6: Confronting Elisa

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"So...what about Mrs Martin?" My friend Katie asked me.
"I know she's not straight! There's no way she's straight" I gabbled.
"I dunno Elisa...apparently she's dating Harry Styles" Fiona replied.
"Nah. My sister in Year 10 found out she don't like him. Some of his family live near her, that's all" I replied.
"Look, maybe this whole crush is going too far. She's twenty five. She wouldn't ever date you - she cares a lot about her job" Katie said.
"I-it's not a crush! I'm in love with her!"
"Shit bruv. Well, maybe ask her on a date"
"As if she'll say yes..." I spotted Miss Martin and Mrs Pearson laughing down the corridor.

"Chelle, you talk more about him than I do" My gorgeous English teacher giggled.
"You need to get in there! He's cute and maybe you can change him" Mrs Pearson replied.
"I am not his therapist. If he wants to sort himself out he can do it himself"
"Why else is he always hanging around Gemma's? He clearly wants to see you!"
"Too bad. I'm not interested and he's going to freeze to death" They pushed open the door that led to the stairs and carried on talking, not noticing us.

"They're talking about Harry" Fiona whispered.
"See! She doesn't like him!" I exclaimed. "Maybe I can try and talk to her again"
"Elisa...give it a rest. Just because she doesn't like Harry, doesn't mean she likes you" Katie said.

"Elisa! Elisa Peers! Is that you over there?" Damn Mrs Parton. "Can I speak to you please?"
"We'll wait here" Katie said as I walked off.
"Right, in here please" she opened a random classroom door me following.
"Now I don't want you to panic. You're not in trouble. But there have been some rumours going round that you view Miss Martin in a romantic way"

What the fuck.

"What!? That's not true!" I lied.
"You came to me upset about her the other day. What was that about then?" She folded her arms.
"I-um...I just...she shouted at me"
"Because you kept asking about her personal life" Miss Martin had told her! "Now as you know, Miss Martin likes to keep her life private so asking all those questions were not at all necessary. And...I'm sure she will be seeing someone soon"

Fucking Harry.

"Now, Miss Martin is aware about your crush on her and has assured me that she is in fact not interested and she knew before hand but didn't want to upset you. She understands that you're growing up and these things happen. Especially in the first year...we simply cannot have a repeat of that. But please, be sensible. This cannot interfere with your studies and could get Miss Martin in trouble"
"Right okay uh I get it" How did she know!? Was it that obvious?

She finally let me go but i was freaking out. Katie and Fiona were waiting but I dodged past them and went to find Miss Martin. Of course her and Mrs Pearson were talking outside her room, laughing at something on Mrs Pearsons phone. Mr Brown was with them too, giggling along.

Were they laughing at me?

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I made my way over to them.
"Are you alright Elisa?" Mr Brown spotted me. The other two teachers looked up.
"How long did you know!?" I sobbed to Miss Martin.
"Uhhh...d'you wanna talk in my room?" She asked, clearly panicking.
"I-i just need to know!" I sniffled.
"Know what?" Mr Brown asked.
"Nothing" Miss Martin said quickly. "Elisa, just go inside the classroom. It's best not to talk about it here"

I gave in and went inside, Miss Martin following me. I sat at a desk and carried on crying.
"Look Elisa, I overheard you talking to your friends a while ago so...I figured it out. And then you were staying behind and asking all these questions. But I'm not angry. I think you're a really good student Elisa and you have so much potential. But...it can't happen. I'm your teacher and...well..."
"You like Harry Styles" i sniffled.
"Oh God no! No, not at all!" She shuddered. "I was going to say that I'm straight"

"Look Elisa, why don't you go home early? Just get some rest. Say you have a headache or something. I'll even write you a note. Just take some time for yourself...self care..."
"Uhm okay" Miss wrote me a note before handing it to me. "Get home safely okay?"
"Thanks Miss" i left the room quickly, knowing what i would really do.

"What's your deal Harry? You're always here" Gemma asked as she handed me a glass of water.
"Just wanted to see my big sis" I replied.
"Really? Or are you admiring Eroda?"
"Of course not! She's so boring and can't take a joke" I replied before taking a sip:
"Hey! You said something unkind and go about your day acting like nothing happened!"
"It wasn't a big deal! If she can't take a joke it's her problem"

"Harry stop being so irresponsible! When are you going to learn? What happened to you? After the band you...you changed! Even Mums noticed! A-and she's hurt! She's so hurt!"
Gemma knew that our mother was my weakness.
"I'm fine Gem...I'll say sorry to Eroda"
"Good" she looked at her watch then to me. "Go home. Okay? Stop hanging around here, you'll scare the neighbourhood cats"

"Shut up" i giggled before we shared a hug and i headed to my car.

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