3: Elisa's Questions

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"But Miss! I'm never gonna use Shakespeare in the future! Why am I even learning it!?"
"Oh for God sake Harvey! Stop asking so many questions! It'e part of the National Curriculum. Also, Macbeth is interesting to most people" I scolded the boy and nodded towards Amy who was scribbling away. Like I said, I love my Year Elevens. But God did exam year stress them out - and me too. But all my students passed.

"Yeah but Amy's bare weird" he muttered.
"No, Amy just cares about her future and has found joy in something she's learning" I paused. "Now apologise"
"Sorry Amy" he mumbled before looking down at his work. Amy was paying no attention but I hated it when students were unkind to each other. My late grandmother ALWAYS taught me to be kind to everyone. And I intended to spread that message everywhere I went.

The bell rang soon enough and each of my students filed out of my class - except Elisa. She sat at the back and often stayed behind to do work. And well...to impress.

Because she had a crush on me.

Let's be honest...what lesbian hasn't had a crush on their woman English teacher? My best friend in secondary school was head over heels for Mrs Stanley - who was married to a woman. Anyway, Elisa was whispering to her friends one time saying she would 'let me dom her' and well...I'd heard. But I didn't say anything. She was growing up - discovering herself more everyday.

"Staying again Elisa?" I asked her.
"Uh yeah! Can't get enough of William Shakespeare" she blushed and smiled.
"I never striked you as someone who liked Shakespeare" I checked the time. "Right well, I'l in here for an hour or two so if you need help just ask. I'll be in the next room for about ten minuets though"

"Is Elisa staying again?" Michelle teased me.
"Yeah...God. Poor girl, doesn't she know I'm straight?" I sighed.
"It's like you said, she's growing up. And hey, maybe you're the one who made her discover she's a lesbian" she responded.
"Nope...Ruby Rose. She talks about her non stop. Still, I hope by the time she leaves this crush is gone" I yawned.
"Oh yeah I forgot to ask - who's the new neighbour?" Michelle asked.
"Gemma and her partner"
"Okay but...her brother?"

"Oh for God sake, Chelle"
Michelle laughed. "Look, she did mention he was a musician. That's kind of cool!"
"I'm not going to go after my neighbours brother. Plus, I have no clue who he is"
"I mean, we can find out. He's world famous, right?" Michelle grinned.
"Nah. She's a good friend. Leave it"
"Okay, I won't press. But I do need to go home in the next hour or so" she replied.
"I'm gonna head back to Elisa. See you tomorrow" we shared a hug before I left the room.

Elisa was on her phone giggling till I walked in and she put it down. I sighed and sat at my desk, clicking away. I had to update my mark book ASAP.
"Miss" Elisa called.
"Yes Elisa?" I asked.
"D'you have a boyfriend?"
I turned my head. "You shouldn't be asking questions like that"
"I'm just askin'" she reasoned.
"And why are you asking?"
"Just curious innit...what about a girlfriend?"
"Elisa, did you stay behind to ask about my personal life or to work?"

She quietened down at once. I couldn't imagine how she felt...having a crush on someone ten years older than you? Rough, if you ask me. I knew some student and teacher relationships worked out...some didn't. There was one here once. Poor Scott Wright and Mrs Stephens from History ran away during my first year and they haven't been seen since. Anyway, I couldn't confront Elisa - it would raise many questions.

"Miss, why are you and Mrs Pearson close?"
"We started teaching at the same time"
"Yeah but you're both like besties and stuff"
"I mean, if you want to put it that way"
"Are you two dating?" For God sake.
"Elisa" I sighed and turned my chair. "Mrs Pearson is married and has two daughters" I was about to carry on working when she asked something else.
"So you're gay?" Her eyes lit up.

"I'm straight!" I suddenly let out. "Happy!?"
"Oh" she said quietly.
"Right, I'm going to leave early today so if you want to do some work I suggest you go to Mr Browns room" I told hers.
"I-it's fine. I'll just go home" she mumbled, tidying up her things. I felt awful for raising my voice at her but I'd had enough.
"Safe journey home" I called as she left the room quickly.
I tidied up my things and went to say goodbye to Chelle (and tell her what happened) before leaving the building and getting into my car.

I got home and took off my heels before getting started on dinner before realising I had no carrots. I sighed and put on my coat and flats before stepping outside my front door and locking up.
"'Scuse me Miss? Are you Eroda?" I turned around to see a tall man with curly brown hair and sunglasses standing in front of me.
"Who's asking, Mr Sunglasses in Winter?"
He chuckled gently. "I'm Harry. Gemmas brother"

At that moment my phone buzzed.
"Sorry" I reached into my pocket and took it out.

Michelle: Okay sorry i may have done some snooping...turns out Harry Styles and Gemma are brother and sister. Crazy, right?

For God sake.

Harry Styles was standing in front of me.

How was I supposed to act? What would I say ? The last time I saw him he had luscious long hair and wore skinny jeans. Today he was wearing a hoodie, a coat and sweat pants and he has shorter hair.

He's a regular person.

"Uh it's nice to meet you Harry. Yes I'm Eroda" I extended my hand and his warm right hand shook it.
"Awesome. Where you headed?"
"Tescos. Forgot to get carrots for my soup"
"Mind if I join you? Gemma just went out to eat, I was helping her out and well...It'd be nice to get to know my sisters new neighbour"
"It's only a ten minuet walk. Are you sure?"
"Sure. Lead the way" he took off his sunglasses to reveal the most stunning green eyes I'd ever seen in my life.

"I took my sister to a one direction concert a few years ago" I blurted out.
"Ah. So you of know me"
"Who doesn't? Also a lot of my pupils talk about you"
"Pupils?" He asked as we walked along the pavement.
"I'm an English Teacher"
"Oh wow" Harry seemed impressed. "So...you've heard my music I guess"
"Sometimes you're on the radio. And my sister played One Direction twenty four seven when we were younger. But I must say, you four put on a really good show at the O2 a few years ago"
"They were...meh"

What the heck?

Along came Harry | H.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora