54: Sick

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tw throwing up

"Baby? You need a hand?"
I'd woken up and I had a fever. I was throwing up so much it was awful. I'd locked myself in the bathroom but unfortunately Harry had woken up a while later.
"Um...I-I just need some water" I replied before my vomiting continued.
"Whenever you're ready" he responded.

I finally stopped, gargled my mouth and opened the door.
"You okay?" My boyfriend asked.
I nodded and took the water from him. "Thanks. I think I'm coming down with something" I then took a large gulp.
"You wanna rest tonight instead of coming to the show?"
"Noo I can't miss the show! We're in...where are we?"
"Washington" Mitch called, sleepily.
"Washington" Harry told me.
"Washington. Exactly" I stated.
"Okay, but if you feel sick at all just let me know. Gotta look after my girl"
"Harry, I can-" I fell to the floor and started throwing up in the toilet.

Harry carried me back to my bunk and sat on the floor beside me.
"What d'you want for breakfast?" He asked me. "I know you like those chocolate waffles"
"Uhh...can you get me a bunch of bananas?"
"Love, you hate bananas" he replied.
"How times have changed"
Harry smiled and kisses my forehead. "Coming up angel"

"You alright?" Harry had gone out of the bus to buy me food when Mitch knelt down beside me.
"Ill. You?" I replied.
"Tired. Glad we didn't sleep in a hotel though"
"Let me guess, Harry and I drowned out you and Sarahs movie night with our erotic voices?" We both giggled.
"I'm gonna catch up with Harry, I'm starving. You want anything from Starbucks though?"
"Uhhh...iced coffee" I decided.
"Eroda, you hate iced coffee"
"Times change I guess"

Mitch left the bus and I laid there weakly. I hated being sick but I'd be fine eventually. I heard the bus door open a few minuets later and footsteps walk inside.
"Harry?" I called. I heard squealing afterwards.

No way had fans snuck into the bus.

I rolled out of my bunk and stood up to see two teenaged girls recording and looking round. I cleared my throat and they looked at me.
"OMG hiiii! You're Eroda! Harrys girlfriend!" One said excitedly.
"Uh...how did you two get in here?" I asked.
"We...uh..." she stammered.
"C'mon, you shouldn't be here. It's not appropriate" I replied.
"Noo let us stay! Can we meet Harry?"
"Harrys not here...no one's here"
"Well could we wait with you?"
"Of course not! This isn't a meet and greet, it's the crews home for the rest of the month - your invading their privacy"

"We aren't invading their privacy! They parked here!"
"And you entered even though you shouldn't have? Common sense, you aren't supposed to do that"
"Can you not be so rude!? God, I can't wait tio put this video on Twitter! Why's Harry even dating you!? Like, we just wanted to say hello and you're being a bitch!?"
"I'm sure you can ask me myself" I looked ahead to see Harry standing there, holding a paper bag which had bananas inside it. The girls turned round and realised what they'd just done. They scurried off the bus, walking past Harry, their heads down.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked me.
"Yeah...I just feel sick again" I sighed.
"How did...what the fuck! Did they hurt you!?"
"Harry, they're probably fourteen. I'm okay, I handled it. I'll explain later" I replied as he walked over to me and gave me the paper bag. I took a banana out and started eating it.
"I'm so sorry baby"
"It's okay. Don't worry" I finished the banana and tossed the peeling in the trash before taking another one out of the bag.
"Never though I'd see you eating a banana"
"How times have changed" I grinned.
"Well whatever you do, don't look someone in the eye when eating one" he replied.

I unpeeled another banana and put it in my mouth before staring into Harrys soul. He burst out laughing before kissing my head gently.
"I'm gonna call Jeff. Tell him what 'appened" Harry walked to the back of the bus while I stood there chewing the soft banana.

I hate bananas.

"What's up with Eroda?" Mitch nudged me. My girlfriend was sitting with Sarah and Naomi, drinking iced coffee after she'd just finished a whole bunch of bananas.
"She's not feeling good"
"Aw man. But how're you holding up?"
"Pretty good. But I hope my girls okay...those fans were pretty nasty to her"
"She seemed really unbothered, don't worry"
"Nah mate, I worry. She got told to kill herself so she had to make new social media. And now this?"
"She's too ill to care honestly"
"Agreed" I glanced over at my angel to see her leaning against Sarah - she looked awful. She suddenly got up and dashed to the loo.

I got up and went to check on her to a few minuets later to see her sitting on the floor, her hair tied back.
"Baby, if you want you can just stay here and relax tonight" I said to her.
"I'll be fine. I wanna see you perform"
"Love, you're really not well. You're looking ever so poorly. You should rest up"
"B-but I don't want to let you down" Tears suddenly spilled down her cheeks.
"Hey, it's okay! Don't cry! You're not letting me down at all. I want you to be okay. Tours almost over anyway and you've supported me so much. Just take some time to rest baby"

Eroda nodded but she was crying a lot.
"Is everything okay?" Sarah came over to see Eroda crying. "Oh dear, what's the matter love?"
"She can't come to the show tonight" I said.
"No, I-i can!" Eroda sniffled. She was such an angel - she really wanted to be there for me.
"You can support me from the comfort of the bus" i suggested.
"Harry, you're not helping. Move aside, her and I are going on a walk" Sarah decided.
"What!?" I exclaimed.
"Two fans snuck onto the bus and were nasty to her! Why on earth would you ask her to stay here?" Sarah helped up Eroda and linked arms with her.

"Oh yeah" I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.
"I love you Harry" Eroda said as her and Sarah left the bathroom.
"I love you too baby" I called, watching them leave.  
"Simp" Naomi teased me.
"Oh shut up!"

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