffy notes so I could read them better in order to write my next article when my pen ran out. I sighed and reached for another one, only to meet a hand. I looked up to see a stunning blonde man in front of me.
"Just helping madam" he said kindly. A FRENCH ACCENT. You must be joking.
"Oh uh thank you, I'm alright though" i responded as i took a pen out from the pot.
"You must be Eroda. I am James Noir. I work here too" he extended his hand and i shook it, feeling how cold it was.

"Nice to meet you. You been here long?"
"A few months. Moved here for work from Marseilles" he responded.
"You like London?" I asked.
"Beautiful, wonderful place"
"Sometimes" i smiled softly.
"Are you busy at lunch time? I would love to get lunch with you later"
"Sure, that would be nice"

Handsome French man wants to get lunch with me later? How divine.Of course, I texted Michelle immediately and told her the news. We were hanging out this weekend at my place with Gemma so I promised to tell her all the tea. Anyway, as soon as me and James went on our lunch break, we headed to a cute little cafe. He told me about his life in France and how he came here. I told him about my old teaching job (I didn't get too personal) and he seemed really interested.

As we headed back to work, we walked past Gucci and it reminded me of Harry. Right on cue, Harry walked out holding three bags.
"Oh is that the man from One Direction?" James asked me. I snickered - and Harry noticed. Gemma was close behind him on her phone.
"Oh hi Eroda" he stammered.
"Harry" i responded. "Hi Gem" i smiled at his sister.
"Oh hey Ero-James!?" Gemmas eyes widened. Harry looked a bit uneasy at this point when she said his name.
"Good Afternoon Gemma" he smiled at her.

"Hey uh w-we best be going. I-i'll see you later Eroda" Gemma stammered.
"Sure, cool" i replied. Harry looked at James and I, hatred burning in his eyes. He said nothing to me as he followed Gemma to her car, who was rather in a hurry.
"How d'you know Gemma?" I asked James.
"Old friends. And you?"
"Neighbours" i responded as we headed back to the office. I watched Gemmas car go past us, Harry looking suspicious.

I got writing when we made it back. I was so focused that I hadn't noticed James walking past me multiple times. I sensed he was trying to catch my attention but i stayed put, focusing on my work. After i'd finished, I sent it to my proof reader. I then checked my emails to check what I next had to do.

Interview Harry Styles for The Guardian January 14th

You've got to be joking. I was too anxious to ask my boss for a change however. Whatever, I'm getting paid either way. I sighed and went to update my timetable.
"You're not looking happy" James said.
"Interviewing that bloke we saw at Gucci" i replied.
"Harry?" I nodded in reply.
"Well, I'm writing about a death"
"Oh crap, who?"
"A woman was found dead in front of her TV last week. Gotta cover it"
"Damn. Hey, when's the fourteenth?"

I have to interview Harry on Sunday!?

"Gemma? Gem? Are you alright?" My brother snapped me out of my thoughts quickly. James' face stayed in my mind. I hadn't thought about him in months. And now Eroda was with him.
"Yeah uh fine" I insisted.
"You sure? Ever since we saw Eroda you've been off"
"Do you know who that man was?"
"No. He looks familiar but I meet a lot of people so I don't know" He noticed my face.
"D'you know him?"

"Oh uh what. No!" I stammered.
Yes i did. I knew very well who he was. And i was terrified for Eroda.
"Gem, you're lying!" Of course Harry knew when I was lying. He was my brother.
"I-i can't talk about this right now" i got up to leave - even though it was my house - when he followed.
"Gemma wait! You can tell me anything! Okay?" He assured me.
"Can you just look out for Eroda?"
"She resents me sis" he looked really sad when he said that.

"Okay but...still. Just look out for her"
"This James guy gives me weird vibes"
"You don't even know the half of it"
Harry paused. "I promise you can tell me anything. Okay?"

I knew I could but this was too much even for me.

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now