10: The gap

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"Harry, what are you doing here?"

"He's here for me" I opened the door to see Gemma and Harry talking.
"Hey bestie" Harry joked as he walked up my drive way.
"You wish" i smiled and pulled him into a tight hug. "Morning Gemma"
"Morning Eroda" she looked at Harry. "Behave yourself"
"Gemma, I'm a grown man" he insisted.
"I beg to differ" i said. Gemma snickered as she got into her car.

Harry and I had been hanging out while I was off and it was pretty fun. He was trying to convince me to get a tattoo but I kept refusing. I was way too scared of needles - shoot me but it's true.
"How are you this fine morning Harry?" I asked as I made him some tea.
"I'm great. New albums out soon which means...lots of things to do" he told me.
"Tell me all about it" I put a mug in front of him and sat beside him.
"I've got to see the pop up shop in Camden, perform at BBC, be on the Graham Norton show and the Late Late show, play a show in LA, a listening party in New York, two shows in London..."

"Damn. Well...good luck" I replied.
"Thanks, I'll need it" he took a sip of his tea. "You should come to a London show. Maybe the Camden one. Gem will be there"
"Just text me all the details and...I'll see"
"Awesome! You ever been to a concert?"
"Yeah! I saw One Direction, remember?"
"Oh shit you did!"
"Best concert ever. Plus...your hair was long"
"Long haired me was a good time"
"Good? It was revolutionary! Long haired Harry would solve world peace" i joked, making him laugh.

"Do you have a thing for men with long hair or something?" He asked.
"Yes! I love long hair on men - like shoulders is the shortest I'd say. And i realised i had a thing for long haired men at my One Direction show"
"Was it me!?"
"Who else could it have been?"
"No fucking way. Really?"
"Yeah. My sister adored Liam but the whole time I was looking at your hair" i laughed.
Harry joined me, his cheeks going red.

"Would you ever make an exception?" He asked.
"What d'you mean?" I finished my tea and put my mug in the sink:
"Like...say if someone was into you but had short hair. Would you still go for them?"
"I always look for personality first. So if you have short hair and you're not an egotistical twat, sure. And if your hairs long...even better" Who's going to tell him I've never had a proper boyfriend? Or even had sex?

I'm 25 years old for fuck sake.

Or the fact that I found him really hot with long hair? Okay, I still think Harry is really good looking but if he had long hair...I would actually do his cooking and cleaning.

Earth to Eroda!? You're never afraid to tell somebody when they're really good looking! What's so different now!?
"Interesting" he replied.
I furrowed my eye brows. "Right okay. Anyway, I was thinking we could go into Camden today"
"It's freezing outside!"
"So? I eat ice cream in this weather. Plus...I kind of want a tattoo..."
"Really!? What you thinking of getting?"
"I'm not sure really. I was thinking a Gorillaz inspired one"
"Or me with long hair" he joked. I let out a shy laugh.

I was still in my pyjamas so I took a shower then got ready into some blue wide leg jeans, a white t shirt, a red sweater vest and my doc martens. I put on some moisturiser, eye liner and mascara and a little bit of highlight before brushing and drying my hair. I went downstairs to see Harry was making...pancakes.
"What are you up to?" I asked.
"I am making you breakfast" he responded, not looking up from the pan.
"That's really sweet. Thank you" i leaned up and kissed his shoulder.

Why the heck did I do that?

He turned to look at me.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"I felt like doing it. Sorry, I should have asked"
"Ah no, it's fine. It was sweet. Also...you look really pretty today" he said.
"Oh, so I usually look ugly?" I raised my eye brows before giggling.
"Hey!" He smiled fondly before putting the pancakes on a plate.

"Are you sure you're alright with going out?"
"Of course I am, why?" I asked.
"It's just...sometimes fans want to stop and talk to me. Take photos" he said.
"It's okay, I'm okay with that. Besides, I wanna see you in action. But one rule: if they ask for photos, I take them"
"Are you a photographer now?" He teased me.
"Why yes, yes I am...I mean I took it at A Level and I really liked it. Got an A"
"Wow" Harry was shocked at how clever I was.
"I was shocked too. Also, beautiful pancakes. Thanks again"

"So...how do you get to places?" I asked him as we left my house. "Because Camden parking is very annoying, so I take public transport"
"I drive or walk. But...it's a treck from here"
"Hey! We should get the tube! C'mon it'll be so fun! I know you don't usually do that but a change would be cool, y'know?" I exclaimed.
"Uhhh about that..."
"What's up? Never been on the tube?"
"I-i have. It's just...I'm a bit scared"
"Of what?" I asked in a concerned tone.
"The gap" his cheeks grew red.

"Oh Harry, don't be ashamed. It's okay, we all have fears. Believe it or not, I'm terrified of needles. The only way to get over your fears is to face them. I'm getting a tattoo today. And...if you're not ready to face yours it's okay! We can get a cab or something. Maybe even ride bikes"
"Thanks Eroda" without a warning, he pulled me into a tight hug. "Can you hold my hand when we get on?" He mumbled into mu shoulder.
"Of course I will"

I lived near a station so we walked there. I knew Harry never got on the tube as...well...he had money for cabs and stuff. But I however, didn't. As promised, I held his hand when we got on but sadly there was only one seat available.
"Here" Harry sat down and pulled me onto his lap.
"A-are you okay with this?" I asked him.
"Sure" he held me close so I didn't fall.

Of course we bumped into Harries and as promised I took all the photos.
"Are you two...y'know?" A girl asked me while Harry talked to her friend.
"Oh! Uh no!" I stammered. "I just live near some of his family and well...we became friends. Before I forced him to get on public transport with me"

"Y'know what? That wasn't so bad" he said to me as we got out of Camden Town station.
"See? Now c'mon! Let's get me a tattoo!"

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