55: Bananas

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My sickness calmed down eventually. I guessed my period was coming as my mood swings were playing up. I missed my period a lot of the time because of my mental health but I never cared really. Unfortunately, this wasn't fun for Harry.

"Harry, get out of my face!" I snapped as I applied my mascara.
"I always watch you do your make up!" He reasoned.
"Oh my God, can you just leave me alone!?"
"Sorry" He sounded hurt and my heart broke.
"No, I'm sorry" I put my mascara down as I'd finished with it. "I'm really sorry, I-i don't know what came over me...well I do as I'm going to start my period but I'm sorry"
"It's okay, you can't control it" He planted a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Am I scary?" I asked him.
"You're scary but you don't scare me" Ah.
"I love you. Let's go buy some bananas"
"More bananas!?" He exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me as we headed back to the hotel, him holding my bananas. I was eating my second one.
"Starving. You?" I replied, as I threw the peel away and took another one.
"You've just been acting different but...I'm guessing it's your period"
"Yeah no shit Sherlock" I booped his nose before I tossed another peel in a bin.

We got back to the hotel and went to our room. I started feeling irritated again though. I wanted affection from Harry but I also just wanted him to leave me alone.
"Be right back" I said before walking out the door.
"We just came back!" I ignored his words and walked down the hallway quickly, a banana in my hand. I'm pretty sure Harry was too tired to follow me so he left me to it.

"Eroda? What're you doing here?" Sarah and Mitch spotted me sitting in the corner on the top floor.
"Went for a walk" I replied.
"Harrys wondering where you are. He's worried about you"
"All he does is worry"
"Because he cares about you. What's up?"
"Nothing, I'm just not in a people mood"
"Ah okay. See you later" They both went into their room, leaving me on my own. I went back to my room eventually and Harry wasn't there so I decided to have a nap.
Why are my mood swings so bad!? I never get this bad for my period!, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

"Uhh I need some help" I said over the phone. Eroda had been acting really weird and I was determined to find out why. And well, Michelle was always great help.
"Are you being annoying?" She asked me.
"No! Erodas acting up - she's eating bananas, drinking iced coffee and her moods up and down. She says her periods coming though"
"Okay, there it is. Her periods coming"
"Well, what do I do? She yelled at me this morning then when we got back she just walked out the room"
"Ah. Women troubles. Just try to talk to her and see what's up, make her laugh"
"Alright, thanks" I sighed.
"She's fine, okay? Just be there for her, look after yourself and don't be annoying...YEAH? ALRIGHT LOVE! I gotta go" she ended the call and I sighed.

I got my coffee and headed back to the hotel. I entered the room to see Eroda sound asleep. Poor angel - she really wasn't doing well. She was ill last week and this week her period symptoms are being annoying. I sat on the bed next to her and put my coffee on the nightstand before opening the book I was reading.

"Harry" Eroda had woken up half an hour later. I put my book down and turned to face her.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
"I-i don't know" she rubbed her eyes and sniffled before sitting up.
"Hey, it's alright. What's the matter?"
"I-i don't know" Poor Eroda started to cry. "I don't feel like myself. I-it's not my mental health though i-it's more of my physical health"
"Oh baby, c'mere" I lifted my girlfriend onto my lap and held her close as she burst into tears.
"I-im sorry for yelling at you" she sniffled.
"It's okay love" She clearly felt dreadful and it wasn't her fault.

"I love you Harry" she whispered into my neck. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me"
"I love you more" i responded. "D'you wanna get more bananas?"
"Yes please" she lifted her head up and wiped her tear stained under eyes.
"C'mon angel" I kissed her chapped lips softly before we got up and left the room.

"You alright?" She asked me kindly.
"I'm great love. Just worried about you" I replied as I slipped my hand into hers.
"Y'know you don't need to look after me"
"We look after each other. Okay? I'm here for you and I love you" I lifted our hands up and kissed hers gently.
"I love you more" she replied.

"TWO BANANAS FOR A POUND THREE BANANAS FOR A EURO!" Eroda bellowed happily. I just laughed at her. I'd gotten her two bunches of bananas and she was very much feeling better.
"D'you want a banana?" She asked me sweetly.
"Yes please" I smiled before she handed me one.
"Don't look into my eyes when you eat it"
"I won't" I responded.

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