41: The Promotion

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"Eroda! How was Europe?" Kaitlyn asked as I entered the office.
"It was amazing. I'm so glad Ida was alright with it - she set me assignments to do while I was there! It was so cool"
"Yeah, she mentioned it. She also mentioned you were leaving soon?"
"Oh yeah...yeah, uh I'm going back to teaching"
"Well, best of luck! I think Ida wanted to see you actually!"
"Thanks for letting me know!" I said goodbye and headed to Ida's office.

"Morning Eroda. Back from tour?" She smiled as I entered her office.
"Uh yeah! Kaitlyn said you wanted to see me?"
"Ah yes...your work abroad has been exceptional. Truly amazing and I wanted to offer you a promotion to do more international work. I know you want to go back to teaching but would you at least think about it?"
"Um yes of course. I-i will! Thank you!"

I stepped out of the office and stumbled into Mr James Noir.
"Oh hello" i said.
"Good Morning Eroda. Back from Europe?"
"Uh yeah. Paris is great"
"It is, isn't it? Did you go to that place I told you about?" He grinned.
"Yeah! The cafe, right? Gorgeous, it was. Amazing food. Harry really liked it too"

Awkward silence.

"So uh I overheard Ida talking about a promotion?"
"Oh yeah, I'm not sure I'm going to take it though. I-i already found another job"
"Yes, I heard you're leaving" he said sadly.
"I miss teaching. A lot. So...I'm going back"
"Good. Do what you're passionate about" we both smiled before heading back to our desks.

"Where you headed?" My Mum asked me. We'd hung out for the day but Eroda had just finished work so I was going to go and pick her up.
"Picking up Eroda from work. D'you need anything?" I responded.
"Oh, no I'm okay! I was just wondering where you were going. Lovely woman, she is"
"She is, isn't she?" I smiled softly.

I drove to Erodas office, excited to see her. She was staying at mine for a few days but she had been alone in the kitchen a lot doing work. I kept her company of course but she was staying up late and procrastinating a lot so i was quite worried. But soon enough I was parking my car outside and got out. I stood on the pavement waiting patiently for my girlfriend but instead I saw fucking James.

"Waiting for Eroda?" He asked me.
"Uh yeah" i replied. "How're you?"
I preach kindness so yes, I will be kind.
"I'm good. Excited for Erodas promotion"
"Promotion?" I furrowed my eye brows - Eroda was going back to teach, what was this about?
"Oh yeah, she might become an international journalist. Lots of travelling, y'know?"

Travelling!? This meant I could see her more. We could travel together.

"But if I'm being honest, I don't think she should do it" he spoke.
"W-what? Why?" I asked.
"She wants to teach. Really, I'm not sure she'll take it when she can do something she loves"
Surely she would though? We could spend more time together.

At that moment, I spotted Eroda walking out of her office tiredly.
"Alright bye" i scoffed at James before walking over to my girlfriend who had spotted me.
"Hi" she smiled at me.
"Hi love" i leaned down and kissed her head before taking her bag. "You alright?"
"Yeah, you?" She replied as we headed to my car. She hadn't even mentioned the promotion! Unless she was waiting - I mean she was pretty tired so maybe she would tell me later.

"Uh yeah I'm pretty good. Any news?"
"No, not really"
"Oh uh okay" I started driving, confused as hell. Did Eroda just lie to me? She was offered a promotion and didn't tell me? Then again she was exhausted. Maybe she would tell me when we got to my place.

We arrived back and Eroda immediately got changed into some comfortable clothes and took off her make up.
"You want me to cook dinner?" She asked as she threw a cotton pad in the bin.
"Uh it's okay! I got it" I gabbled.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah!" I was acting off. She would notice.
"Are you alright baby?" She asked.

Fuck. Baby.

"Yeah of course" I lied. I never lied to Eroda but she'd lied to me, right?
"You're acting off. If you need to be alone I can leave" she replied kindly.
"I'm fine" i insisted. "Just missed you"
"Well, I'm right here" she leaned up and kissed my lips before going to wash her hand.
Maybe at dinner she'll tell me.

Wrong. I'd made us vegetarian fajitas and she hadn't uttered a word. She was chattering on about other stuff instead. Her phone was buzzing but she ignored it and carried on talking to me. She got up and went to put her plate in the sink when I told her, her phone was buzzing.
"Oh, could you turn it on silent baby?" She asked. I picked it up and the texts on the screen set me off.

James (Work): Exciting promotion huh?

James (Work): Do you want to take it though? You LOVE teaching.

James (Work): If you ever wan to discuss it, I'm here to help

"For fuck sake Eroda, why won't you talk to me!?" I exclaimed, standing up. My girlfriend was shocked at my sudden outburst.
"W-what?" She stammered.
"The fucking promotion! You haven't even mentioned it!"
"Harry, stop shouting at me!" She scolded me.
"Stop shouting!? You were offered a promotion to travel and didn't think to tell me!?"
"I was going to tell you before we went to sleep!"


"I'm sorry for shouting at you" I mumbled.
"You should be" she replied sassily.
"Alright calm down!" I joked defensively. "I just...a part of me wants you to take it because we can travel together, y'know? It'd be so much fun"
"Oh, Harry" she sighed. "Look, I love you and all but...I have to keep my personal life and work separate to avoid distractions and stuff"
"I'm a distraction!? How!?" I exclaimed.
"Harry, have you seen what your hands can do!?" She snapped.

She had a point.

"Besides, we'd get sick of each other. Being around each other twenty four seven? Human beings need space and time apart. We'd probably kill each other" She added.
"I guess you're right" I mumbled.
"And...I really want to work at that private school. I already got the job as well. Also...family stuff. If I'm away all the time for work, I won't be nearby"

"Eroda, I'm sorry. I-i was being selfish"
"It's okay" she leaned up and kissed my lips gently. "I promise I'll come and see you on tour, m'kay?"

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now