31: Erodas Childhood

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We went back into the room and sat down awkwardly. Stevie was freaking out.
"Everything alright?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, yeah" Paul lied.

"IM A LESBIAN!" Stevie let out suddenly.
"That wasn't the plan!" I exclaimed.
"I told you so!" Dad turned to Mum.
My siblings and I burst out laughing. Harry joined, shocked at the reaction.
"How was I supposed to know!?" Mum reasoned.
"Lady Gaga?" Paul suggested.
"Well, I am starving. So I'm going to get a snack" Stevie skipped out of the room giggling.

"So...how's this for a visit?" I asked Harry. Paul had gone outside to smoke, my parents were preparing lunch and Stevie was on the phone in the hallway.
"Eventful. But...if you don't mind me asking...what's the deal with Paul and your Dad?"
"So...I'm basically the favourite child. Hence why Paul and I never got on. And my Dads really hard on him. Like...even now" i sighed and watched my Dad go into the garden and scold Paul for smoking. "He's really unsupportive"
"Well, as long as Paul doesn't care what your-"

He got interrupted by my Dad and brothers arguing before they stormed inside.
"You always need to butt in don't you!?"
"I'm your father! Im trying to support you!"
"I dont need your fucking support! Growing up all you cared about was Eroda! You never gave a damn about me and my happiness!
"Eroda has made something of herself unlike you! You're a failing musician!"

"Uhhh..." i looked at Harry who was equally shocked.
"For God sake!" Stevie came back in and tutted. "I'm guessing this is why you barely visit"
"Yup" i replied.
"STOP ARGUING!" Stevie shouted at the top of her lungs, making them both stop. I grew red. Harry clutched my hand, knowing I was scared.

My Dad left the room to calm down. Paul looked at me angrily.
"Why the fuck do you always need to be so perfect!? You have to ruin things, don't you!
"Hey! It's not my fault we got raised this way!" I exclaimed.
"You never fucking stuck up for me as a child. Ever! You let him belittle me, you let him torment me. You do fuck all for me!"
"What are you even talking about!? You're just mad that Dad likes me more - that's not my fault!" I shouted. Harry jaw dropped at how loud I was. He's only ever heard me shout once
"Yeah, she does that" Stevie said go him.
"Bullshit!" Paul roared at me.
"Actually...she's not wrong" Stevie chimed in.

"Don't you remember? Us two would always be playing outside while she was in her room - studying. And...Dad knew I was gay from day one - hence why he got to listen to One Direction. He thought having a favourite boy band would 'heal me' - before he stopped being so ignorant. He was hard on all of us in some way. So stop blaming Eroda - because she didn't know half of it happened as she was forced to miss her childhood just to live up to Dads expectations"

Paul calmed down. But tears were streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't believe this. Heck, I couldn't believe Harry had heard all that. I let go of Harry and left the room, sobbing. My lovely boyfriend followed me to the stairs, allowing me to cry on him.

I was finally calm and just leaned on Harrys side, listening to his breathing.
"You alright now?" He asked me.
"Um, I'll be fine" I sniffled. "You like my family?"
"Uhh..." he didn't know what to say. He of course liked them but after hearing all of that, he was extremely concerned.
"Sorry about all that" i mumbled.
"Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for. All families are flawed. Parents fuck up. And I'm so sorry you went through that. God...I'm so proud of you for getting through it all"
"I love you Harry" i whispered.
"I love you too"

I looked at him, shocked.
"Surprise" he grinned before kissing my forehead while I giggled.
"Eroda" we looked up to see my brother.
"I'll be in the kitchen" Harry got up and headed to the kitchen. My brother say next to me awkwardly.
"Sorry" he mumbled. "I-i didn't know"
"I didn't either" i responded. "Sorry"
"Yeah" he wasn't good with apologies. "D'you love Harry?" He asked.
"A lot" i whispered.
"Good. If he hurts you I'll kill him"
I laughed. "Thanks"

We headed to the kitchen to see Harry and Stevie ballroom dancing.
"He's teaching me the boys part!" Stevie said happily.
"Ow! That was my toe!" Harry yelped, causing them both to laugh.
"Hey Harry, d'you think the woman at the coffee shop would come dancing with me?" She asked him.
"Heck yeah! You're awesome at this- OW! Okay, you need practice but you're good for now" he let go of her and sat down in agony.
"Oh God" i sat next to him, a smile on my face.
"Hey" Harry looked at Paul. "I really want to hear your music"
"You will. Promise" Paul replied.

Mid eating lunch, Harry turned to me.
"Do they approve?" He asked.
"Heck yeah" i smiled, slipping my hand into his under the table while my family chattered away. "Welcome to my dysfunctional family"

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