5: The Elisa Situation

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"Morning Eroda" Harrys voice chirped as I locked my front door.

That was the fourth time this week.
"Funny how you're rich enough to have your own house yet you're never there" I replied.
Harry was once again outside Gemmas, speaking to her partner. Why on earth was he always here?
"Morning Eroda" He gave me a wave.
"Morning" I responded, before putting my bag and folder in the passenger seat of my car.
"What are you still mad about that joke?" Harry asked, a sly grin on his face.
"Jokes are meant to be funny Harry: Oh and I could care less" I got into my car and started driving to school.

"Morning Eroda!" Michelle smiled as I entered her room.
"Hello Chelle. Another morning seeing Harry"
"He was there again? Doesn't he have a house of his own? He's rich!" She asked.
"Apparently not" I sighed.
"Has he apologised yet?"
"No, he's still ignorant as ever but...whatever. He'll bugger off soon" I responded.
"Hopefully. Oh also, do you have any spare copies of 'A Christmas Carol'?"
"Should do. But I will need them period three and four" I explained.
"Not a problem. I just need them for period two. Mind if I help myself?"
"Sure, not a problem"

We headed to my room to see Rosie was there.
"Morning Rosie" we chorused before Michelle and I started taking the novels out of the cupboard, pilling them up onto the nearest desk.
"Morning. Um...Eroda. One of your students Elisa Peers..." Rosie began.
Here we go again.

"She came to me rather upset the other day and when I asked her what was wrong she said "Miss Martin" then started crying"

For God sake.

"This again?" Michelle sighed.
"Pardon?" Rosie responded.
"Right so...Elisa has been acting rather strange in my class for a year or so. And this term she's been staying in after school which I'm alright with. But she's been using it as an opportunity to ask me about my personal life instead of getting on with her work" I explained.
"Eroda's told me all about it" Chelle added. "She was asking if she was gay and Eroda had had enough and snapped at her, telling her she was straight"

"Oh for fuck sake" Rosie cursed. "It seems we have another teacher crush situation"
"Yeah...we figured" I said quietly.
"You knew she had a crush on you and you didn't think to tell me or the head of year!?"
"We didn't know for sure! Some students are just quite invasive. We didn't want to think THAT because of what happened last time" Michelle stuck up for me.

Rosies face grew white. She was thinking of Scott and Mrs Stephens.
"Right, I think it's important I speak to Elisa"
"Rosie, just be careful. She's young and she obviously thought she had a chance. She's growing up, this must be really difficult for her" I responded timidly.
"Yeah I mean even Mr Brown thought Eroda was gay" Michelle added.
"Chelle!" I scolded her.

"It's simply inappropriate. It's going to interfere with her studies" Rosie replied.
"She can't help what she feels. Plus, most of my class are obsessed with Harry Styles"
"You had to choose him?" I turned to Chelle who was smiling cheekily.
"On a serious note, at this age kids have crushes on people way older than them. It's normal. But she shouldn't get carried away of course. Also imagine how Elisa would feel if you bombarded her with questions" Chelle added.

"Look, it'll be fine" Rosie clearly didn't care. " Also...how's Harry?" She asked me.
Michelle cackled with glee.
"I wouldn't know, we don't talk" i replied, though my cheeks grew red. Rosie smirked. Despite her being scary, she was loads of fun sometimes.
"Right okay, well I have to cover a maths lesson. You two have cover period four for maths too. Mrs Calender is off sick and those Year Eights are a handful" she added.

"Thanks Rosie" she left the room quickly and Michelle laughed at me.
"Shut up Michelle! Don't you have a lesson?"
"These books aren't going to take themselves to my classroom! C'mon!"
I helped my best friend take the books to her room to see some students had already filed in.
"Good Luck. And tell Harry i said hi" Michelle teased me.
"I don't even speak to him! Ch-" i stopped short as the class was listening.

"Miss are you dating Harry Styles?" One girl asked me. The whole school had seen the photos of Harry and I going to Tescos online.
"Thankfully not" I responded.

"Miss whats the deal with you and Harry Styles?" Lewis asked me as I got back to class.
"Lewis, you should be highlighting that extract"
"Miss why d'you bare avoid questions? We're just asking" he responded.
"Because you all ask too many personal questions" I replied as I took the register on my computer.
"Yeah but we barely know you. You're our teacher, innit?"

"Right okay...I just like to keep my school life and personal life separate" I liked my Year 10 class a lot so I didn't want to upset them. "One of Harrys relatives moved in on my road and he came to help out but realised she'd gone out. So he offered to keep me company on my walk to Tescos. I don't even know him properly"
"Wait you live near some of Harrys family!?" Maisie exclaimed.
"Is Harry handsome in real life!?" Chantelle added.

"He's a regular person like you and I and I haven't seen him since. Now c'mon, we won't have time for kahoots if you all mess around!" That got them working.

And yes Chantelle...he's incredibly handsome.

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