69: 8 Months

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"Love? Are you okay?" Harry cooed, trying to get my attention. My anxiety was horrible and I was giving birth in four weeks. I shook my head as I put my pen down. I was marking some work and I just felt awful. Who knew being pregnant would suck? It was exciting but...it had really effected my mental and physical health.
"D'you need a cuddle?" He asked me. I nodded and leaned on his side before he held me close. "You're doing so well my love. 'm proud of you" he mumbled into my hair.
"This whole experience makes me re think ever having children again" I admitted.
"Well...if we decide to have more in the future I promise we can think about it...y'know maybe plan it. Now we know what happens, we can be better prepared"

"Harry, you're my hero"
"Please, you're my hero" he replied. "Also I tried contacting your Dad again but he blocked me"
"He's a bit crap...I'm sorry" I sighed.
"It's okay. Also...Michelle wants to be there with you when you give birth"
"My girl" I smiled softly. "I miss Gemma too"
"I know you do love. When she's back from her holiday, I'll ask her to come round"
"I love you my handsome prince" I looked up at him tiredly. "You're the light of my life"
"I love you too darling. You wanna order pizza?" He asked. "You can pick the toppings"
"Yes please" I kissed his hands gently before he went to get his phone.

I finished my marking after what felt like forever and Harry came upstairs holding a pizza box and a carton of juice.
"Alright, c'mon love. Pyjamas time" he said, getting me a cosy pair out from my draw. I took off my clothes then realised I wasn't wearing a bra and quickly covered my chest with my t shirt, my face going red. Harry knew I was insecure and always said if I needed privacy he would leave the room.
"You feeling alright?" Harry put my pyjamas on the bed before looking at me to see me blushing. I wasn't insecure about my bump - I loved it. My upper body was a problem though.
"Eyes down Harold!" I exclaimed. Harry bowed in response, causing me to burst out laughing.

"Y'know that One Direction song? What a feeling?" He asked me as he took off his clothes and folded them. "The chorus reminds me of us. It's such a good feeling to be beside you and...I see you so highly. You're unreal Eroda. Call me cheesy but...I do feel like a King when I'm with you. And I'm not ashamed - I love you. You know I do"
"I love you too" I finished getting ready and sat on the bed.
"Let me do your hair" he pleaded.
"This birds nest? Harry, I'm starving"
"You eat! I just...wanna do your hair" Simp.

Harrys longer fingers massaged my scalp while I chewed my pizza before he brushed it gently.
"You remember my long hair right?" He asked.
"Of course I do - it was sexy. But greasy"
Harry chuckled. "I'd do different hairstyles sometimes. It was fun" I felt him tie a section of my hair in a ponytail. "Pretty girl"
"Me? Harry love, have you seen yourself? You're literally stunning"
"Oh shut up" he joked.
"Make me"


Harrys lips collided with mine gently while my left hand pressed against his cheek. Harrys lips always felt soft - like flowers. I liked kissing him whenever I could. We finally pulled away and connected our foreheads together.
"I can't believe someone as gorgeous as you is mine" I whispered.
"You taste like pizza" he replied cheekily.
"Damn you" I pushed him away, giggling.
"Sharing is caring" he said as he took my slice and bit into it.
"Not if its mine love" I snatched it back and devoured it as he got another slice out of the box.

After we brushed our teeth and washed our hands, we got into bed but Harry suddenly got a call.
"Hello? Oh hi! Oh, yeah we know. We're not all that worried really. Honestly, I don't care. Mate, are you not hearing me? I don't fucking care. The world knows I'm going to be a father soon? Good. Let them know that Eroda Mary Martin has me wrapped around her little finger for the rest of my life and we're going to be the best parents on this planet. Goodbye"
"My middle name isn't Mary!" I exclaimed as he ended the call.
"It sounds pretty. Y' gotta admit" he replied.
"It does...but my middle name is Alice"
"Oh. That's really pretty too" he smiled.
"Yeah...uh what was that phone call about?"

"My team are mad at me. I didn't exactly tell anyone I knocked you up except my family...and Liam. I needed advice. Anyway, they're talking about how we're all over the news and people are speaking negatively about us and...a lot of fans are unhappy. And well I told the bloke that I didn't care. He's trying to cover it up in some way but I just told him: I don't care if people know. I'm obviously not going to go out and say 'I'm dating Eroda and she's having my baby' - I like having some privacy in my life.  But if people know I'm im love with you I don't care. I-i know I'm saying that again and again but...it's true"
"Aw, I love you Harry" I threw my arms round his neck and kissed his cheek. "This is your world - we're just living in it"
"What!?" Harry laughed.
"Okay so maybe the other day when we bumped into that group of One Direction fans, while you were taking pictures one of them was showing me this whole trend called Harry Styles World Domination - there's nothing you can't do"
"I can't sing"
"You liar! That's it - I'm banishing you from the bed!"
"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!"
"Suck it up Harold" I elbowed him and he squealed.
"Hey! Your elbows are sharp!"

"Maybe hers will be too" I replied, pointing to my stomach.

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now