34: Pearls

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I started going into work again and the office was glad to have me back. Of course James would still sidle up to me but I decided to stay friendly. I knew Harry didn't like him for whatever reason but I knew everyone had good in them.

Of course Harry and I were spending time together whenever he could as he had tour rehearsal and he had to go to LA for a while. I couldn't go with him as it was during the week but we decided we would on a date the weekend before his flight.

"Morning Gem. Haven't seen you in a minuet" I said as we both exited our houses.
"Oh hey! Are you alright?" She asked.
"I'm pretty good. Got work though. You?"
"Recording my podcast today. I'm going to see my Mum tomorrow"
"Can I come? I miss her"
"Yeah of course - though isn't Harry busy tomorrow?"
"Oh well, I'll still go and see her. Just give me the address and I'll pop over"
"Sounds great. Have a good day at work"
"You too Gem" we shared a hug before heading into our individual cars and driving off.

I arrived at work and said good morning to everyone before heading to the meeting room to conduct an interview. James was in there too as we had to do it together. I sighed and sat a few seats away from him while he attempted to make conversation. God, I was so off with him. I was being as kind as I could be but what the heck?  I was praying for this to be over already so I could attend the focus group in Oxford Circus (I was representing my branch).

The interviewees finally arrived after what felt like ages so I went to get a snack before I set off to the focus group after finishing. My boss sent me because I was apparently the most productive. I didn't really talk to my colleagues much even though they were all lovely. To be honest, my job was so boring. I missed teaching ever so much but I felt too afraid to go back because of what happened with Elisa. I knew it wasn't my fault but I still felt immense guilt. I wished that I'd known what to do...

Snap out of it Eroda. It's over now. There's nothing you can do.

"Sooo...what did she say?" Jeff asked me.
"She'll come for the UK and Europe tour only"
"Oh, she's not coming for the rest?"
"She's family orientated, but it's alright. I said I'd fly her out whenever she wanted to see me...where's Harry? Aren't we discussing outfits?"
"He's on his way...I think. Hold on" Jeff left the room leaving me on my own.

I whipped my phone out to see my lock screen was Eroda. She looked so pretty when she wore my clothes. How the fuck did I get so lucky to be with her? She was so hot in every aspect - she was independent, clever, determined...tour was going to be so fun with her around. She made everything so much better.

"You alright Harry?" Harry Lambert and Jeff entered the room. I put my phone away and greeted them before we got talking about tour outfits. I loved dressing up - growing up it was my thing. Eroda sometimes lets me wear her clothes (she was shorter than me but sometimes we made it work) and even bought me a bunch of cool patterned tights once because they reminded her of me. I like how they felt under my jeans or trousers if I'm being honest. The fact Eroda had thought of me was ever so sweet.

It wasn't the first time either. She knew I loved my pearls and when mine broke she bought me a new one till Harry found me some real ones. Clumsy me had snapped the one she gave me while taking it off. I was quick to gabble a sorry and collected the pearls off the floor but my beautiful angel girlfriend was so calm.
"It's okay Harry. You look handsome in whatever pearls you choose to wear" she said.
I remember when she'd seen a strawberry pin on Etsy and gave it to me on our two month anniversary. I'd put it on my backpack straight away and hugged her gratefully. She truly was the sweetest angel. She was always thinking of me. A movie, a tv show, a quote, a song...she'd sent me a song randomly one morning called Tear In My Heart and told me it reminded her of us

"Harry? Harry? Are you alright?" Harry snapped his fingers in my face, causing me to snap out of my daydream.
"Could I get another pearl necklace?" I blurted out.
"You already have one, what d'you need another one for?" He asked.
"His girlfriend" Jeff teased me.
"Shut up Jeff!" I could feel my cheeks tinting red. Harry just smiled fondly.
"Of course you can Harry. Now c'mon, focus"

"Okay, I've emailed you all the files. If there's any issue just contact and I'll do what I can" I said as I shut down my computer.
"Great. Thank you so much Eroda. Will you be in tomorrow? Johnathan's daughter is sick and he was supposed to write up a report tomorrow" my boss responded.
"I'll ask him to forward me his notes and I'll get it done" i insisted.
"You're a star. See you tomorrow, okay?"

I arrived home to see Harrys car in the driveway. I smiled as I saw him sitting on my doorstep, laughing on the phone - holding a small box. I got out of my car and walked up my path before we locked eyes. He ended his call and put his phone in his pocket as he stood up to greet me.
"Evening baby. How was work?" He kissed my forehead gently.
"Tiring. How was your day?" I unlocked the door before kicking off my heels and locking up once we were both inside.
"It was great. I got you a little present"
"Here, give me a while to get comfortable. You wanna order dinner?" I asked.
"Leave it to me my love. Just relax"

I went upstairs and wiped off my make up, tossing each wipe in the bin. I then got out of my work clothes and into one of Harrys sweaters and some pyjama bottoms. I slipped on some comfortable socks before heading downstairs to see Harry in the living room sitting on the sofa, on his phone. He'd taken off his jacket and jumper to reveal his adidas t shirt which showed off his tatted muscles.
"What'd you get?" I yawned as i sat next to him, leaning on his side. He immediately snaked an arm round me so i was more comfortable.
"Chinese. Right, let me show you what I got you" he handed me the small box he was holding earlier.
"Harry, you sap" i smiled before opening the box. Inside was a pearl necklace that looked like his.
"Now" he took them out and clasped them round my neck. "We're matching"

"A-are they real?" I asked.
"Course they are"
"B-but what if i lose them?"
"Im sure you wont. And if you do, I'll just get you some new ones"
"Harry, thank you so much" i threw my arms round him. "I love you"
"I love you more"

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