45: Diagnosis

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Eroda wasn't okay. Her trauma was effecting her a lot lately. She'd called in sick because she didn't want to go in. She was fucking depressed. She hadn't left her room in days. She wasn't eating. She wasn't looking after herself. I didn't know how to help her.

Ah. Research.

"Harry? Is Eroda alright?" It was the morning and I'd gone out to buy Eroda some things. Gemma had just left her house.
"No, she's really not. She's depressed"
"Oh no, well if she needs me to come over let me know. You checking on her?"
"Yup. I wasn't sure what to do so I just did some research and talked to her friend"
"That's really good of you" Gemma smiled. "See you later" she ruffled my hair and headed to her car.

I entered Erodas house and put the food and vitamins on the table before heading upstairs to see her watching Love Island. I knew she hated that show - made sense why she was watching it. She was numb.
"Hi baby" i kissed her head gently and paused her show. "You wanna go have a shower? Even just standing there for a while could help. I-i don't mind showering with you...or even helping you out of bed. We could have a lazy day before I leave for tour"

"Okay" Her voice was croaky and weak. She hadn't spoken in a few days.
"C'mon then" I took her hand and led her to her shower. As I started the water, she brushed her teeth.
"I-i'm sorry" she stammered after she'd finished.
"You have nothing to be sorry for" i responded.
"H-harry, can you come to the doctors with me?" she quivered. She looked terrified, tears filling her eyes.
"Yeah of course. We'll go today, I'll call them while you shower" I was so proud of her. She was so strong even when she wasn't okay in the slightest.

Eroda took a shower while I called her local GP. She came out of the bathroom wearing a t shirt and some jeans, shivering.
"Appointments in an hour" I said to her, as she slipped on one of my hoodies and started drying her hair.

She was quiet though. And clingy. She didn't eat breakfast - she just downed an entire carton of juice and sat there in silence.
"You sure you don't want anything to eat?" I asked her.
"I'm okay" she replied softly, gazing off into the distance. I slipped my hand into hers and squeezed it, feeling how cold they were. She noticed and intertwining our fingers before she rubbed her naked eyes - she hadn't worn any make up today.

We headed out soon enough and walked to her local gp. Eroda was clutching my hand tightly, muttering her breathe.
"You okay?" I asked her.
"Nervous" she replied quietly.
"It'll be okay" I assured her as we walked inside the clinic.


For God sake.

I walked out of the room holding a prescription and a pamphlet, my eyes red. Harry was waiting for me in the waiting room, on his phone. He spotted me on my way and stood up. I just took his hand and led him out of the clinic, not saying a word.

"Everything okay?" He asked me.
"W-we need to go to the pharmacy" I showed him the prescription.
"Ah. Well, we know now at least. C'mon love" He took my hand and we headed to the pharmacy to get my medication. I wanted to cry again. I didn't want this. I already had really bad anxiety and some form of trauma. I didn't want more medication or more struggles.

"Eroda?" Harrys voice caught my attention as tears streamed down my cheeks. "It's okay" he pulled me into his arms and let me sob on him. "You'll be okay. I promise I'll be here for you" he whispered. He wiped my tears away gently.
"I love you" I sniffled. "Thank you so much"
"I love you too" he looked over my shoulder and sighed. "God, fuck off"

Ah. The paps.

"C'mon baby" I loved it when he called me that. He slipped his hand into mine and we carried on walking.
"You can flip them off of you want" he added with a grin. So I did.

We got my medication and headed back to my house. Harry always sorted my medication for me - I didn't ask him to, he offered. I sat on the floor next to his legs, biting my nails while he stood in front of the counter humming.
"You okay love?" He asked.
"I don't know" I replied.
"Right, I've finished. C'mon, let's go cuddle on the sofa" I stood up while he closed the pill organiser box.

"I love you" he whispered, holding me close.
"I love you more" I mumbled back.
"You know I'm always here for you, right? You can always talk to me. Even if I'm away send me a signal and I'll do what I can"
"Code orange"

I was not okay.

"D'you wanna watch something?" He asked.
"I kinda wanna nap" I replied.
"C'mon let's get you to bed" Harry picked me up like a baby and made his way upstairs. After we got to my room he tucked me into bed (after I toon ofd my jeans and hoodie) and sat at the edge, his hand pressed against my cheek.
"Will things...be okay?" I whispered.
"Eventually" he replied. "Move over, I wanna cuddle"
"Child" I joked, moving over and making space for him.

His hands pressed against my cheek before he tucked my hair behind my ear.
"My angel" he mumbled, as I stared into his hypnotising eyes. "My beautiful angel. I promise you everything will be okay"
"I love you" I whispered. "So much"
"I love you too" Harry connected our lips together softly. Our lips moved together in synch for a while before I pulled away.
"Can you hold me?" I asked in a small voice.
"C'mere" Harry wrapped his warm muscular arms around me, pulling me closer to him. "D'you want me to sing you to sleep?"
"Please" i replied, my head against his chest..

"Thunder, only happens when it's raining
Players, only love you when they're playing
Women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know"

Along came Harry | H.SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora