67: 6 Months

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"Right so...do we open it?"

We'd just gone to another appointment and we asked the nurse to put the gender of the baby in an envelope so we could open it if we wanted to.

"Maybe later? But one thing: no gender reveal party" Eroda replied.
"Of course not, I hate those" I responded. It was silent for a while before Eroda spoke up.
"I'm sorry we didn't do anything for our one year" she blurted out.
"Love, it's okay. We'll do something after you've had the baby. We can't exactly drink and have a good fuck now, can we?"
"True" she giggled fondly. "I love you"
"I love you too. You wanna get food?"
"Is that even a question?"

She was six months pregnant, Harry.

"So...d'you know the gender?" Stevie asked. She and Paul came to visit later that day.
"We have it in an envelope. We might open it later, 'm not sure" I replied.
"Well...can we open it?" Paul pondered.

Harry handed him the envelope and they both stared at the paper then grinned. Harry and I watched them anxiously.
"Y'know if you wanna open it without me you can" I said to my boyfriend.
"Right back at you love" He replied, his hand squeezing mine.
"So...how did you react when you found out you knocked her up?" Stevie asked Harry as she gave him the envelope.
"Gemma told me as soon as I got back to London. I freaked out a bit as I hadn't talked to Eroda for a while so I was worried but...we talked and...we were both really happy"
"And we still are. Even if I used to yell at him a lot" I added, making Harry giggle.

"Off topic but...I got a new opportunity" Paul grinned.
"Really? What's up?" I asked.
"I may or may not be the new guitarist for this singer called Girli"
"I know her! She's so hot!" Stevie gushed.
"That's amazing!" Harry added. "Well done mate"
"You best tell us when you tour! We wanna see you playing that guitar!" I said.
"Soon. I promise. Haileys moving in with me tomorrow" he told me.
"Haileys pretty" Stevie added.
"Haileys my girlfriend of five years, you lesbian" Paul teased her.
"It's not fair! You two are in stable relationships while I'm alone!" Stevie pouted.

"Me and Harry are not stable. I pushed him off the bed this morning" I pointed out.
"Yeah, what the fuck was that!?" Harry asked me.
"You wouldn't move!"
"You could have asked!"
"I did! And you were like "Let's stay longer". Pillow talk much?" I turned to Stevie. "See? Unstable. Like my mental health"
"For God sake" She muttered. "Eroda, can you come to a gay bar with me?"
"Stevie, I'm six months pregnant. Of course I won't" I replied.
"My straight friends won't come with me though!" She reasoned.
"Ask Paul!"
"Ha, no. I don't like bars and I'm busy" Paul replied.
"Harry?" Stevie said hopefully.
"I can't leave Eroda alone, incase anything happens. Sorry" he replied.

"You're all no help!" Stevie whined.
"Go by yourself and hook up with a butch!" I responded. "C'mon we have lives!"
"Ugh, I'll have to" she sighed. "Anyway, have you two gone baby shopping yet?"
"Uhhh" We indeed have not. We ordered the things for the nursery - like furniture but we hadn't gotten clothes and stuff. I was too afraid to go outside because of the media. Harry still went out but never for baby shopping.
"Public eye?" Paul guessed. "Look, I know you two want to keep things private but desperate times. Y' got three months left and Eroda looks sicker than our grandparents. So what if people take photos and ask things? So what if people say things? You're starting a family - you shouldn't care. Besides you're not exactly confirming anything. Also, Eroda. You're my little sister and you're beautiful. If people say shit to you, who the fuck cares? They can stay mad - Harry Styles knocked you up. If Harry knocked me up, I'd be thanking the heavens"

He had a point.
"Okay well, I guess we're going baby shopping" Harry breathed out.
"I thank the heavens for allowing Harry Styles to impregnate me" I whispered causing everyone to laugh.
"Oh, Eroda! Why does the public know about Elisa?" Stevie asked.

For God sake.

"Uh yeah. That article in The Sun? I was walking Ross the other day and when I went to buy my cigarettes when I saw Harry on the cover. It was saying 'Oh Harrys girlfriend is responsible for a girls death" duh duh duh then Twitter was going crazy..." She stopped short when she saw my face.
"Uh...I don't usually tell Eroda when I see negative things being said to her" Harry added.
"Oh. Uh, sorry" Stevie said quietly.
"It's fine. Uh...I think I'm gonna go have a nap"

I sat on the bed crying my eyes out. I heard Stevie and Paul leave a few minuets later and them two arguing outside before they went their separate ways.

I'd forgotten about Elisa completely because of all my job stress and child. Then suddenly the media knew?
"Darling? Can I come in?" Harry knocked on the door.
"You providing hugs?" I sniffled, as I looked at the article. Harrys large hands took my phone off me.
"Look...if you want to speak up I think you should. Because this is really serious"
"No point. I'll never be good enough" I sobbed.

"Eroda" Harrys voice cracked as he said my name. I think his heart may have broke. "Eroda my love, you don't owe them anything. You don't need their approval - they don't know you. They don't know how strong you are. Your passions, your likes and dislikes, your career. They don't know what really happened with Elisa. You don't need to fit their standards - just your own" Harry took a breather - he didn't want to cry in front of me. There was a sudden bang on the door. "I'll be right back baby" Harry left the room and dashed to the door.

"Uh Eroda? There's someone here to see you" Harry called. I wiped my tears and waddled downstairs to see a woman with dark hair at the door. Harry looked tense.
"You must be Eroda" she smiled. "I'm Elisas mother, Susan"

What the fuck.

I let Eroda and Susan sit alone in the living room, me waiting outside - incase anything happened.
"So...Stevie tells me you've seen the article" Susan began.
"H-how d'you know my sister?" Eroda asked.
"She's gay. As was my daughter. Elisa snuck into a club once and they met. Of course, your sister was well aware that your sister was of age however"
"Now, I'll tell you this...the media is disgusting. As is the way you were treated at Abbey Road. But let me tell you this; Elisas death was not your fault"
"A-are you sure?"
"Eroda, y' really think I didn't know about my daughters little crush? She talked about you non stop. She came out to me when she was eleven - causing her father to leave. Yer a 'eterosexual school teacher - y' did wha' was right. Then Elisa...chose another path"
"Are you okay?" Eroda asked the woman.
"I'll be fine love. I'm more concerned about you. All this talk and well...y' currently pregnant. Must be a lot. And y' rockstar boyfriend"

Rockstar, huh? I liked that.

"Keep doing you. Look after yourself. Elisa died over a year ago - and we both miss her dearly. But y' need to know: it weren't y' fault. Not mine either. Not y' boyfriends...it sounds 'arsh but...it's facts.

Elisas blood isn't on y' hands"

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