22: Fine Line London

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I did end up turning up to Fridays show. Michelle, Jessica and I all went together. Gemma let us into the venue and we walked around chattering. Jessica was adamant to meet Harry so Gem led us to the main stage where he was doing soundcheck. Our eyes locked awkwardly - which everyone noticed.

"Mummy! It's Harry!" A small voice exclaimed. I looked up to see Gemma, Michelle, a small child...and Eroda. She came to support me. She spotted me and looked away before the child ran over - ah. Michelles child. Who was absolutely sweet. Michelle was equally as kind but she did give me a death stare before hand - i took it she knew what happened the other day.

"Hey why don't you get yourself some merch? Gemma can show you" I said to Jessica.
"You mind?" Gem asked Michelle.
"Course not! I want to speak to Harry anyway" she replied. Fuck.
Gem and Jessica sauntered off before Michelle turned to me.
"What the fuck" she said. "What the fuck Harry. I had high hopes for you"
"Well, too bad" i said simply. Her eyes widened at that sentence. Even I was shocked at my own words.
"I don't know HOW Eroda was into you! God you're a prick!" She shuddered.

"Have you come here to just have a go at me?"'i asked.
"Yes, yes I did. And for Jessica - she adores you" she looked over at Eroda who was sitting with Mitch, Sarah and Adam - but she wasn't speaking. She was playing with her hands anxiously.
"Poor girl. Life really hates her" Michelle sighed. "And you're a dick"
"I don't understand why you're so mad at me. She cut me off" i explained.
"Because Eroda is my best friend. And...you were only thinking of yourself. I feel like you were trying to fill a space that someone was once in and you chose Eroda. Then when she had to cut you off for her mental health - you made it about you. Yes she threw it all away because you don't like her back - could you blame her? She's been going through so much and the last thing she needs is to hurt herself more"

"Mum says Eroda brings out the best in me"
"And I agree" she looked over at Eroda again to see her sitting by herself, watching everything around her. "She went on about what an angel you were"
"Michelle, I'm sorry. I-i didn't realise" Gem had already told me but hearing it again made me realise what a dickhead I'd been.
"It's not me you should be saying sorry to" she patted my shoulder before heading over to her best friend, putting an arm round her.
"Are you alright love?" She asked Eroda gently. Eroda looked like she was going to cry so they left the stage area and headed to the dressing room.

I had a private cry to Michelle then avoided Harry the whole time. The show was starting soon so Jeff led all of us to an area above the main stage so we could watch from there. Jessica was over the moon to see Harry perform - Gem and Michelle danced with me to cheer me up. Stormzy had come to perform even - which was truly epic.

The night was over soon and everyone was hanging out in the dressing room. Jessica was babbling to Harry about what a great job he did.
"Is everything okay?" Mitch asked me as we were all leaving.
"Uh yeah" i lied nervously.
"You and Harry haven't spoken all day"
"We're...not really friends anymore"
"Did he find out?" I nodded. "Aw shit"
"Yeah..." i sighed.
"You always got me, m'kay?" He said before his girlfriend caught up with us and slid her hand into his.

Gem pleaded me to join them all at the London pop up shop while Michelle and Jessica went home. So i did. Harry and the crew were taking a bunch of photos while Gem and I looked around.
"You okay?" She asked.
"I'm as good as I can be. The show was great. I'm glad we got to hang out"
"Hey, we're friends. I'm always going to be here for you" we shared a long hug before she pulled me to the photo booth to take a picture with her. Sarah and Naomi joined us for a group girl photo too.

"Hey Gem, we need one too" Harry said. I immediately left the backdrop area so they could have their photo. Everyone was chattering away while I looked around by myself.

"Hey" i look to my right to see Harry.
"Harry" i said dryly before turning back to the screen.
"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure" i responded. Awkward.
"I'm really sorry for...being so selfish the other day" he began. I turned my head to face him.
"An apology, huh?" I raised an eye brow.
"Uh yeah" he chuckled. "I was only thinking of myself. And it was...a dick move"
"It was" i spoke. "Well, I guess you're forgiven"
"Hug it out?" He offered.
"In your dreams" i responded. He looked hurt after I said that but I tried not to care.

"I got you a Christmas present a while ago" he blurted out.
"Yeah, I got you one too" i replied.
"Oh uh cool. Well...d'you wanna...exchange?"
"Sure" we walked away from everyone else and headed to the van. Harry opened the boot and handed me a gift bag.
"Merry Christmas Eroda" he said before I opened it to reveal a walkman and headphones. I'd told him how much I wanted my own after we listened to Fine Line together.

"Oh wow. Thanks" i replied before reaching into my backpack and handing him a wrapped present. "Couldn't let it go to waste. Merry Christmas Harry"
"No way" he unwrapped it to reveal a cassette which I'd painted. It had all our favourite songs on it. "Thanks Eroda. It's beautiful"
"No problem" I smiled a little, happy that he liked the present.
"Wanna test it out?" He asked me.
"Sure. I guess" Harry slid the cassette into the walkman and we each put an earphone in as Dreams by Fleetwood Mac started playing.

"Seems to be working" I said timidly.
"It does, doesn't it?" He replied before looking up. "Oh"
I followed his gaze to see a mistletoe.
"Just a silly tradition" i said quickly.
"Yeah uh...I agree" Harry responded awkwardly.

Or not.

Because Harrys hands met my cheeks before our lips locked together.

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