65: 4 Months

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"God, I hate my job" I muttered as I stared at the pile of work. Harry was cooking dinner downstairs whilst I was crying over all the work I had to do.

I either shouted or cried at this point.

"Love? I just finished cooking. Dy-" Harry walked in and saw me sobbing. "Should I leave?" He knew that sometimes I needed to be alone so he checked.
"N-no it's fine" I sniffled. "I-I feel awful"
"D'you want me to ring Michelle so she can help you?" He ran a hand through my hair just the way I liked it.
"It's fine, she's probably busy"
"It won't hurt to ask...your bump is so pretty" I looked down at my stomach to see I had many stretch marks. I quit liked my bump - I was proud of it. Harry loved it too.
"My stretch marks make up for my ugly tits"
"Hey! I love your tits, thank you very much" Harry scolded me. "I'm calling Michelle"

Ten minuets later, Michelle arrived.
"Eroda, you know you can always ask me if you need help" she said as she sat beside me as my desk. "You look so pretty"
"Shut up" I said moodily.
"She's not feeling good at all Michelle. My baby" Harrys hands caressed my cheeks.
"Get out of my face before I hit you" I snapped.
"I like this Eroda" Michelle grinned. "You're a good man Harry" she added.
"He is" I smiled at my gorgeous boyfriend. "I'm hungry"
"Alright, I'll bring you up some bananas and dinner. You want anything Michelle?"
"Water please. Thanks"

My boyfriend got us our snacks before going off to do his own things. Michelle and I had a long catch up while marking the work - and snacking.
"I feel bad for Harry. I've been doing so awful and it's effected him so much" I said.
"He loves you a lot - he's being so patient with you. I'm sure he doesn't mind all the stress your mood swings cause him...he knows everything's gonna be okay. Honestly, I'm proud of him."
"Me too...I just...I get scared he'll leave me"
"He won't ever leave you love. I promise. Hey is this the last paper? This feels like old times"
"It does...I should really talk to him soon but...I'm terrified"
"You'll get there. Trauma is tough and it takes time to build the courage to even speak about it. Sometimes to even think about. Harry hasn't forced you to say anything - has he?"
"Oh, no never. He's lovely...really patient...I think I'm gonna suck his dick"
"Oh...uh...okay. Yeah that works...oh Eroda!"
"What!? He's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to say that!"

Michelle left soon enough so I tidied up then went to find Harry who was in the living room reading . He spotted me and smiled softly.
"Feeling better?" He asked.
"Uh yeah" I sat beside him. "Sorry I've been so mean"
"It's okay. It's not your fault. Also...best not to do anything oral - your gums are swollen"
"For God sake" I sighed. "Wait how did you hear us!?"
"Magic. Now stop apologising" he responded.
"I love you" I said tiredly.
"I love you too... c'mon baby, up to bed"
"It's only nine!" I reasoned. "And it's Saturday tomorrow"
"You sound like a child" he replies.
"Well I'm carrying yours!
"Eroda...Bed time" He sounded like such a Dad.
"Fine...I want snacks first though"
"What you craving love?"
"Hmm...bananas...and toast. And crackers. Ooh and strawberry jam!"

Five minuets later I was sitting on the kitchen counter eating my weird food combination.
"D'you think...I could move in now?" I asked him. "I-i just...I don't feel safe her alone and you haven't been home in a while..."
"Darling, I don't mind staying here with you. I love you and just want you to be okay"
"I know I just...I love Gemma and my house but...I...God" I sniffled. "Stupid mood swings. I just don't feel safe in my own house anymore. And...I love it here. I love my bedroom - you know that but all good things come to an end"
"I happen to be free for the next week before I'm going back to the studio. I can move all y' stuff"
"It's okay, you don't need to"

"Eroda Mary Martin, when are you going to learn that it's okay to need in help? Don't get me wrong, your independence is so sexy. But...if y' need help, y' need help"
"My middle names not Mary" I replied blankly.
"It sounds nice tho, doesn't it?"
"It does" I agreed causing us to snicker.
"Anyway...y' not good. Mentally and physically. It's bad enough you're working still"
"Yeah but...I feel bad. You do a lot for me and I do fuck all back"
"Woah...am I a bad influence?"
"Yes but it's okay. You're cute.
"Anyway" He blushed. "I love you. And I don't believe in: you do this for me so I'll do this for you. We're having a child. And we have responsibilities as adults. We look after each other all the time - we're a team"

"All I do is yell at you" I pointed out.
"I know...hot right?"
Harry laughed. "Little angel" he smiled cheekily.
"Harry, I've become such a bitch. Im surprised you're still with me"
"After everything...I'd still choose you"

Prick. I love him.

"Am I opening up?" I asked him.
"It seems you are" he replied. "Do you really think I could ever replace you?"
"Uhhh..." Truth be told, yes.
"You really think I could find another sexy, independent English teacher and writer who has a passion for literature and puts arrogant people in their place?"
"You could find a tall skinny model"
"I could...or I could have you and your eye liner and bookshelf. Your imagination. Your kindness. Your beauty. Your baby"

I bursted out laughing at the last one.
"Okay...you win. And yes please, I'd like some help with moving my things" I decided.
"That's m' girl" He smiled fondly.
"Yes Harry...I'm all yours"

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now