59: Getting Rid of James

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"Come on Harry pick up!" I muttered. He hadn't answered any of my calls or messages and I was so worried. I knew I couldn't do this alone. I had to help save Eroda. Harry could get through to her - but not if he didn't respond to me.
"Michel? When's Harry back?" I asked him.
"Uhhh..." he looked at the calendar on our fridge as he sipped his coffee. "Today. Wait, it's one right? He should have landed by now!
"Thank God!" I sighed in relief.
"Gem, why can't you tell Eroda? It'd be much simpler" he said to me.
"She won't believe me. She's under James' manipulation. Harry can get through to her - also the fact shes having his baby"
"Is he that bad?"

"Yes. Yes he is"

"How're you feeling?" James asked me.
"I'm okay. I-i feel really let down by Harry"
"Hey, you can't trust musicians. They're not good news"
"I know it's just...I loved him"
"I got you, okay? We can do this"

Who knew James was so sweet and kind?

"Besides knowing him he's probably sleeping around with some pretty girl he met in LA"
Why did he have say that?
"Uh what?" I replied, my voice wobbling.
"He's Harry Styles. He can get anyone he wants. Think about it"
He could. Harry's probably already moved on and was happy without me.
"So...lunch? I can go get us something"
"Uh sure" I replied. James patted my shoulder and left the room. Tears streamed down my cheeks and sobs erupted from my mouth. I just wanted Harry back. So badly.

"Finally some connection" I unlocked my phone to see so many missed calls and texts. One by one I read through them.

18 Missed Calls from Gemma
17 Texts from Gemma
1 text from Eroda

Eroda. I clicked on the text to see she'd sent me a code green. She wasn't giving up on us either.
"Right, you heading home?" Jeff asked me.
"Uh...Eroda texted me so I'm gonna stop by her house" I replied.
"Ah. Good luck mate. See you soon" I bid everyone farewell before heading out of the airport and calling a cab. I then texted Gemma but she was already calling me.
"Gem! Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Harry where have you been!?" She snapped.
"Woah calm down! I'll explain later, what's up?"
"Eroda's in trouble Harry!"
"I'm on my way to her house, she texted me"
"Hurry! Please! She's having your baby a-and James made up this story about how-"
"Wait! Erodas pregnant!?"
"You didn't know!?"
"No! And what's this about James?"
"He's made up this story about how you abandoned Eroda a-and...he's bad news. He's my ex boyfriend a-and he emotionally abuses women and murders them. I-i know this sounds bizarre but I can explain properly soon, I promise! Just please hurry! She won't listen to me, I know it - I did try and talk her out of raising the baby with him after she thought you'd given up on her but she didn't listen. She'll listen to you! J-just please can you check if she's okay?"

What the fuck.

"I'm on my way"


I arrived to Erodas house and it was quiet. So much was going through my mind. I took the spare key out from under her plant pot and unlocked the door slowly. I went inside and closed it gingerly.
"Hello there" I turned round to see no other than James Noir.
"You fucking scum bag" I gritted my teeth.
"Me? Oh classy, yet you're the one who abandoned Eroda"
"I didn't fucking abandon her. She broke up with me and I didn't have my phone. Where is she?"
"You don't need to worry"

"You think I don't know you're a fucking murderer? You sick mother fucker. If you even lay one hand on my precious girl I'll choke you"
"Kinky. But she isn't your girl anymore. And that baby won't ever meet you"
"You shut the fuck up. I'm raising my child with her. Get out of my fucking way"
"Y'know...I planned Eroda to be first. But maybe you can be first" He took a knife out from his front pocket. For Fuck sake, not this again.
"James? Is that you down there?" I heard Erodas sweet voice from upstairs. My baby.
"Yes dear, I'll be up soon" he replied.

"Don't you fucking dare" I hissed.
"Please, what can you possibly do to stop me?"
"Get the fuck away from my brother" I turn my head to see Gemma, tears in her eyes.
"Ah. Gemma, you're here to say your last words too? My old victim" James smiled.
"Actually no. You are" she took a deep breathe before holding up a USB. "Right here is all the proof I have against you. Your fake identity, your body count, your victims and my mental health forms. Oh and that you're actually German. All of which you're going to use to turn yourself in before I do"
"You're German!?" I exclaimed.
"Shocking, I know" Gemma sighed before turning to him. "It's your choice"
"And you expect me to believe you?" James scoffed.

"17th december 2014, you murdered jemimah brown and her two children and framed her husband for her death because she didn't want to fuck you. 6th september 2015 you strangled delilah holmes - who was pregnant. You told the police that it was her asthma. And on the 31st of August 2017 you attempted to kill me which I found video proof of on my-" my thoughts got cut off by the sight of Eroda who has crept down the stairs. She spotted me and her eyes lit up. She saw James holding the knife and looked terrified. I gestured her to go back upstairs. She looked like she was going to cry. 'I'm sorry' she mouthed before she went back up carefully.

"You turn yourself the fuck in or my partner will" Gemma decided.
"Well...you got me" He looked rather shocked. "But I have to fulfil what I came here for" and with that he raced up the stairs. Me and Gem ran after him like maniacs. My sister grabbed his ankle and he tripped.
"Go to Eroda" she told me as he fought back. I dashed up the stairs and into her room to see her standing in the middle of her room sobbing.

"Angel" She looked up at me before I scooped her into my arms and held her close. Her sobs calmed down but she looked so scared.
"I-i'm sorry Harry, I-i shouldn't have ended it a-and I should-"
"Love, its okay. We'll talk later okay?"
"Harry look out!" Eroda pulled me out of the way as James lunged at me. I stood in front of Eroda, determined to protect her.
"If you fucking touch my girl, I will throw you out of the window" I threatened him. Eroda was behind me, shaking. I felt her arms slide into one of mine - she clearly trusted me still.
"Your girl? Please, Eroda was so quick to agree to raising her baby with me after you left her"
"She broke up with me!" I bellowed. Eroda whimpered behind me - memories were surfacing in both our brains. "Also, you're German!"

"You're German?" Eroda asked him, snapping out of it.
Suddenly, Gemma came up behind him. Her cheek had a bloody scar on it but she managed to hit him over the head with a frying pan and James fell. The knife slid across the floor and Gemma sat on him and restrained him.
"Turn yourself the fuck in"

Eroda clutched my hand in fear. She was crying hysterically, not knowing what to do.

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