9: McDonalds

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Harry and I spent the day getting to know each other and hanging out; eating the brownies, making lunch together, watching a movie, talking about life and books and London...we got on pretty well. But of course it was getting pretty late and if im being honest, i didn't want him to leave.

"I'm gonna order McDonalds. You want some?" I asked him.
"I'm pescatarian" he responded.
"Yeah me too, the fish burgers are so good"
"I've actually never tried them"
"Well you need to. You like soft drinks? I usually get Oasis with ice"
"You can pick my entire order" he decided.
"Okay, we're getting the same thing then. And im ordering ice cream"
"Its winter!" He exclaimed.
"So?" We both grinned.

As i answered the door i noticed Gemma had just come home.
"Hey! Is Harry with you?" She asked as the delivery man drove off.
"Uhhh..." but seconds later Harry was next to me.
"Hi Gem!" His arm went round me, his other hand waving at his sister.
"Has he said sorry?" She asked me.
"He has. And he's proven to be very sorry" i looked at him and smiled.

"Oh and Gemma I'm sorry for being a dickhead to you" he added. A shocked expression was plastered on Gemmas face but it turned into a soft smile.
"Thanks Harry. I'm going to get an early night"
"Night Gemma"
"Night Gem"

We went inside and sat in the kitchen eating.
"You were right. This truly is a beautiful burger" he said to me.
"I knew you'd like it" i responded before his burger slipped out of his hand and fell, tartar sauce going on his t shirt. I let out a laugh, as did he.
"Ah shit" he sighed.
"Here, I'll wash it. Hand it over"
"You sure?" He asked.

Harry slipped his shirt over his head while I got washing up liquid out from the cupboard. I turned around and my jaw dropped. One, he had a beautiful body. I'm not even ashamed to say that. Two, he had more tattoos.
"Is that a moth!?" I asked.
"Yup. You like?" He asked. I also noticed two birds and two leaves.
"Love. Harry, your tattoos are beautiful" i smiled softly before he tossed me his t shirt and i put it in the washing machine. "Oh and if you get cold, I have clothes upstairs. I...wear mens clothes sometimes. Which I am not ashamed of"

"And to think I thought you were just a regular school teacher" he said. "A very pretty one"
"Thank you Harry. That's really sweet of you" i finished setting up the washing machine before joining him at the table to finish eating.
"Uh d'you mind?" He gestured to his body.
"Not at all" i replied. I was already finished so I threw my trash away and washed my hands. I sipped my drink and went on my phone to see texts from Michelle. She seemed worried so I texted her back.

Hey I'm okay :) I have company. Miss you, love you <3 I'll be fine.

"So...what made you want to be a teacher?" Harry asked me.
"I'm not even sure. I just kinda thought, why not? And...I didn't like school. So I wanted to make a difference" i responded.
"Well...did you?"
"I guess. A lot of students talk to me about their problems. Elisa did a few times too..."
"I feel like in secondary school there's a lot of nasty people. And having someone to confide in helps a lot. Theyre lucky to have you"
"Thanks" i heard the washing machine ding so i got up and put Harry t shirt in the dryer.

"It's getting pretty late so I should head home soon" he said awkwardly. I looked at the clock and my eyes widened.
"Almost ten!? Wow. Well, I'll probably go to bed after you leave. And think of a hobby to take up these next few days"
"Are you not working?"
"Nah. I got told to take time off so...I'm not going in till Monday"
"Well...I'm not busy. Unless you still resent me" he teased me.
"Hey! To be fair, you were such a twat at first!"
"I know I'm sorry...I don't really wanna explain it right now"

He seemed a bit sad.
"It's okay. But hey...musician. What's new? Tell me about it all, what's it like?" I asked.
"It's...amazing. Being on the road is so much fun. Playing shows, meeting people. I wear such bizarre outfits every night. I get to rock around with my friends and make so many memories. Even the creating process...jamming with your mates. I wrote part of my next record in Japan. It's just so exciting"
"Well...I'll be sure to attend one of your shows one day" his eyes lit up when I said that.
"Yeah of course! Gotta show my support" at that moment the dryer dinged so i opened it and gave Harry his t shirt.

"Right, guess I'm off" he said after he put his t shirt on.
"Well, thanks for hanging out. It gets pretty lonely around here" i said as he put his coat on.
"I get you. My house gets pretty lonely too. Maybe I need a cat too. Or a teacher friend to spend time with" he grinned. I did too.
"See you soon Harry" i said, opening the door.
"Where's my goodbye hug?" He pouted.

"Come here" we shared a warm hug before he ruffled my hair and headed out. I watched him get in his car and drive off, a smile on my face.

He really was a sweetheart.

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