12: A Listening Party

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Michelle: You and Harry, huh ;)

Me: What

Michelle: There's photos online of you two holding hands yesterday

Me: Omg no! We aren't dating or anything.

Michelle: I thought you hated him

Me: He came to say sorry...the day I went home. He was there for me and well, now we're friends.

Me: But maybe I have a crush on him :/


Me: I know right :(

Michelle: Go get him!

Me: Non😳

Michelle: Omg do it. I gotta get to work but DO IT.

Me: I hate you

Michelle: I love you too ;)

I clicked off my phone and sighed. Then my phone buzzed.

Harry: I'm going America next week. Wanna come to my place?

Me: Send the address, I'll be there soon.

I changed into a black crop top, green wide leg trousers and black doc martens. I then brushed my hair and put on some eye liner, highlight and mascara before grabbing my coat and bag and heading out.

Harry was waiting for me nearby. I ran over and hugged him tightly before he led me to his house.
"It's nothing compared to yours" he told me as he unlocked it and opened the door, letting me in first.
"I beg to differ" I replied as i stepped inside.

"You eaten?" He asked.
"Yeah...Harry your house is so pretty" i said.
"When I first moved in there wasn't an upstairs. Had to get it done. But it's home. I love it here" he smiled mid sentence.
"Everyone has a house. But...what about a home" i replied.
"Calm down Shakespeare" he teased me.
"Hey!" I hit his muscular arm playfully.

He led me to his room which was very...Harry. Photos, records, a lot of black...it fit him so well.
"Sooo...America huh?" I asked him.
"Yup. Listening party, a show, TV appearances"
"Listening party!? Man, I wish I lived in LA. The singles released so far are so good!"
"You listened to them!?"
"Of course I did! Oh and you're debut album. Dude, Only Angel is so good"
"That one was so fun to record. God, I can't wait to tour. Right, we should get packing"

"And done" i zipped his suitcase up and we high fived.
"I am so excited for the album Harry"
"Me too. You coming to the Camden show?"
"I'll be there. You mind if I bring company?"
"Sure. Who?" We sat on his bed and carried on talking.
"Michelle has two twins daughters and one of them adores you. Seeing you live would make her so happy"
"Consider Michelle and her daughter on the guest list"

"Harry, you're the best!" I gave him a big hug which made him smile gleefully.
"Hey, I'd do anything for you. Now...you wanna hear the album?" He asked sweetly:
My jaw dropped. "W-what?"
"D'you wanna hear Fine Line?"
"Uh yes more than anything! But...are you allowed to show me?" I asked.
"No" he shrugged and went into his drawers and produced a cassette, a cassette player and two sets of headphones. "I may have planned to show you"
"This is so exciting!" I exclaimed as we sat cross legged and he put headphones over my head before putting the cassette in.

"Oh my god" i whispered as the first song started. Harry was watching me, a smile on his face. I kept saying 'Oh my god' as Golden played. Of course we vibed to Watermelon Sugar, Adore You and Lights up. The next song up was Cherry. This song seemed so vulnerable. It was so sad. I kind of stared off into distance as it played. I knew the voicemail was his ex girlfriends and...I was proud of him for putting it in:

The next song was Falling and let me tell you, it was so sad. 'Are you okay?' I mouthed to Harry. He nodded but...I wasn't so sure. I had my hand over my mouth because of how regretful he sounded in the song. Next was 'To Be So Lonely' which I liked a lot. I moved my head to the rhythm while Harry just smiled fondly at me.
"This sounds like a drunk phone call" I said to him which caused him to laugh.
Up next was 'She' which I was rather fond of. I was rocking to it pretty hard and the guitar solo was unreal.

'Sunflower Vol. 6' was so beautiful. I grabbed Harrys hands and we did a little dance while sitting on the bed before giggling - it was so adorable. 'Canyon Moon' was so funky! It reminded me of Michelle a bit - and the whistle part! That was so cool! Two things were clear to me so far: One, Harry was not straight. Two, he was so good at his job. 'Treat People With Kindness' was so cute and cheerful. Harry laughed at me as I made random hand gestures and rocked around. It was such a sweet song and the message was really good.

The final song was 'Fine Line'. I'd calmed down and just sat there listening. I couldn't believe that was Harrys voice. I knew he could sing but...holy crap. The lyrics, the instruments, the vocals...it was like heaven to the ears. I'd never heard anything more exquisite. Tears filled my eyes soon enough and slowly they spilled down my cheeks. I let out a sob, clamping my hands over my mouth. Harry noticed and pulled me into a tight hug. We listened to the rest of the song, me crying my eyes out.

I couldn't believe this was him. When I first met Harry i despised him. I disliked him for weeks and wanted nothing to do with him. He really had a passion for music - and he was excellent at what he did. This album was so unshielded - i was in love with it. The song finally ended but Harry was still holding me. I let out a small sniffle and released.

"Sorry" i said, taking the headphones off my head.
"Don't be. You okay?" He asked.
"I'm...amazed. Harry, never stop making music. You're unreal. I...I've never heard anything more beautiful" i replied.
"I take it you like the record"
"Like!? I love her! Oh my god" i wiped my tears away. "Can i kiss your cheek!?"
"You may" he grinned before i planted a kiss on his cheek and gave him a hug.

"I'm glad we're friends" he said to me.
"Me too" i replied.

But I wish we were more.

Along came Harry | H.SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora