16: Going Away

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Listening parties were one of my favourite things to do. Meeting fans, sharing my music...being a comedic genius. I was so excited.

Half way through the listening, I looked to my left to see a couple. They were holding hands and leaning on each other as they listened. I just yearned for somebody to fill that gap for me - a lover. I so desperately wanted to fall in love, get married, have children...I wanted to live. The couple noticed me and smiled. I returned the gesture before looking down at my lap. Maybe one day.

For fuck sake, I forgot to text Eroda, AGAIN. Note to self; call Eroda tomorrow.

I let a few days go by but lessons didn't improve. God, even my colleagues were treating me differently. By Thursday, I'd had enough. I was sick of crying everyday and being spoken to unkindly. I knew I was going to resign eventually - I couldn't take it anymore. The pain, the guilt, the mistreatment...it was too much for me. I got home that night and just sobbed again. I had marking to do but I was too hurt to even pick up a pen. I was mid eating dinner when my phone rang. Harry.

"Hey Eroda! I-i'm so sorry for not returning any of your texts. I've been really busy lately - and lacking sleep. How are you?"
"Um" i sniffled. "I-im alright"
"Eroda...are you crying?" For God sake.
"I-i um...yes" i started sobbing again.
"Hey it's okay! It's okay, I'm here. What's been happening?" He asked. So I explained. I told him about the awful things that have been happening in school and how sad I'd been.

"Oh love, I'm so sorry. Shit, this is all so awful"
"I-i know right...I'm going to quit soon anyway"
"W-what are you going to do after that?"
"I-i don't know. I-i'm scared" i cried harder at that statement. "I-i'm sorry"
"Hey Eroda, listen to me. You have nothing to be sorry for, okay? Everything's going to be okay. You're being so strong right now and I'm really proud of you. Now...it's clear to me things aren't going so well right now and yell at me if this isn't appropriate right now but...d'you want to come to LA right now?"

"I'll talk to my assistant and we'll put you on the next flight to LA. Get you away from all the drama" he said simply.
"H-harry, I-i can't just take your money-"
"It's a gift. No shit, things are hard right now. So, come. There's a show tomorrow because the albums out tomorrow - Gemma and my Mum are here too. I wanna be here for you"
"A-are you sure? Surely you're going to be busy"
"I'm never too busy for you"

"Text me the flight details" i sniffled.
"Awesome! I'll see you soon, yeah
"Harry, I love you so much...friend wise"
"I love you too. You go and pack, okay? Don't you worry about a thing"

So like that, I packed a suitcase and texted Michelle: I'm going off the grid for a few days. Need time. I love you <3. Harry texted me the flight information before I called an Uber and made my way to the airport.

some hours later
I had never been on an eight hour flight before but it was 6PM in LA yet 2AM in the UK...time difference still blew my mind. Also, LAX was huge..I was terrified! I texted Harry and told him I'd arrived. I just sat down near some shop after I'd gotten my suitcase back.

"Hello stranger" i looked up to see Harry.
"Harry!" I stood up and jumped into Harrys arms who held me tightly. We stayed like that for a while before he took my suitcase and we headed out of the airport, chattering away. I was so happy to see him, I literally wanted to kiss him. I'd never even kissed someone - why was I being like this!? Oh yeah, I had a massive crush on Harry.

We headed to where he was staying and Gemma was there! We shared a tight hug before she introduced me to Harrys mum.
"You are so pretty. How are you so pretty?" My jaw dropped when I saw her. Harry and Gemma laughed at me while Anne (his mother)  gave me a hug. Well, that explained how her children were just as gorgeous.
"Are you Harrys girlfriend?" She asked.
"Oh uh no" I said. "Just a good friend"
"Who came to LA to see me perform" Harry slung his arm round my shoulder, making me blush.
"Because you forced me" I joked.

I think Anne had sussed out I liked him.

Because her and Gemma were whispering while Harry and I caught up. From the corner of my eye, I could see them looking at us from time to time. I was getting so lost in his eyes as I told him how awful school had been. He gave me his full attention and comforted me, the sweet boy. I was getting a little bit emotional and he noticed so he took me to another room where I cried my eyes out - again. Harry had never seen me cry this much before, but life was going nowhere right now. I just kept getting hurt.

"I-i'm sorry, this must be a lot for you" i sniffled as he held me in his arms.
"It's okay. I brought you here so you could relax - get away y'know. Things have been really hard for you and you deserve a break, okay?" I nodded before he wiped my tears.
"Harry! Harrys looking for you!" Gemma called.
"God dammit" he sighed before turning to me. "You gonna be okay?" He asked.
"I'll be fine. Thank you"
"No problem" he gave me a quick hug before going to find Harry.

Gemma sauntered over to me.
"You know it's so obvious you like Harry"
"Yeah...God dammit" i sighed.
"Me and mum saw you two. It's so obvious he likes you, he just hasn't figured it out yet"
"I-i don't want to think that...whenever I do i get let down in the end. I'm pretty unlucky with love. Also we've only been friends for a week"
"Wow! You fall fast!" She exclaimed:
"Awful, I know" i sighed.
"C'mon, time for tea and a girly chat" she put her arm round me and led me to the kitchen.

Along came Harry | H.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang