19: Sleeping

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We were back in London soon enough and Harry informed me he would be busy but be promised he would one hundred percent see me on Friday.

I arrived home exhausted and went to sleep hefore waking up and unpacking all my things. I'd called in sick again even though I'm sure the head teacher knew I was fibbing. Harry and I were spotted in LA and photos surfaced online. I was going to go in tomorrow and give in my notice and letter of resignation. I was too exhausted today.

I'd fallen asleep again on the couch and awoke to my doorbell ringing. I yawned and crawled to the door before answering it to see Harry.
"Good Afternoon" he smiled when he saw me.
"Hi" i murmured tiredly.
"Oh shit, did I wake you?" He asked me.
"Mm yeah it's fine. What's up?"
"Just wanted to check in. See how you were"
"Here, come in. Help yourself to some tea" I let him in before Harry went to the kitchen to make himself tea while I curled up into a ball on the couch.

"So what's happening with your job, sleepy head?" He asked me, sitting beside me. He pulled my legs onto his lap, ensuring I was more comfortable.
"Giving in my notice tomorrow. Just can't do it anymore y'know? I love to teach though and it's hard finding a teaching position mid year. I'll look around now - could start in the new year if I'm lucky" i explained
"Sounds like a plan. But...what if you can't?"
"Guess I could do some sort of writing or tutoring, I don't know. I'll apply to start in September...God, I'm tired. How are you?"

"I'm great. I'm feeling good. Excited for this week" he told me.
"Me too. Can't wait for the show" i smiled.
"Me neither. I'm not actually busy today, so if you want to hang out I'm available"
"I'd love to Harry" I was so tired and just wanted to sleep but I loved spending time with him.
"You sure? You seem really tired"
"I'll be fine. Pick a movie, I'm gonna make some tea" i yawned as i tried getting up.
"Or...I'll make you some tea and you pick a movie"

Minuets later, Harry and I were sitting on the couch, watching Harry Potter and the Order Of The Phoenix. We were sitting close to each other but soon enough I'd fallen asleep, leaning on his shoulder.

I teared my eyes away from the screen to see Eroda had fallen asleep on me. She seemed rather uncomfortable though so I gently picked her up and placed her in my lap. She looked even more beautiful when she was asleep.

Gosh Harry! Do you like her or not? I thought.
I knew I liked spending time with her and always made time, no matter how busy I was. And I did think she was gorgeous. But I wasn't sure how I felt romantically. I paused the movie and typed away on my phone, texting Gemma. Gem, I'm not sure if I like her romantically or not, I typed. I knew she was busy so I probably wouldn't get a reply in a while so I just looked through photos on my phone. The day we met, i took a video of us trying the brownies. Why did I keep looking at her? Well no shit, she's gorgeous.

It was almost unreal how breathtaking she was. I loved the way her eyes sparkled whenever she smiled. And what a gorgeous smile. I knew she was insecure about her smile - whenever she laughed, she covered her mouth. She'd whine about how damaged her hair was but use so much heat on it. A few times she's kissed me on the cheek as a way of showing her appreciation which I found adorable. It would always make me blush. She'd get nervous easily though but...she was my friend. And I love her.

You gotta figure that out on your own Haz. Sometimes it takes time. Gemma replied.

I sighed and looked down at the beautiful woman in my lap. Her fingers were wrapped around mine, holding them close to her lips. I used my other hand to take a picture of her on my phone. I decided to put it on my close friends story on Instagram. I tagged Eroda of course before checking my emails. I was half way through reading one when I got a text from Jeff.

You just posted Eroda on your main story.

Fuck sake. Of course, thousands of people had already seen it but nevertheless I took it down. Erodas phone kept buzzing on the table...she's probably getting loads of follow requests and messages. Ah shit Harry. I turned her phone on silent, making her stir slightly. She murmured something before holding my hand tighter.
"Harry" she mumbled.
"Hmm?" I replied, convinced she was awake.
"I like you"

What the fuck.

I looked at her. She was dead asleep. Woah, Eroda sleep talks.
"W-what?" I asked. 
"I like you" she murmured - barely though.  But she did say it. Eroda has a crush on me...

Along came Harry | H.SWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt