64: 3 Months

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"Oh go away Harry! Just leave me alone!" I snapped, leaving the bed. My mood swings were playing up and Harry was well aware.
"Come back to bed" He batted his eye lashes flirtatiously.
"My tits are freaking hurting! Stop messing around!" I forgot I had nothing on my legs until Harrys cheeky voice spoke up.
"You have a cute butt" That little prick had a big grin on his face as I started blushing.
"Shut up Harry!" For God sake why was he so attractive? I wanted to be mad at him but he was too gorgeous.

"Make me" he replied sassily.
"Okay, come and kiss me big boy"
Harrys eyes widened at my statement.
"Well this is awkward" he blushed slightly before I gave in and got back into bed.
"I hate you for being so gorgeous" I sulked.
"Why thank you love, I do it for you"
"Okay don't get carried away now! Scoot over a little bit, please"
Harry moved over and gave me space. "Let me see your belly" he pleaded.
"So demanding, aren't we?" I replied before I took off my t shirt, forgetting I had no bra on. My face went red but Harry assured me it was okay.

His warm fingers traced my small bump, his eyes glassy. He planted some kisses on my stomach before sitting up.
"I read somewhere that moisturising your chest helps" Harry said to me, noticing my swollen chest. I know he was trying to be kind but my mood swings butted in.
"Hey! Stop!" I reached for my top.
"You said they were hurting! Also, they're beautiful" I ignored him and slipped my top over my head. "Hey, don't shut me out"
"Go away" I mumbled.
"Don't be mad, it's lame"
"Harry, go away!" I sniffled, leaving the bed and storming off.

"Eroda" he sounded worried but I ignored him. I went into my bathroom and started crying my eyes out. He was just trying to be lovely but I wasn't in the mood. I wanted to go back to my room and cuddle Harry but...I really wasn't in the mood today. Harry left me alone for a while before I went back to my room to see him holding my pillow - he was spacing out.
"Boo" I said, startling him.
"You okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah, just needed alone time" I got back into bed and rubbed my eyes.
"C'mere angel. You must be exhausted" Harrys tattooed arm went round me so I shifted closer to him and leaned on his side. "D'you wanna nap when we come back from Mums"
"Mhmm...kiss me"

After our little kissing session, we got ready and went to his Mums house. Gemma was there too. They were both putting bananas on the table for me which was so sweet.

"So...how are you?" Anne asked.
"I'm-" She cut Harry off straight away.
"You're not the one carrying the baby!"
Harry chuckled at her comment.
"I am...managing" I replied. "But if I get a mini Harry in the end, it's worth it"
"Aww" Gemma smiled. "Six months left"
"Six freaking months of feeling like crap physically" I replied.
"Harry, you're helping her right?"
"Yeah of course!" Harry insisted. The two women eyes him suspiciously.
"He's been more than helpful, honestly" I told them. "He's great. Putting up with my mood swings...and he's been staying at mine for two months now"
"You haven't been home in two months!?" Anne asked her son.
"Priorities" he responded.

"Are you two planning on moving in together?"
"Yeah...soon" Harry smiled.
"That's really good" Anne looked proud of her son. Gemma saw my face.
"Eroda, d'you mind helping me quickly?" She asked.
"Sure" We both got up and dashed out of the room.

"You look terrified" she said to me.
"What if my mood swings get too much for Harry!?" I blurted out.
"Eroda, you'll be fine! Okay? You two communicate well...after you've had the baby you won't be as moody"
"Yeah but...imagine its screaming in the middle of the night and..."
"You worry too much"
"Yeah because what if he leaves me like everyone else does!?

Too loud.
"Everything all right in there?" Anne called.
"Um yes Mum! We'll be right out!" Gemma replied before she turned to me. "You'll be fine. Okay? Talk to Harry later"
We went back into the room and I sat a bit further from Harry. He noticed and scooted closer to me, his hand slipping into mine. He definitely heard us.
"Right, I think we should have some lunch" Anne decided, standing up.
"You need some help?" Harry asked.
"I'll help" Gemma said quickly, going off with her Mum to the kitchen.

"What's this about me leaving you?"
For God sake.
"Um...I..." What the heck was I meant to say? I chewed my lip anxiously before Harry smoothed his thumb over my bottom lip, stopping me.
"Do you wanna talk about it later love?"
"I-i don't want to talk about it at all...if that's okay" I said quietly. I knew I was going to cry but I didn't want to in front of him. "I-I'll be right back"

I dashed to the loo and sat on the toilet sobbing. Why was my life so difficult? I used to always push away my traumas easily but it got harder to hide it as time went on. Or when I met Harry. I'd never met anyone like him - I was convinced for the longest time that he'd hurt me like other have then leave. I escaped those thoughts many times but they kept crawling back. God, I was doomed.

"Eroda? Are you alright?" Anne had come to check on me. "Are you crying dear?"
For God sake. My boyfriends Mum heard me crying. I wiped my eyes and opened the door to see the sweet woman standing there.
"Oh love what's the matter?" She asked me.
"Um...just mood swings" I sniffled. "I-I'll be down in a bit"
"Take your time, okay? We'll be waiting"

Eventually, I went back downstairs to see everyone was eating. I sat down next to Harry and joined them, not uttering a word.

"Eroda? Are you asleep?" As soon as we got home I went straight to bed even though it was literally six o'clock in the evening. Harry sidled into bed beside me and joined me under the covers to see me sobbing quietly. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise" He said softly, wiping my tears away.
"I-im sorry I just overthink a lot" I sniffled.
"You don't need to apologise for how you feel. You know I'm here if you need to talk to anyone, m'kay? You're stuck with me love" He planted a soft kiss on my nose before gazing into my dark eyes. "You hungry?"

"When am I not at this point?"

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now