25: Irresistable

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Erodas POV
The weekend came and the ladies came over for food. We all cooked lunch together and chattered. I was gushing on and on about James, making Michelle squeal. Gemma was smiling but had no input.
"So how did you know James?" I asked her.
"Oh uh, we worked in the same office once" she stammered as she poured us all a drink each. She was acting a little bit off but i shrugged it off as we sat down to watch Friends.

The day went by and they both left soon enough. I took my time tidying up before there was a loud knock on my door. I sighed and washed my hands before answering the door to reveal Harry. He took one look at me before dodging past me and walking into my house.
"W-Oh okay! Just let yourself in!" I exclaimed before I shut the door and followed him to the kitchen.
"We need to talk" he said, gripping the counter.
"Again? God, give it a rest Harry!"
"Eroda! Stop! Okay? J-just hear me out!" He'd raised his voice a bit, letting me know this was more serious than it seemed. I just sighed.

"I-i hate that we cant be friends. Okay, I'm sorry I was so selfish. A-and this James guy? Why are you even spending time with him?"
"Why is it any of your business!?"
"Because he's shady! O-okay you saw the way he looked at Gemma, right? I'd never met him before but the way he was acting..."
"If Gemma has an issue, she can talk to me"
"Well she won't! So i will"
"Oh for God sake Harry, get out of my house"
"No! No, I refuse to let this carry on!"
"You should have thought about that before you kissed me!" i shot back.
"It's not my fault you're fucking irresistible!"

"What?" A puzzled expression was spread across my face. Harry took a deep breathe, covering his face with his fingers which were bedazzled with rings before stepping closer to me, his index finger making its way under my chin. My face tilted upwards so my eyes gazed deeply into his.
"You're fucking beautiful" he said before his lips met mine. His palms pressed against my cheeks, pulling me closer to him while my fingers trailed up to his neck gently, gripping on it so I could keep my balance.

I pulled away after a while before he could deepen the kiss. I let my feet relax (when a 6" man kisses you, it's difficult to reach) and my hands let go of him.
"What are we doing?" I whispered, removing his hands from my face.
"I-i really fucking like you" he replied.

What the heck?

"Please, can we just talk about this?"
I knew I still had a crush on him. And I needed to just...know how he felt. I didn't resent him at all - I adored him. And I had to know.
"You're making the tea" i replied. A relieved expression appeared on Harrys face.
"Thank you Eroda" he was about to hug me but i stepped away. He looked hurt but started on the tea.

"Explain yourself" i said as Harry sat down with the two mugs.
"Uhh...the only reason i would go to Gems everyday was so i could see you. I didn't know how to impress you because...you would always put me in my place. I didn't realise I was crushing. Then of course we got closer and stuff...I always just wanted to be around you - i still hadn't realised. I even flew you to America just so I could be with you. My Mum, Gem, the crew...they all saw it. And i guess all the pressure of my job just blinded me. Around you...i just feel some type of way. Mum was saying how you brought out the best in me. And you made me happy. And i knew you did but...not in the way i thought"

"Eroda...i really fucking like you. And i feel so shit for not realising earlier. And for hurting you-"
"Harry" i cut him off short. "I-i'm sorry for being so horrible to you"
"Hey, it's okay. I mean, i did screw up on my part"
"No. No, you didn't. Okay, the only thinking of yourself thing you already said sorry for... so that's fine and all. And...everyone figures things out differently. I guess i figured it out quicker than you did. Which is okay. You've come to terms with how you feel and all"

"So...do you wanna..."
"Harry, I've never been in a serious relationship"
"Ah. You're worried" Bingo.
"Well...yeah. 'Coz...i don't really know what to do. No ones ever been truly interested in me" my cheeks went red.
"Look, we don't need to put a label on it or make it official. Okay? Heck, if you aren't ready to date I wont even treat you as a partner. We can be friends"
"Or...we can do the thing where we act like a couple and not put a label on it?"
A smile grew on his face. "I'd love that" he took hold of my hands and gently kissed them.

"Wait, can i call you my partner!?" i asked.
"Yes! of course!"

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now